
作者&投稿:常舍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

清明节来历:清明节又称绿色节日,清代节日,节日是中春和H春的交汇点。 清明既有自然和人文的内涵,也是自然和传统的节日。 清明节是一个传统的主要春节节日。 这是中华民族数千年来留下的优良传统。 它不仅有利于促进孝道,唤醒家庭记忆,而且有利于促进家庭乃至国家的凝聚力。 和一种认同感。
英语:Ching Ming Festival, also known as the Green Festival, the Qing Festival, the festival is the intersection of Zhongchun and Hunchun. Qingming has both natural and humanistic connotations, which are both natural and traditional festivals.
The Ching Ming Festival is a traditional major spring festival festival. It is a fine tradition left by the Chinese nation for thousands of years. It is not only conducive to promoting filial piety, awakening family memory, but also promoting the cohesiveness of family members and even the nation. And a sense of identity.
It's Qingming Festival tomorrow, it's time to go to paying respect to the dead.
On each Qingming Festival, all cemeteries are crowded with people who came to sweep tombs and offer sacrifices.
Winter have passed, and all things recovery, at this time, the annual Ching Ming Festival again.

Origin of Chinese firecrackers.

There's one old Chinese saying, that in ancient times, on the eve of new year, a ferocious monster called NIAN would appear and hurt villagers. The monster has one weekness, it fears blares and other big sounds. So, in order to drive NIAN away, each family fires the firecrackers to make blares on the new year eve. Year by year after that, it became a tradition in Chinese new year, and till now, you can see or hear the firecrackers or fireworks during Chinese Spring Festival.

As one of the most important sports in the world,basketall is more and more popular in china ,especially among teenagers.

why is basketall so welcoming?i think the first reason must be the midea,there are many tv programmes about basketball,such as the basketall park,the super weekend.they transported the value and the sport spirit of baketall.

Give a wide range of people the chance to fall in love with it.secondly ,playing basketball is good to your health ,both phisicaly can mentally.nowadays ,almost all the teenagers are under great pressure.

From schooling ,our parents ,the sociaty ,you name it .under this condition ,the basketall serves the best way to release the pressure and find some pleasure at the same time .

just imagine you are in a bad mood ,then you go to the basketall court ,you drible heavily on the ground ,slam the ball to the board ,do a fade away jumper,layup,you can do everything you want without hurting anyone.

Then after you finished ,you will find your sorrrow has gone ,and you are not so angry again.so thats one of the charming of the basketall.








The Art Of Basketball Handicapping

I remember 1984 well growing up in Cleveland. The Browns were struggling, the young Cavaliers hoped they had found a shining star in the NBA draft, and the Indians were still searching for their first World Series title since 1948. How times have changed! While the year might have been a bit thin on hope for Cleveland's pro franchises, '84 was more enriching for me. That's when I began my sports handicapping career examining basketball sides and totals. I started out strictly as a basketball bettor, doing very well, so much so that people in the sports information business began encouraging me to expand my talent, which eventually led to my moving to Las Vegas.

篮球的起源 1891年12月初在美国马萨诸塞州斯普林菲尔德市基督教青年会国际训练学校(后为春田学院),由该校体育教师詹姆斯·奈史密斯博士发明,当年的篮球规则只有13条,奈史密斯博士于1939年去世,终年78岁。他未曾料到,由他创建的篮球项目竟然在二百多个国家流传市面着,而且至今美国篮球还誉满全球。为...


NBA联赛是由美国“全国篮球协会(简称NBA)”创办的比赛,其比赛的激烈程度和水平之高被世人公认为世界之最。 1896年,美国第一个篮球组织“全国篮球联盟(简称NBL)”成立,但当时篮球规则还不完善,组织机构也不健全,常常一名队员在一个赛季中可以代表几个队参赛,经过几个赛季后,该组织就名存实亡了...


体育知识? 篮球?
☆1896年,美国第一个篮球组织“全国篮球联盟(简称NBL)”成立,但当时篮球规则还不完善,组织机构也不健全, 经过几个赛季后,该组织就名存实亡了。 ☆1946年4月6日,由美国波士顿花园老板沃尔特·阿·布朗发起成立了“美国篮球协会(英文简称BAA)”,BAA成立时共11支球队。布朗首次提出了高薪制和合同制,高薪制是指职业...


问一下 NBA 各支球对名字的来历,越多越好!!!
1937年组建的锡拉丘兹民族队随着NBL(国家篮球联盟)与ABB(美洲篮球协会)的合并,于1949年加入NBA,1963年迁到费城后改成“76人队”因为费城是1776年美国宣布独立的地方。 9、印第安纳步行者(Indiana Pacers):也有叫印第安纳溜马队。1976年加入NBA,步行者英文名字是“Pacers”,发音和“Pace car”非常相似,而“Pace car...


急用! 街头篮球游戏的英文介绍
街头篮球(street-ball)起源于美国,比赛并不需要在正规的篮球场上进行,在城市广场或街边开阔地化出半个篮球场大小的平坦硬地,树立一个篮球架,即可进行比赛。近几年三人篮球传入我国,在一些大、中城市已进辛硕啻伪热��苁苋嗣腔队�?讲到街头篮球文化,不可不提的就是纽约曼哈顿区的West 4th Street和哈林区...


科尔沁右翼前旗19648763161: 写一篇关于篮球的来源的英语作文100个单词左右 -
臾呢三七:[答案] I like playing basketball My extra-curricular life,is so rich and varied:reading,Internet,listen to music,playing basketball…… may be my favorite is playing basketball. Winter vacation day,and several students came to school on the playground playing ...

科尔沁右翼前旗19648763161: 一篇题为Thehistoryofbasketball英语作文:篮球的历史、发明人、起源、开始有13条规则、现在有61条、篮...一篇题为Thehistoryofbasketball英语作文:篮球... -
臾呢三七:[答案] Basketball has a long history.It was invented by a man called Smith in American in 1892.In the beginning it had only thirteen rules but now sixty-one.The plays includes ten who is sperated into two g

科尔沁右翼前旗19648763161: 求一篇[篮球发明史英语文章]注意是发明史不是发展史字数不限 -
臾呢三七:[答案] 这个是发明史 Basketball is still a young game.It is over a hundred years old.In the winter of 1891 a certain college was having trouble with boy students.The weather was so bad that the students had to stay indoors.Because they could not enjoy their ...

科尔沁右翼前旗19648763161: 我急需一篇关于篮球的英语介绍,讲篮球的起源和现在的发展情况! -
臾呢三七:[答案] 篮球艺术英语文章: The Art Of Basketball Handicapping I remember 1984 well growing up in Cleveland.The Browns were struggling,the young Cavaliers hoped they had found a shining star in the NBA draft,and the Indians were still searching for their ...

科尔沁右翼前旗19648763161: 写一篇英语作文有关篮球发展史的80词 -
臾呢三七:[答案] Basketball is still a young game.It is over a hundred years old.In the winter of 1891 a certain college was having trouble with boy students.The weather was so bad that the students had to stay indoor...

科尔沁右翼前旗19648763161: 英语作文;我爱的发明篮球5o字 -
臾呢三七: What will you do during your vacation? As for me, I can't stand just lying around the house and watching TV all day. What I really want is to go outside for some fun.I love basketball. When I play it, I feel power come from somewhere inside myself. ...

科尔沁右翼前旗19648763161: 一篇关于篮球的英语作文 小学 80词左右 -
臾呢三七: Basketball is one of the world's most popular and widely viewed sports. Basketball is a team sport. The idea of the game is to shoot a ball through a basket. Usually, two teams of five players play on a court with a basket at each width end. Typically, ...

科尔沁右翼前旗19648763161: 谁能给我一篇写篮球的英语小短文(浅一些的,单词稍微容易些的,小弟学艺不精,不懂长篇大论,呵呵) -
臾呢三七: 这篇写篮球的,很简单的了,后面还有中文意思了:)~~ My favorite activity is playing basketball. I started playing when I was in elementary school. I began playing it because all the other boys in my neighborhood enjoyed it. Now I play basketball ...

科尔沁右翼前旗19648763161: 以“Playing Basketball Is My Hobby”为题,写一篇英语作文(50词左右 -
臾呢三七: My hobby is playing basketball. I have played basketball since I was in primary school. I play basketball every day after school with my friends. Playing basketball is good for my health. It's great fun, too. I have made many friends when I'm playing ...

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