
作者&投稿:敛阁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Datong is famous for Yungang Grottoes,Yungang Grottoes is full of art,the ancient city wall of Datong is very high and wide,so it is very famous in Shanxi province ,Datong is also famous for Sliced noodles ,it is very delicious .兄弟,下个百度翻译吧,很方便,算你幸运遇到我,我最近也在啃英语呢。上面的翻译对不对不知道啊,大概意思应该没问题。


如果你是为了口头介绍自己的公司,可以说:My company is a nation-owned company, specialized in the business of chemical products.如果是书面介绍,可以说:The company is a nation-owned company specializing in the business of chemical products....

为它的主题, 希望它能继续推进城市发展并且帮助引起一种更好的都市的生活环境,正如主题一样: 更好的城市,好生活。 我想,作为在上海的一个学生,我们应该学习是一个温和的人并且今后保持良好的礼节。 并且为了流利地与外国人联系,努力实践更多的英语 不久。 因为,我们是上海的一部分!机翻译的 ...

Very happy can have the opportunity to participate this timeinterviews, now I come simple introduction I I call XX. My this year 23 years old, the family lives YunnanProvince Kunming. Graduates to the Anhui finance and economicsuniversity, my specialty is the electronic commerce.I am...

海南-天涯海角英文介绍-天涯海角英语导游词 Fellow friends:Welcome everybody to arrive motherland most South End city Sanya to go sightseeing the traveling. First asks everybody to turn on the glass to feel, the Hainan pure non- pollution air, the sunlight, the sea water, the sand ...

高分求英文翻译! 自我介绍!急!在线等!
cherish every chance we could do for passengers" in every flight.Thanks.对你的中文内容作了稍微的修改,有一个地方你要稍微注意一下,“the two years that I has worked”这个句子中从语法讲应该要在后面加一个“for”,但我如果加进去就感觉整个句子很怪,你可以自己在斟酌一下 Chinav2008 凌...

优美的英文句子带翻译的有:1、"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." - Eleanor Roosevelt。未来属于那些相信梦想之美的人。2、"In the midst of difficulty lies opportunity." - Albert Einstein。困难中蕴藏着机会。3、"Happiness can be found even in the...

“首先向我的冒昧打扰向您表示歉意,然后感谢您抽空看此封信件,以下是我的个人介绍。”这句话的英文翻译如下:First of all, I apologize for the interruption, and thank you for taking the time to read this letter. The following is my personal introduction.该语句的英文翻译基本采取的是直译...

中文翻译:西湖最具代表性的地标之一是断桥。这座优美的石桥承载着历史和神话传说,以白蛇传的爱情故事而著称。游客们在欣赏自然和古老文化的迷人结合时,可以感受到空气中的浪漫气息,沿着弯曲的小路漫步,被石栏杆和下面闪闪发光的湖水之间鲜明的对比所吸引。《介绍西湖》英语作文 篇三:The enchanting ...

我非常荣幸向你们介绍一句英文言语.It's my great honor to introduce this English proverb to you.这些就是我想向你们介绍的东西,希望你们能喜欢,我的演讲到此结束,谢谢 That is what I wanna say today,hope you like it,that's all,Thank you....

一、英语作文常用句子及翻译 1.There is no doubt that our educational system leaves something to be desired.毫无疑问的我们的教育制度令人不满意。2.So precious is time that we can’t afford to waste it.时间是如此珍贵,它经不起我们浪费。3.Rich as our country is, the qualities of ...

天全县14759355720: 根据以下提示写一篇英语短文介绍云冈石窟.(用五句话)位置:山西省大同市.始建于北魏时期,是举世闻名的艺术瑰宝.现状:近年来,大量工业粉尘(... -
泷祥扶达:[答案] Yungang Caves,which was originally built during the Northern Wei Dynasty in Datong, Shanxi Province,is known as world famous Treasure of Chinese Culture and Art.However,recently a large amount of indu...

天全县14759355720: 某中学生英语报正在征集关于国内文化古迹的学生习作,请根据以下提示写一篇120 词左右的英语短文介绍云冈石窟.位置:山西省大同市. 历史:建于北... -
泷祥扶达:[答案] The Yungang Caves in Datong Shanxi Prov?ince which were built during the Northern Wei Dynasty are one of the most ...amount of industrial dust in recent years. Many governments now make great efforts to protect cultural relics. In brief there is no ...

天全县14759355720: 大同的名胜怎样用英语表达?比如云冈石窟…
泷祥扶达: 云冈石窟(英语名), Yungang Grottoes 悬空寺 XuanKong temple恒山Hen Mountain 华严寺huayantemple寺庙是由他的汉语拼音和TEMPLE组成! (就知道这么多)

天全县14759355720: “名胜古迹”“云冈石窟”“悬空寺”用英文怎么说 -
泷祥扶达: Places of interests The Yungang Grottoes The Xuankong Temple

天全县14759355720: 英语翻译Buddhism in China:BeginningsBuddhism first reached China from India roughly 2,000 years ago,during the Han Dynasty.Han Dynasty China was ... -
泷祥扶达:[答案] 译文如下,费了一小时啊 佛教在中国的起源 约2000年前,佛教从印度传入汉王朝.当时的汉庭独尊儒术,以儒家思想维持社... 公元452年,太武帝崩,文成帝继位,结束了对佛教的镇压,并着手恢复佛教文化,其中包括复原壮丽恢弘的云冈石窟.

天全县14759355720: 善 化 寺 九 龙 壁 北岳恒山 云冈石窟 悬 空 寺 这几个单词如何翻译 -
泷祥扶达: 善 化 寺 Shanhua Monastery 九 龙 壁 Nine-Dragon Wall 悬 空 寺 Impending Monastery 北岳恒山 the North Mountain Heng 应县木塔 the Wooden Pagoda of Yingxian 云冈石窟 Caves of Yungang 华 严 寺 Huayan Monastery

天全县14759355720: 云冈石窟、五台山用英语怎么说??? -
泷祥扶达: Yungang Grottoes 云冈石窟 Wutai Mountains 五台山

天全县14759355720: 请问云冈石窟英语怎么说? -
泷祥扶达: 云冈石窟(英语名), Yungang Grottoes.(法语名), Grottes de Yungang.

天全县14759355720: 请问山西的名胜古迹用英文怎么说啊? -
泷祥扶达: 1、“华夏根祖”——洪洞大槐树 Root of China--The Grand Scholartree, Hongdong 2、“民族之魂”——黄河壶口 Soul of the Nation---Hukou Falls of the Yellow River 3、中国儒商第一家——常家庄园 Best Preserved Manor of Knowledged ...

天全县14759355720: 用英语为大同写一段广告词 -
泷祥扶达: 北岳恒宗,丹阁悬空,佛窟云冈,古城大同.Bukak Heng, Dan Ge hung, the ancient city of Datong Yungang caves.北岳恒宗,丹阁悬空,佛窟云冈,天下大同.Bukak Heng, Dan Ge hung, foku Datong Yungang.北岳恒宗,丹阁悬空,佛窟...

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