
作者&投稿:衡子 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

When it comes to the college entrance examination, people usually have a saying, " after all is fair ". I think not, and said, this is truly a doublespeak. College entrance examination has never justice; justice and happiness, never absolute.
From an examination of the identified, could be clearly seen, its purpose is to choose some people, instead of giving all give the so-called fair, objective has already established its injustice, not because it means is disclosed that it is fair, there is no test high school graduates are not eligible for social education resources? For various reasons, failed after suffering the students, their pain is deserved? Besides, originally around the education level is not the same, and the college entrance examination because of each district enrollment allocation number is over, obtain fractional line is not the same, is this fair?
But today we come to see, we can not because of starving when getting a steamed bread of happiness, and thought the steamed bread is always our happiness. Just, fair is always relative, happiness is relative, we should review and revise for many years as a "good thing " behind the defect.

题目:How to prevent H1N1
正文:Currently,many students seldom do sports for they have to prepare for the exams.Besides,too much homework has become one of the reasons why they are lack of exercise.In addition,some students have a bad habit of spitting everywhere.
In my opinion,doing some sports can make people feel relaxed and healthy and help them win the fight against the disease.And take time to clean up the classroom keep it ventilative can also prevent H1N1.And the most important things are that frequently washing hands,not spitting anywhere to keep a good habit.


Another round of College Entrance Examination has ended. I chatted with one of my neighbor who was worried about the exam few days ago. She told me that she was very anxious and afraid of the failure. I comforted her and told her my feeling when I confronted the big event in my life. One thing is definable: being tense is a normal thing among the students who were meeting the crossroad in their life though many people said that the entrance examination can not decide your fate. In my opinion, that election is meaningful in a degree. At least, it decides where you will spend your next four years. In fact, as a college student who had experienced the examination, I have the doubt that whether we looked the exam too upon that we missed something beautiful and interesting in our life. But do as Romans do, since we chosen this way, we should make it meaningful and cherish what we have by now.


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