
作者&投稿:伏怜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1.be in fashion,时髦,流行。

2.Would you like…?你愿意……吗? 这个句型常用于表示委婉的请求或提议:

Would you like to go with us? 你乐意与我们一起去吗?

3.as well,同时,也。通常用于句末。如:

He knows Spanish as well. 他还懂西班牙语。

too与 as well一般不用于否定句,否定句中用 either。

4.Could you…?您能……吗? 用于表示请求,比 Can you…?更加婉转客气:

Could you tell me the way to the post office? 您能告诉我去邮局怎么走吗?

5.like that one,像那件那样的。


语法 Grammar in use



A 大多数单音节形容词的比较级和最高级的构成是在其原级后面加上-er和-est:

small----smaller----smallest new----newer----newest

B 许多单音节形容词只有一个元音字母,其末尾为一辅音字母。在比较级和最高级形式中,这个辅音字母要双写:

big----bigger----biggest thin----thinner----thinnest

C 许多单音节形容词以-e结尾,如 nice。这些形容词只需在原级形式后加-r和-st:

large----larger----largest nice----nicer----nicest

D 有些形容词以-y结尾,而在-y前是一个辅音字母。这些形容词一般有两个音节。变为比较级和最高级时,-y要变成-i,末尾再加-er和-est:

easy----easier----easiest heavy----heavier----heaviest

E 但有少数形容词的比较级和最高级是不规则的,必须熟记,如:

good----better----best bad----worse----worst

F 大多数较长的形容词(即有两个以上音节的词)可与more连用构成其比较级形式,与most连用构成其最高级形式。



This coat is longer. 这件外衣较长。


That girl is the tallest student in our class. 那位姑娘是班上个子最高的学生。

词汇学习 Word study

1.compare v.


The article compares the different features of imported cars on the market.


Compared to our little garden, his garden seemed like a park.


2.suit v.


Finding a place that suits us all is very difficult.


‘One o'clock? That does not suit me.’



He would not be suited to the job. 他不适合干那份工作。

Blue suits her. 蓝色与她相配。

练习答案 Key to written exercises

Lesson 108


1 It is cool today, but it was cooler yesterday.

2 It is wet today, but it was wetter yesterday.

3 He's late again today, but he was later yesterday.

4 This test is easy, but that one is easier.

5 This bookcase is large, but that one is larger.


1 I am older than you are.

I am the oldest in the class.

2 I am taller than you are.

I am the tallest in the class.

3 I am lazier than you are.

I am the laziest in the class.

4 I am heavier than you are.

I am the heaviest in the class.

5 I am luckier than you are.

I am the luckiest in the class.

6 I am fatter than you are.

I am the fattest in the class.

7 I am thinner than you are.

I am the thinnest in the class.

8 I am bigger than you are.

I am the biggest in the class.


1 But that street is cleaner.

It is the cleanest street I have ever seen.

2 But that man is older.

He is the oldest man I have ever seen.

3 But that river is longer.

It is the longest river I have ever seen.

4 But that woman is shorter.

She is the shortest woman I have ever seen.

5 But that knife is blunter.

It is the bluntest knife I have ever seen.

6 But that car is cheaper.

It is the cheapest car I have ever seen


课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.be in fashion,时髦,流行。

2.Would you like…?你愿意……吗? 这个句型常用于表示委婉的请求或提议:

Would you like to go with us? 你乐意与我们一起去吗?

3.as well,同时,也。通常用于句末。如:

He knows Spanish as well. 他还懂西班牙语。

too与 as well一般不用于否定句,否定句中用 either。

4.Could you…?您能……吗? 用于表示请求,比 Can you…?更加婉转客气:

Could you tell me the way to the post office? 您能告诉我去邮局怎么走吗?

5.like that one,像那件那样的。


语法 Grammar in use


A 大多数单音节形容词的比较级和最高级的构成是在其原级后面加上-er和-est:

small----smaller----smallest new----newer----newest

B 许多单音节形容词只有一个元音字母,其末尾为一辅音字母。在比较级和最高级形式中,这个辅音字母要双写:

big----bigger----biggest thin----thinner----thinnest

C 许多单音节形容词以-e结尾,如 nice。这些形容词只需在原级形式后加-r和-st:

large----larger----largest nice----nicer----nicest

D 有些形容词以-y结尾,而在-y前是一个辅音字母。这些形容词一般有两个音节。变为比较级和最高级时,-y要变成-i,末尾再加-er和-est:

easy----easier----easiest heavy----heavier----heaviest

E 但有少数形容词的比较级和最高级是不规则的,必须熟记,如:

good----better----best bad----worse----worst

F 大多数较长的形容词(即有两个以上音节的词)可与more连用构成其比较级形式,与most连用构成其最高级形式。



This coat is longer. 这件外衣较长。


That girl is the tallest student in our class. 那位姑娘是班上个子最高的学生。

词汇学习 Word study

1.compare v.
The article compares the different features of imported cars on the market.

Compared to our little garden, his garden seemed like a park.

2.suit v.
Finding a place that suits us all is very difficult.

‘One o'clock? That does not suit me.’

He would not be suited to the job. 他不适合干那份工作。

Blue suits her. 蓝色与她相配。

练习答案 Key to written exercises
Lesson 108
1 It is cool today, but it was cooler yesterday.
2 It is wet today, but it was wetter yesterday.
3 He's late again today, but he was later yesterday.
4 This test is easy, but that one is easier.
5 This bookcase is large, but that one is larger.

1 I am older than you are.
I am the oldest in the class.
2 I am taller than you are.
I am the tallest in the class.

3 I am lazier than you are.
I am the laziest in the class.
4 I am heavier than you are.
I am the heaviest in the class.

5 I am luckier than you are.
I am the luckiest in the class.
6 I am fatter than you are.
I am the fattest in the class.

7 I am thinner than you are.
I am the thinnest in the class.

8 I am bigger than you are.
I am the biggest in the class.

1 But that street is cleaner.
It is the cleanest street I have ever seen.
2 But that man is older.
He is the oldest man I have ever seen.
3 But that river is longer.
It is the longest river I have ever seen.

4 But that woman is shorter.
She is the shortest woman I have ever seen.
5 But that knife is blunter.
It is the bluntest knife I have ever seen.
6 But that car is cheaper.
It is the cheapest car I have ever seen.

新概念英语第一册适合于英语基础差,想要在短期内掌握英语基础的学习者。掌握之后,可以参加中考一类考试。新概念英语第一册适合小学5~6年级学生使用;第二册适合初中1~2年级学生使用;第三册适合高中1~2年级学生使用;第四册适合高三~大一学生使用。学习新概念英语的方法 1、学习新概念的第一步,就是...





(4)英语入门级培训班的学员 (5)参加PETS一级B和二级考试的考生 学习目标:(1)达到初中或高中一年级的英语水平 (2)掌握英语初级语法 (3)应对一般的日常对话 (4)掌握800至1500个单词 第二册◎实践与进步(PRACTICE & PROGRESS)读者对象:(1)已经学完了《新概念英语》第一册或任何一种...

直到能够流利的说出来。双数课里会出现新的单词,务必要把单词运用起来。这是有录音的,可以到网上找到。好了,接下来我也要认真准备第一单元,找更多的素材,看看怎么把理论和实际练习起来。如果你也有自己教孩子英语的想法,让我们一起探讨吧,可以加我的微信号( NEC1_at_home) 分享经验。

定语从句 1.了解定语从句的构成,首先应了解一些相关的基本概念。a.被修饰的名词等成分通常叫做先行词;b.连接先行词和定语从句的词为关系词。2.定语从句由关系代词、关系副词和关系限定词三类关系词连接而成,这三种也将在定语从句讲解中一一说明。定语从句讲解关系词的具体用法 1.关系代词 which,who,...

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