so+形容词或副词+that 造句

作者&投稿:廖冯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
了解so that 和so…that的区别并造句~

1 so that
引导目的状语从句时,表示“以便;为了”,从句中常使用can /could /may /might /will /would /should等情态动词或助动词;引导结果状语从句时,从句中一般不用can和may等词,在so that前可以用逗号,意思是“因此;所以”.如:The little boy saved every coin so that he could buy his mother a present on Mother's day.
2 so ...that ..
so+形容词或副词+that ...引导结果状语从句.意思是“如此……以致于……”.如:When the football fans saw Beckham,they got so excited that they cried out.

so that
*Bring it nearer so that I may see it better.拿近一些,好让我看得更清楚些。
*He saved up his money so that he might go abroad for his summer holiday.他把钱积蓄起来,以便暑期能出国度假。
*Let's get ready now so that we can leave when Father comes.我们现在就准备好,等父亲一来我们就可以走了。
2. 以致于
George often told stories that weren't true, so that no one believed him when he told ahout a deer in the school yard.乔治经常讲些不真实的故事,因此当他说校园里有只鹿时,没人相信他的话。
*He injured his foot,so that he was unable to play in the match.他脚扭伤了,无法出场比赛。
*He has done so much in so short a time that almost everyone thinks that it is a miracle.他在这么短的时间里取得了这么大的成就,几乎每个人都认为这是奇迹。
*He was so ill that he couldn't go to school today.他病得很厉害,今天无法上学。
*The generation growing up with TV spend so much of their time in front of TV that they hardly have enough time to study.伴随着电视机长大的一代人在电视机前花的时间太多,没有足够的时间用来学习。

The car is so expensive that I can't afford it.

The desk is so heavy that I can't carry it.

你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)


1B),这是这么热的天,你可以煮鸡蛋在阳光下。 “这种'热的天”是一个名词短语,中心的'天'字。

2A),他是如此的愚蠢,他甚至搞砸了这个简单的游戏。愚蠢搞砸了这样一个简单的游戏。 '所以'与'哑巴'的形容词开关等:



I am so tired that I can't walk any more.

I was so sad that I can not do anything .

I worked so hard that I passed the exam.
The picture is so beautiful that all of us want to get it.

so that 和so …that 有什么区别?
例子2:She bought a new phone so that she could use it for work and personal purposes.(她买了一部新手机,这样她就可以用来工作和个人用途。)"so...that" 后接简单的形容词或副词短语,表示结果状语从句。例子1:The car was so fast that it won the race easily.(这辆车跑得太快...

重点词汇:only 词语分析:词语用法:adj. (形容词)only用作形容词表示“唯一的,仅有的”,可修饰单数名词,也可修饰复数名词。前面常加定冠词the或形容词性物主代词。当only与另一个形容词或数词连用时, only要放在它们前面。only除用于表示“独生子女”外,一般不用在不定冠词an之后。adv. (副词)on...

)须用 more 和 most 。可修饰比较级的词 1)a bit, a little, rather, much, far, by far, many, a lot, lots, a great deal, any, still, even等 2)还可以用表示倍数的词或度量名词作修饰语。3)以上词(除by far)外,必须置于比较级形容词或副词的前面。参考资料:百度百科 ...

时间频率副词 now,then,often,always,usually,next,lastday,already(已经),generally(一般地),frequently(频繁),seldom\/hardly(很少地),ever,never,yet,soon,too, immediately(立即),finally,shortly(很快), before, ago,sometimes, yesterday. once,twice,lately,recently,...

一、adj.(形容词)1、only用作形容词表示“唯一的,仅有的”,可修饰单数名词,也可修饰复数名词。前面常加定冠词the或形容词性物主代词。2、当only与另一个形容词或数词连用时, only要放在它们前面。only除用于表示“独生子女”外,一般不用在不定冠词an之后。二、adv.(副词)1、only用作副词时,意思...

Around通常用于描述位置、时间、数量或环绕等概念,而About主要用于表示关于某事或某人的内容,或用于数量的大致估计。Around更多用作介词或副词,而About可用作介词、副词或形容词。它们在释义、用法、使用环境、影响范围和形象上存在一些区别,具体内容如下所示。1. 释义区别 Around在附近,大约,围绕着。

例如: not good 跟 no good, 都是作为副词, 表示的意思都是不好。2、no 和not 这两个单词的元音字母o的读音不同。no的o 发音为长音 \/əʊ\/, not的o发音为短音\/ɒ\/。3、no 可以做形容词, not不能做形容词。no 作为形容词, 意思是 '没有'。例如: no room 没有房间, ...

英语里的n、adv。prep、v、pron、abbr、adj都代表的是什么词性_百度知 ...
n.是英文noun“名词”的缩写 adv.是英文adverb“副词”的缩写 prep.是英文preposition“介词”的缩写 v.是英文verb“动词”的缩写 pron.是英文pronoun“代词”的缩写 abbr.是英文abbreviation“缩写”的缩写 adj.是英文adjective“形容词”的缩写 参考资料:百度百科_词性 ...

2.No用于形容词、副词的比较级前,意思是“并不,毫不”。 We went no farther than the bridge.我们走到桥边就不再往前走了。3.用于加强语气。 I don’t believe it.No,not I.我不相信这事,不,我才不相信哩。4.用于表示惊奇、怀疑或不信。 He left yesterday.No.他昨天走...

conj = 连接词 ,conjunction的缩写。s = 主词 sc = 主词补语 o = 受词 oc = 受词补语 vi = 不及物动词,intransitive verb的缩写。vt = 及物动词,transitive verb的缩写。aux.v = 助动词 ,auxiliary的缩写。a = 形容词,adjective的缩写。ad = 副词,adverb的缩写。art = 冠词,article的...

通江县15532683415: so+形容词或副词+that 造句带翻译 -
唱万骁悉:[答案] The car is so expensive that I can't afford it. The desk is so heavy that I can't carry it. 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

通江县15532683415: 英语造句.so+形容词或副词+that.﹣﹣﹣如此.以至于. -
唱万骁悉:[答案] i am so tired that i have to go to bed.

通江县15532683415: 造句:so...that,用形容词和副词各造一句 -
唱万骁悉:[答案] He is so tall that he could touch the ceiling. He was driving so slowly that he caused a huge traffic jam.

通江县15532683415: 用形容词或副词的原级+that引导的状语从句 造句 -
唱万骁悉: I have so much homework that I can not watch TV. 我有太多的家庭作业 以至于我不能去看电视

通江县15532683415: so...that -
唱万骁悉:[答案] ★(一)so+形容词或副词+that ...引导的肯定的结果状语从句,意思是"如此.以致于.". 例如:When the football fans saw Beckham,they got so excited that they cried out. 当球迷们看到贝克汉姆的时候,他们如此激动以致于大喊大叫. ★(二)so+形...

通江县15532683415: so+(形容词) ...that ...造句 -
唱万骁悉:[答案] I am so tired that I do not want to do anything today.

通江县15532683415: 用形容词或副词的原级+that引导的状语从句 造句 -
唱万骁悉:[答案] I have so much homework that I can not watch TV. 我有太多的家庭作业 以至于我不能去看电视

通江县15532683415: 一个简单的英语造句用so that造句 so that不能分开 -
唱万骁悉:[答案] He tries his best so that he can pass the exam 附: so…that…与so that的用法 我们都知道so that引导目的状语从句,so…that…引导结果状语从句.它们有所不同,请注意下面几点: 1、在so…that…句型中,so后面加形容词或副词,其意为“如此…...

通江县15532683415: 英语so that 句型 -
唱万骁悉: 英语so that 句型如下: 1、so that引导目的状语从句时,表示“以便;为了”,从句中常使用can /could /may /might /will /would /should等情态动词或助动词;引导结果状语从句时,从句中一般不用can和may等词,在so that前可以用逗号,意思是...

通江县15532683415: so 和 that中间 什么时候用副词什么时候用形容词 最好有例句 -
唱万骁悉:[答案] I am so happy that I can's say anything. He runs so quickly that no one can catch him. so前面用be动词,系动词,感官动词(smell,look...)用形容词 so前面是动词用副词

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