最美妈妈吴菊萍 最美教师张丽莉 英语小作文 300字 要求1.对最美的理解 2.作为中学生如何践行"最美"二字

作者&投稿:恽高 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The most beautiful mother

To share a cell can be strangers to each other residents, a hand out to let the Chinese people touching stories. Aunt Wu Juping with the power of mother's love to struggle on line of life and death girl regain the hope of living. This is what I read" the most beautiful mother" deeds of the deepest feelings.

In July 2, 2011, Hangzhou City, a residential area in Binjiang District, a 2 year old baby girl climbs up to the window of ten buildings, suddenly, in an instant, the baby fell down from ten floor window. In contact with the ground of the moment, Wu Juping of 31 years old aunt with both hands to catch the child. The child 's life was saved, but aunt Wu Juping left hand comminuted fracture.

The injured aunt Wu Juping is very great, so netizens praise she is the most beautiful mother, and the government of Hangzhou awarded her the" three eight red-banner pacesetter" title of honor. Aunt Wu Juping while the left hand fracture. But her hands became the most beautiful hand, because the hands full of love.

The injured aunt Wu Juping is very great, she is only thirty-one years old. Although the left hand fracture. But, aunt Wu Juping didn't feel pity, because she used her hands to save a young life. Aunt Wu Juping is because of one kind of strength -- love, become "the most beautiful mother". Young, we often use" who grass-inch heart, reported in the apartments." Recite with maternal love;" there is only a good mother" to sing the maternal love; will use" deep mother love" to describe the love ... ... Now, in my opinion, the maternal love than those described her character more great.

The most beautiful mother, Wu Juping, she is so ordinary, however, she has a sincere sincere heart. Selfless broad love, can bring the beat all miracles, love can touch anything. The most beautiful mother Wu Juping, with a pair of the most beautiful hand, save a young life!

I found that the maternal love is a river, flowing to the sea. The world thousands on thousands of mother love merged into a vast ocean. Maternal love around us, but also very far. Originally, the maternal love is because of our existence and shine.




The most beautiful mother

In July 2, 2011, Hangzhou City, a residential area in Binjiang District, a 2 year old baby girl climbs up to the window of ten buildings, suddenly, in an instant, the baby fell down from ten floor window. In contact with the ground of the moment, Wu Juping of 31 years old aunt with both hands to catch the child. The child 's life was saved, but aunt Wu Juping left hand comminuted fracture.

The injured aunt Wu Juping is very great, so netizens praise she is the most beautiful mother, and the government of Hangzhou awarded her the" three eight red-banner pacesetter" title of honor. Aunt Wu Juping while the left hand fracture. But her hands became the most beautiful hand, because the hands full of love.

The injured aunt Wu Juping is very great, she is only thirty-one years old. Although the left hand fracture. But, aunt Wu Juping didn't feel pity, because she used her hands to save a young life. Aunt Wu Juping is because of one kind of strength -- love, become "the most beautiful mother". Young, we often use" who grass-inch heart, reported in the apartments." Recite with maternal love;" there is only a good mother" to sing the maternal love; will use" deep mother love" to describe the love ... ... Now, in my opinion, the maternal love than those described her character more great.

The most beautiful mother, Wu Juping, she is so ordinary, however, she has a sincere sincere heart. Selfless broad love, can bring the beat all miracles, love can touch anything. The most beautiful mother Wu Juping, with a pair of the most beautiful hand, save a young life!

I found that the maternal love is a river, flowing to the sea. The world thousands on thousands of mother love merged into a vast ocean. Maternal love around us, but also very far. Originally, the maternal love is because of our existence and shine.So we middle school students should learn from her such a find in helping others, dedication spirit

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笪卢复方:[选项] A. ②③ B. ①③④ C. ①②④ D. ①②③④

辰溪县17026111980: 最美妈妈吴菊萍事迹
笪卢复方: 2011年7月2日下午1点半,在杭州滨江区的一住宅小区,一个2岁女童突然从10楼坠落,在楼下的吴菊萍奋不顾身地冲过去用双手接住了孩子,目前小女孩已经好转,救人女业主吴菊萍,其手臂骨折,受伤较重,被网友称为“最美妈妈”.2011年9月12日,吴菊萍和坠楼女孩妞妞约好,回家过中秋团圆.2011年9月20日,在第三届全国道德模范评选中荣获全国见义勇为模范称号. 具体http://baike.baidu.com/view/6031012.htm

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