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 曲靖是古代爨(cuan)文化的发祥地,主要风景名胜有珠江源、爨宝子碑、爨龙颜碑、大理三十七部会盟碑、千佛塔及罗平多依河、九龙瀑布群、鲁布革风景区等。  曲靖市内每年举办罗平油菜花旅游节、陆良大型国际沙雕节、沾益珠江源旅游节、麒麟文化风情旅游节、宣威火腿文化美食节、会泽大海草山节、师宗菌子山旅游节等。这些大型节庆活动异彩纷呈,吸引着大量中外游客。 此外,曲靖还有迷人的民族风情,市境内居住着汉、彝、回、苗、壮、布依、瑶、水等8个主体民族,占人口总数7.8%的七个少数民族都有自己独特的语言、服装、风俗和信仰。布依族的三月三、彝族火把节、回族开斋 曲靖市罗平县油菜花海节、苗族花山节等传统节庆活动,以及耍龙灯、舞狮、踩高跷、划旱船、染花饭、打水枪、抢花炮等节日。可谓千姿百态,使人流连忘返。  曲靖主要旅游景点概览:·九龙瀑布 ·罗平多依河 ·陆良彩色沙林 ·罗平油菜花海 ·翠峰山 ·鲁布革小三峡 ·珠江源 ·菌子山 ·段氏与三十七部会盟碑 ·寥廓山森林公园 ·宣威东山·爨宝子碑 ·会泽以礼河 ·麒麟公园 ·天生洞 ·曲靖师范学院 ·九龙瀑布 ·罗平多依河 ·陆良彩色沙林   曲靖的城市风姿卓然,街道绿树成荫,在滇中城市群中其规模仅次于省会昆明。曲靖城以其别具风格的城市雕塑独显特色,目前已经落成的城市雕塑达十余处之多,散见于各个单位庭院的雕塑小品不计其数。作为曲靖城标的《麒麟仙女》以及《徐霞客》、《阿诗玛》、《耕耘》、《鱼的故乡》、《诸葛亮与孟获》(浮雕)等取材于曲靖历史文化的雕塑,不仅为了美化城市发挥了作用,而且鼓舞着曲靖人民不解努力,不断创造更加美好的生活。

Here are beautiful color sarin, all kinds of unique cultural landscape. People usually on March 3 day, held in color sarin bullfighting competition. One day people get together here, there are thousands and thousands of people. Remember one year have also invited domestic famous movie star to sing.




帮我写一篇英语作文!题目是I'm different from what I was two years...
I'm different from what I was two years ago的意思是我不同于两年前。 以下是三篇英语作文,希望对你能有所帮助。 一、英语作文 篇一 写作思路:这篇作文主要描述了我在两年前很缺乏自信主动性,不敢在公共场合发表自己的想法,总是担心别人的看法。但近两年,我为了超越自我而不断拓展自己,变得更加自信、开放...

She's always there for me when I need her.她总是在那里为我,当我需要她。She is my hero.她是我的英雄。

1、The ancients said: when have we reported wrongs and wrongs, we must forgive people and forgive others. We all know that this is a kind of tolerance, a broad mind, a kind of unrestrained chic, a great kind. So what is tolerance?古人云:冤冤相报何时了,得饶人处且饶人。

英语作文《the famous rabbit tortoise race》
要写一篇以“the famous rabbit tortoise race”为题的英语作文,可以从以下几个方面展开: 简单介绍这个故事的情节和背景; 探讨这个故事所传达的道理和价值观; 分析兔子和乌龟在比赛中的不同策略和表现; 总结这个故事对我们日常生活的启示和帮助。 以下是三篇以《the famous rabbit tortoise race》为题的英语作文,供...

we�d better do morning exercise every day, do sports frequently to make our bodies strong. Besides, we have to avoid too much work pressure. Getting too tired all the time may definitely weaken our defense system, making us get sick easily. Finally, we have to get ri...

last weekend英语作文80词
"Last Weekend"这个题目的英语作文可以从以下几个方面写: 活动安排:描述自己上周末做了什么,比如去了哪里旅游、参加了什么活动等等。 体验感受:分享自己在活动中的感受和体会,比如欣赏美景、结交新朋友、学到新知识等等。 与家人或朋友相处:介绍自己是和家人一起度过还是与朋友一起度过,并谈论他们的感受和互动。 个...

英语作文 The best book I've ever read 150-200字
以“The best book I've ever read”为题的英语作文可以从以下方面写: 介绍自己最喜欢的书籍名称和作者,以及这本书的基本情节和主题。 分析这本书对自己产生的影响和启示,如思想观念、人生态度、价值观等。 探讨这本书的文学价值和艺术特点,如语言表达、情节设置、人物塑造等。 强调这本书与其他同类书籍的区别和...

breakfast. You can see many students and teachers in the dinning room. After breakfast, I often read English with my classmates.通常起来在6:15早晨。 然后我在操场做早晨锻炼。 在6:40,我食用我的早餐。 您能看到许多学生和老师在dinning的屋子。 在早餐以后,我经常读与我的同学的英语 ...

以“My future life”为题写一篇60词左右的英语作文
以下是三篇以“My future life”为题的英语作文,供大家参考。 第一篇英语作文 写作思路:这篇英语作文主要描述了我未来的生活,包括我的职业、家庭和个人爱好等方面。 My future life In the future, I see myself as a successful businesswoman. I will have my own company and work hard to make it thrive...

作文如下:I am planing to travel to Suzhou a city called Eastern Venice.I wan to see the beautiful rivers with different kinds of bridges across it .Then most attracting scene is the Lining Park .我计划去苏州,一个叫东方威尼斯的城市。我想去看看美丽的河流,河上有各种各样的桥。

松岭区15929511711: 求一篇我的家乡——云南的英语作文,100字左右 -
呼绍百乐:[答案] Torch Festival - Yunnan national tourism festival,is the Torch Festival in Yunnan to the Yi,Bai mainly of the oldest traditional festival,the Torch Festival of Yunnan in the annual Lunar New Year is usually June 24 or 25.Torch Festival on the origins of Yunnan...

松岭区15929511711: 求一篇关于介绍云南的英文作文!内容要包括云南的省会 环境 人口 还要重点介绍一下云南特色的旅游景点!还有少数民族! -
呼绍百乐:[答案] 中文;少数民族:云南是中国少数民族最多的省份,除了汉族外,还聚居着26个民族,全省少数民族人口占总人口的近三分之一.不同的民族就有各自的特色,所以在云南,你可以领略到别的地方没有的民族文化花卉之乡:云南素有“...

松岭区15929511711: 求一篇100字的英语作文,题目我的家乡——云南 -
呼绍百乐:[答案] My home in Yunnan,the United States and picturesque landscape of Yunnan. 我的家乡在云南,云南山水美如画 Xiongqi spectacular deep canyon,Pentium river flow,waves Green Wave dense forest,bright red hills of Yamahana burning. 幽深的峡谷雄奇...

松岭区15929511711: 求一篇《我的家乡云南》的初中英语作文,200字,尽量简单. -
呼绍百乐: My home in Yunnan, the United States and picturesque landscape of Yunnan. 我的家乡在云南,云南山水美如画 Xiongqi spectacular deep canyon, Pentium river flow, waves Green Wave dense forest, bright red hills of Yamahana burning. 幽深的峡...

松岭区15929511711: 介绍云南的英语作文
呼绍百乐: 中文; 少数民族:云南是中国少数民族最多的省份,除了汉族外,还聚居着26个民族,全省少数民族人口占总人口的近三分之一.不同的民族就有各自的特色,所以在云南,你可以领略到别的地方没有的民族文化 花卉之乡:云南素有“植物王...

松岭区15929511711: 介绍云南的英语作文题目为我想去的地方是云南,要介绍云南的地理,人文,经济等等, -
呼绍百乐:[答案] Yunnan province is situated in the southwest of China which covers a total area of 394,000 square kilometers.And it is land of natural beauty and mystery.Today people think of it as a “frontier province”,which lie just below the Tibetan plateau and abut ...

松岭区15929511711: 急急急、求介绍云南的短文的英语作文 -
呼绍百乐: Yunnan province is our country the southwest border, south adjacent Vietnam and India. There are 26 nations, resources are abundant, there is also a tourist resort. Animals and plants varieties and the people are very hospitable. I hope you can go sightseeing.

松岭区15929511711: 一篇关于去云南旅游的英语作文,急急急,谢谢 -
呼绍百乐: Last summer holiday, I took a trip to Yunnan. It is in the southern part of our country .It is really a very beautiful place grand mountains, clean rivers and kind people. Trees and flowers are seen everywhere. Every year there are lots and lots of visitors. ...

松岭区15929511711: 急!关于向别人介绍云南的英语作文、 -
呼绍百乐: Yunnan province is situated in the southwest of China which covers a total area of 394,000 square kilometers. And it is land of natural beauty and mystery. Today people think of it as a “frontier province”, which lie just below the Tibetan plateau ...

松岭区15929511711: 《我可爱的家乡》在云南英语作文 60词左右 -
呼绍百乐: I went to Yunnan Province with my sister to enjoy my summer vacation. During the five-day trip, we visited many famous sites of interest in this province. Among them, Stone Forest in Lunan Yi Nationality Autonomous County leaves a deepest ...

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