make sure to do sth、be sure of sth、be sure that 、be certain of/about的区别

作者&投稿:祁黎 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
make sure of be sure about be sure of 的区别和意思~ sure of 确信,有把握
例:I hope you are sure of your facts我希望你能肯定你说的都是事实
2.make sure of 设法保证
例:they scored another goal and make sure of victory.他们又进了一球,以确保得到冠军
3. be sure of / about

1)He is sure to take good care of himself.
2)He is sure of taking good care of himself.
句1)中的非限定动词用不定式(to take),表示一个“未来的动作”【注1】。故句子指的是:“照料好自己”这个举动,他肯定会去做的。
在be sure to do sth结构中的be sure反映了“言语意向”(discourse orientation),即说话人的看法或判断。因此,汉语应译为“肯定”、“一定”、“谅必”、“势必”等等。
在be sure of doing sth结构中的be sure,反映了“主语意向”(subject orientation),即作为主语的人的看法或判断。因此,汉语应译为“确信”、“自信”、“信得过”、“有把握”等等。
3)My father is sure to live to a hundred.
4)My father is sure of living to a hundred.
正是由于“意向”所决定,包含be sure to do sth结构的句型 ,其主语既可以是人称主语,也可以是非人称主语。例如:
Tom is sure to help her.
We are sure to get a warm welcome.
Be sure to keep your eyes open for it.
It’s sure to be fine tomorrow.
This plan is sure to succeed.
而包含be sure of doing sth结构句型,其主语只能是人称主语,而不可能是非人称主语(除非指人格化的事物)。比如,可以说:
I’m sure of knowing you well.
Alan is sure of winning before the game.
*Such a book is sure of proving popular.
*The fish is sure of selling well.
以上情况,同样适用于be certain to do sth结构与be certain of doing sth结构。


make sure to do sth 就是sure后面跟动词不定式,有表示将来时的意味
如:i make sure to finish this work later.

be sure of sth/ doing sth 就是sure 后面跟名词或者动名词
如:i 'm sure of having finished this work

be sure that 就是sure 后面跟一个完整的从句,that 可以省略
如:i am sure that i will finish this work later

be certain of/about的用法跟be sure of 相似,后面跟名词或动名词

make sure to do sth 确保要做某事
be sure of sth 确信某事
be sure that + 句子 确信某事,或确信某事会发生
be certain of / about +介词或名词(短语) 确信某事


荔湾区19231125807: Make sure 后接 to do还是doing -
函施安乃:[答案] to do

荔湾区19231125807: make sure后接to do还是do -
函施安乃: make sure to do毫无疑问是正确的. 但是推荐答案中的第二种提法有点危险,很容易让人把do sth当成省略to的不定式作宾补. 其实 完整的说法应该是make sure (that)sb does sth.that常省略,宾语从句中的谓语do有人称、数和时态的变化. ...

荔湾区19231125807: Make sure 加 do sth 还是加 to do sth -
函施安乃: 英语里都是 make sure to do sth..如:Make sure to do the dishes. 记得一定要洗碗.Make sure to do your homework. 记得一定要完成作业.Make sure do sth 语法上是错的.

荔湾区19231125807: make sure to do sth、be sure of sth、be sure that 、be certain of/about的区别 -
函施安乃: 就是用法的区别,意思大致相同,表示“确定要做某事”make sure to do sth 就是sure后面跟动词不定式,有表示将来时的意味 如:i make sure to finish this work sure of sth/ doing sth 就是sure 后面跟名词或者动名词 如:i 'm sure of ...

荔湾区19231125807: 用make sure to do sth造句 -
函施安乃: 造句如下:1 I make sure to learn English well. 我确信,我能学好英语.2 I make sure to win the game.我有信心赢得比赛 请采纳,谢谢支持!

荔湾区19231125807: 用make sure to do sth造句 -
函施安乃:[答案] 造句如下: 1 I make sure to learn English well.我确信,我能学好英语. 2 I make sure to win the game.我有信心赢得比赛

荔湾区19231125807: make sure that与make sure to do与……doing ……of的区别与用法 -
函施安乃: * make sure that 后面跟从句,例如 Make sure that the firm's insurance cover is adequate (确保该公司上了足够的保险). * make sure to do 后面是不定式,例如 Make sure to meet them at the other end (确保在另一边与他们会合). * 没有 make sure doing ... of 的用法.

荔湾区19231125807: make sure to do和be sure to do有什么区别? -
函施安乃: make sure 一般用在句首,前面美有主语,表确定,证实;而be sure 前有主语,一般为sb. be sure to do sth./of sth./that

荔湾区19231125807: make sure的用法 -
函施安乃:[答案] make sure to do sth make sure + that 从句,( that 可省略如 Make sure to come here on time tomorrow . Make sure that you do it well . 如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助, 请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,

荔湾区19231125807: make sure to do与be sure to d 的区别是什么 -
函施安乃: 其实意思不一样. 前者是确保,务必的意思 后者是一定会做什么事 如果都翻译成“一定,肯定”,那就掩盖了区别,让人产生混淆.

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