
作者&投稿:底媛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. What is a ruler?
2. A ruler is a piece of plastic(or wooden) card marked with lengths.
3. There are different lengths of ruler.
4. The commonly-used length of ruler is one foot or one meter.
5. Students usually carry the 8 inches (or 30cm) ruler to school.
6. A ruler can be used to measure things.
7. Sometimes, the ruler is marked on instrument, such as that used for measuring height.
8. There are triangular rulers.
9. The size of a house can be measured with tape-rule.
10. British scale rulers are still used nowadays.
11. When did you measure things with a ruler last time?
12. It's easy to write 12 sentences about ruler.

There are rulers and pencils in the schoolbag on the back of the teacher


1、Time is like a ruler. It helps us measure the gains and losses of life.


2、Measure height with a ruler, weigh weight with a scale, measure truth with time and practice.


3、Time is like a ruler, which can measure the progress of the striver.


4、Often measure yourself with an honest ruler and adhere to treat others with honest words and deeds.


5、The high school entrance examination paper is a ruler with uneven scale: for yourself, the score of the problem is not necessarily high.


6、Xiaoming bought a new ruler, but Honghong accidentally broke it.


7、Often measure yourself with an honest ruler and adhere to treat others with honest words and deeds. Honesty is the most touching.


8、 He resented me for that ruler.


9、Li Hong and her brother lost both because of a ruler.


10、Pencil, pen, ruler and eraser fell asleep in the pencil box.


11、A ruler fell out of his trousers.


12、He rapped on the table with a ruler.


1.this is a ruler
2.I have here a large ruler.
3.the ruler is blue.
4.Could I use your ruler
5.There are some pencils, a pen, a ruler on the desk
6.This ruler is too long.
7.Place a ruler next to items like vases when taking photographs
8.Where is the ruler
9.You mean the ruler
10.Take a ruler, pen and paper and draw the design line
11.In my day, we had ruler fights
12. Lily's ruler is longer than my ruler

I have a ruler. No, it isn't my ruler. Could you please lend your ruler to me?
Is this his ruler? I used to have a lot of rulers. Please give me my ruler.
I don't like this ruler. This is his ruler. Those are her rulers. I like my ruler.
This is her ruler? Here is your ruler.

1、I lost the ruler 我的尺子丢了
2、This is my ruler 这是我的尺子
3、My ruler in the bag 我的尺子在书包里
4、Ruler on the desk 尺子在桌上
5、The minimum scale ruler is 1 mm 尺子的最小刻度是1毫米
6、This ruler is yellow 这把尺子是黄色的
7、Your ruler than my ruler range than the 10 centimeters 你的尺子比我的尺子量程多了10厘米
8、Your ruler is broken 你的尺子断了
9、This is his ruler? 这是他的尺子吗?
10、This ruler is very old 这把尺子很旧
11、This is a set square 这是一把三角尺
12、This ruler is too short 这把尺子太短了
13、This ruler is made of wood 这把尺子是木头做的


一动不动,好像在思考什么问题。说明文范文5:我的文具盒好像是一个大家庭,钢笔、铅笔、尺子、橡皮……统统是这一个大家庭的一个个成员,它们相互配合,帮助我完成一个个学习上的任务。天天跟着我上学。天天跟着我回家,陪着我做作业。 我的文具盒是那样的好。因此,我爱我的文具盒!

11、春蚕一生没说过自诩的话,那吐出的银丝就是丈量生命价值的尺子。 12、老师,您就是这希望与幸福的播种人! 13、新竹高于旧竹枝,全凭老干为扶持。明年再有新生者,十万龙孙绕凤池。 14、是宽容而不是纵容,是诱导而不是命令。 15、爱就是教育,没有爱便没有教育。 16、太阳下最光辉的职业是教师。 17、老老...


我决定把它珍藏起来,因为在那短短半截尺子里,凝结着我们深厚的友谊。 本回答由提问者推荐 举报| 答案纠错 | 评论(3) 170 78 其他回答 说起小伙伴,我有好多:邻居中的、幼儿园的,小学的,但要说最好的、最亲密的伙伴,就要数我过去的同学——杨益。 从一年级开始,一条友谊的锁链就把我俩紧紧连在一起。我...



12、女人如果不性感就要感性;如果没有感性就要理性;如果没有理性就要有自知之明;如果连这个都没有了,她只有不幸。 13、真正的自信来自哪里?来自自己尊重自己的过程。当我们开始把生活中境遇当做礼物来看待时,成长的动力便开始被挖掘 送给自己的一句话 1.不要为那些,不愿在你身上花费时间的人,而浪费你的时间。

积极正能量简短一句话 人的价值是由自己决定的
我们能做的只是拼尽全力,即使迈出的步子再小,也比昨天要更接近自己的目标。 100句简短的正能量一句话 1.不是境况造就人,而是人造就境况。 2.人生是一场旅行,在乎的不是目的地,是沿途的风景以及看风景的心情。 3.再长的路,一步步也能走完,再短的路,不迈开双脚也无法到达。 4.多一分心力去注意别人,就少...


听到这句话的尺子蹦了出来说:“你不要着急,别忘了,我可是这方面的专家啊!”说完就画了一条十分直的线…… 啊!文具盒你日复一日,年复一年的帮我保管学习用品,为我服务,谢谢你了,愿你和我共度童年的美好时光! 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 ...

博山区18981723444: 用尺子写12句话,要英文 -
蓍帘乳癖: 1.this is a ruler 2.I have here a large ruler. 3.the ruler is blue. 4.Could I use your ruler 5.There are some pencils, a pen, a ruler on the desk 6.This ruler is too long. 7.Place a ruler next to items like vases when taking photographs 8.Where is the ruler 9....

博山区18981723444: 用尺子写12句话,要英文 -
蓍帘乳癖:[答案] 1.this is a ruler 2.I have here a large ruler. 3.the ruler is blue. 4.Could I use your ruler 5.There are some pencils,a pen,a ruler on ... 9.You mean the ruler 10.Take a ruler,pen and paper and draw the design line 11.In my day,we had ruler fights 12.Lily's ruler is ...

博山区18981723444: 小学英语造句:pen钢笔 pencil铅笔 pencil - case铅笔盒 ruler尺子 book书 bag包 comic book漫画书 post car -
蓍帘乳癖: I have a bag.There are pencil-case,book comic book and post car in it.My pencil-case is very beautiful.There are pen,pencil and rule in it.

博山区18981723444: 用英语介绍自己有一把直尺,至少四句话 -
蓍帘乳癖: hi everyone. my name is...my first name is...and my family name is ...i was born in ...,and my chinese zodiac is... 大家好,我叫...我的名字是...我的姓是...我出生在...年,我的生肖是...

博山区18981723444: 用英文写寻物启事,你叫李明,捡到了一个文具盒,里面有一把尺子,一支铅笔,一块橡皮,电话是2367375.急 -
蓍帘乳癖: Found:A pencil-case. Is this your pencil-case? There is a ruler,a pencil and an eraser in it. My name is Li Ming. And my telephone number is 2367375. Please hurry up.

博山区18981723444: 一支黑色的和一把白色的尺子在桌上,还有五朵红色的话在桌上英语怎样写成一个 -
蓍帘乳癖: 一床红被子. a red quilt 一件黑夹克.a black jacket 一张绿地图.a green map 一把蓝尺子.a blue ruler 这是一本红书.This is a red book.

博山区18981723444: 用一把尺子编一句对话,不少于四个句子.
蓍帘乳癖: What's this in English? It's a ruler. Can you spell it? Yes, R-U-L-E-R

博山区18981723444: 这些尺子,用英语怎么说 -
蓍帘乳癖: 为了能让你能正确表述“这些尺子”,请给出一整句话.不同的语境会有不同的翻译,而且还涉及到是否要在英文中加一些量词来为文章增色.否则只给出你 such rulers 或 these rulers,你都无法取舍用哪个好.

博山区18981723444: 仿照例句,用“直尺”写一句话 -
蓍帘乳癖: 粉笔----身躯缩短了,生命的轨迹却延长了. 直尺----身躯挺的越直,生命的轨迹越长. 直尺----身躯不直了,生命的轨迹就停止了.

博山区18981723444: 那是你的尺子吗?这个句子用英文怎么写 -
蓍帘乳癖: Is that your ruler

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