mage16 <macros.h>头文件 求发一份邮箱

作者&投稿:鄹宇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
诊断 macroscopy什么意思~

destination folder must be empty的中文翻译destination folder must be empty 目标文件夹必须是空的


// Debugging support implementation -*- C++ -*-

// Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
// Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library. This library is free
// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
// any later version.

// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
// Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
// USA.

// As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
// library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate
// templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
// this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
// file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
// the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
// invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
// the GNU General Public License.

/** @file debug/macros.h
* This file is a GNU debug extension to the Standard C++ Library.


* Macros used by the implementation to verify certain
* properties. These macros may only be used directly by the debug
* wrappers. Note that these are macros (instead of the more obviously
* "correct" choice of making them functions) because we need line and
* file information at the call site, to minimize the distance between
* the user error and where the error is reported.
#define _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(_Condition,_ErrorMessage) \
do \
{ \
if (! (_Condition)) \
__gnu_debug::_Error_formatter::_M_at(__FILE__, __LINE__) \
._ErrorMessage._M_error(); \
} while (false)

// Verify that [_First, _Last) forms a valid iterator range.
#define __glibcxx_check_valid_range(_First,_Last) \
_GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(__gnu_debug::__valid_range(_First, _Last), \
_M_message(__gnu_debug::__msg_valid_range) \
._M_iterator(_First, #_First) \
._M_iterator(_Last, #_Last))

/** Verify that we can insert into *this with the iterator _Position.
* Insertion into a container at a specific position requires that
* the iterator be nonsingular (i.e., either dereferenceable or
* past-the-end) and that it reference the sequence we are inserting
* into. Note that this macro is only valid when the container is a
* _Safe_sequence and the iterator is a _Safe_iterator.
#define __glibcxx_check_insert(_Position) \
_GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(!_Position._M_singular(), \
_M_message(__gnu_debug::__msg_insert_singular) \
._M_sequence(*this, "this") \
._M_iterator(_Position, #_Position)); \
_GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(_Position._M_attached_to(this), \
_M_message(__gnu_debug::__msg_insert_different) \
._M_sequence(*this, "this") \
._M_iterator(_Position, #_Position))

/** Verify that we can insert the values in the iterator range
* [_First, _Last) into *this with the iterator _Position. Insertion
* into a container at a specific position requires that the iterator
* be nonsingular (i.e., either dereferenceable or past-the-end),
* that it reference the sequence we are inserting into, and that the
* iterator range [_First, Last) is a valid (possibly empty)
* range. Note that this macro is only valid when the container is a
* _Safe_sequence and the iterator is a _Safe_iterator.
* @tbd We would like to be able to check for noninterference of
* _Position and the range [_First, _Last), but that can't (in
* general) be done.
#define __glibcxx_check_insert_range(_Position,_First,_Last) \
__glibcxx_check_valid_range(_First,_Last); \
_GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(!_Position._M_singular(), \
_M_message(__gnu_debug::__msg_insert_singular) \
._M_sequence(*this, "this") \
._M_iterator(_Position, #_Position)); \
_GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(_Position._M_attached_to(this), \
_M_message(__gnu_debug::__msg_insert_different) \
._M_sequence(*this, "this") \
._M_iterator(_Position, #_Position))

/** Verify that we can erase the element referenced by the iterator
* _Position. We can erase the element if the _Position iterator is
* dereferenceable and references this sequence.
#define __glibcxx_check_erase(_Position) \
_GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(_Position._M_dereferenceable(), \
_M_message(__gnu_debug::__msg_erase_bad) \
._M_sequence(*this, "this") \
._M_iterator(_Position, #_Position)); \
_GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(_Position._M_attached_to(this), \
_M_message(__gnu_debug::__msg_erase_different) \
._M_sequence(*this, "this") \
._M_iterator(_Position, #_Position))

/** Verify that we can erase the elements in the iterator range
* [_First, _Last). We can erase the elements if [_First, _Last) is a
* valid iterator range within this sequence.
#define __glibcxx_check_erase_range(_First,_Last) \
__glibcxx_check_valid_range(_First,_Last); \
_GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(_First._M_attached_to(this), \
_M_message(__gnu_debug::__msg_erase_different) \
._M_sequence(*this, "this") \
._M_iterator(_First, #_First) \
._M_iterator(_Last, #_Last))

// Verify that the subscript _N is less than the container's size.
#define __glibcxx_check_subscript(_N) \
_GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(_N < this->size(), \
_M_message(__gnu_debug::__msg_subscript_oob) \
._M_sequence(*this, "this") \
._M_integer(_N, #_N) \
._M_integer(this->size(), "size"))

// Verify that the container is nonempty
#define __glibcxx_check_nonempty() \
_GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(! this->empty(), \
_M_message(__gnu_debug::__msg_empty) \
._M_sequence(*this, "this"))

// Verify that the iterator range [_First, _Last) is sorted
#define __glibcxx_check_sorted(_First,_Last) \
__glibcxx_check_valid_range(_First,_Last); \
_GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(__gnu_debug::__check_sorted(_First, _Last), \
_M_message(__gnu_debug::__msg_unsorted) \
._M_iterator(_First, #_First) \
._M_iterator(_Last, #_Last))

/** Verify that the iterator range [_First, _Last) is sorted by the
predicate _Pred. */
#define __glibcxx_check_sorted_pred(_First,_Last,_Pred) \
__glibcxx_check_valid_range(_First,_Last); \
_GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(__gnu_debug::__check_sorted(_First, _Last, _Pred), \
_M_message(__gnu_debug::__msg_unsorted_pred) \
._M_iterator(_First, #_First) \
._M_iterator(_Last, #_Last) \

// Special variant for std::merge, std::includes, std::set_*
#define __glibcxx_check_sorted_set(_First1,_Last1,_First2) \
__glibcxx_check_valid_range(_First1,_Last1); \
__gnu_debug::__check_sorted_set(_First1, _Last1, _First2), \
_M_message(__gnu_debug::__msg_unsorted) \
._M_iterator(_First1, #_First1) \
._M_iterator(_Last1, #_Last1))

// Likewise with a _Pred.
#define __glibcxx_check_sorted_set_pred(_First1,_Last1,_First2,_Pred) \
__glibcxx_check_valid_range(_First1,_Last1); \
__gnu_debug::__check_sorted_set(_First1, _Last1, _First2, _Pred), \
_M_message(__gnu_debug::__msg_unsorted_pred) \
._M_iterator(_First1, #_First1) \
._M_iterator(_Last1, #_Last1) \

/** Verify that the iterator range [_First, _Last) is partitioned
w.r.t. the value _Value. */
#define __glibcxx_check_partitioned_lower(_First,_Last,_Value) \
__glibcxx_check_valid_range(_First,_Last); \
_GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(__gnu_debug::__check_partitioned_lower(_First, _Last, \
_Value), \
_M_message(__gnu_debug::__msg_unpartitioned) \
._M_iterator(_First, #_First) \
._M_iterator(_Last, #_Last) \

#define __glibcxx_check_partitioned_upper(_First,_Last,_Value) \
__glibcxx_check_valid_range(_First,_Last); \
_GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(__gnu_debug::__check_partitioned_upper(_First, _Last, \
_Value), \
_M_message(__gnu_debug::__msg_unpartitioned) \
._M_iterator(_First, #_First) \
._M_iterator(_Last, #_Last) \

/** Verify that the iterator range [_First, _Last) is partitioned
w.r.t. the value _Value and predicate _Pred. */
#define __glibcxx_check_partitioned_lower_pred(_First,_Last,_Value,_Pred) \
__glibcxx_check_valid_range(_First,_Last); \
_GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(__gnu_debug::__check_partitioned_lower(_First, _Last, \
_Value, _Pred), \
_M_message(__gnu_debug::__msg_unpartitioned_pred) \
._M_iterator(_First, #_First) \
._M_iterator(_Last, #_Last) \
._M_string(#_Pred) \

/** Verify that the iterator range [_First, _Last) is partitioned
w.r.t. the value _Value and predicate _Pred. */
#define __glibcxx_check_partitioned_upper_pred(_First,_Last,_Value,_Pred) \
__glibcxx_check_valid_range(_First,_Last); \
_GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(__gnu_debug::__check_partitioned_upper(_First, _Last, \
_Value, _Pred), \
_M_message(__gnu_debug::__msg_unpartitioned_pred) \
._M_iterator(_First, #_First) \
._M_iterator(_Last, #_Last) \
._M_string(#_Pred) \

// Verify that the iterator range [_First, _Last) is a heap
#define __glibcxx_check_heap(_First,_Last) \
__glibcxx_check_valid_range(_First,_Last); \
_GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(std::__is_heap(_First, _Last), \
_M_message(__gnu_debug::__msg_not_heap) \
._M_iterator(_First, #_First) \
._M_iterator(_Last, #_Last))

/** Verify that the iterator range [_First, _Last) is a heap
w.r.t. the predicate _Pred. */
#define __glibcxx_check_heap_pred(_First,_Last,_Pred) \
__glibcxx_check_valid_range(_First,_Last); \
_GLIBCXX_DEBUG_VERIFY(std::__is_heap(_First, _Last, _Pred), \
_M_message(__gnu_debug::__msg_not_heap_pred) \
._M_iterator(_First, #_First) \
._M_iterator(_Last, #_Last) \

# define __glibcxx_check_string(_String) _GLIBCXX_DEBUG_ASSERT(_String != 0)
# define __glibcxx_check_string_len(_String,_Len) \
_GLIBCXX_DEBUG_ASSERT(_String != 0 || _Len == 0)
# define __glibcxx_check_string(_String)
# define __glibcxx_check_string_len(_String,_Len)


凤冈县19345161223: 求基于mega16多功能数字钟头文件的#include<macros.h>是什么 -
詹蚀养阴: #include

凤冈县19345161223: 单片机及编程 AVR ATmage16 中的7段数码管怎么用?
詹蚀养阴: 因为我也正好用到,早上起来专门写了一个,根据C51改编的,不多说上代码本来是动态图片的,估计上传不支持吧 #include<iom16v.h> #include<Macros.h> #include"MacroAndConst.h" uchar table[]={0x3f,0x06,0x5b,0x4f,0x66,0x6d,0X7d,0X...

凤冈县19345161223: 求一个Mega16的UART异步串行通讯C程序 -
詹蚀养阴: /******************************************************************* 实验名称: 串口通信实验 实验目的: 学习AVR单片机的串行通信功能 实验现象: 上点复位之后发送字符或者字符串 环 境: ICCAVR7.14C 时钟频率: 单片机外部8M频率的时钟 设 计 ...

凤冈县19345161223: 关于mega16中断服务程序
詹蚀养阴: 大概算了一下,你的定时器基本是200分频的主频,如果是1MHz的晶振那么进中断的频率基本是5KHz,这样频繁进中断,有可能影响到了你数码管的扫描.NUM应该是变化的,由于数码管驱动的原因看不出来了.你加大定时器的分频,试试.

凤冈县19345161223: 关于atmage16的单片机简单程序 -
詹蚀养阴: ADCSRA |= (1 << ADSC); //开始AD转换 是起动AD自动转换功能,转换频率可以设置相应寄存器来完成,当AD完成一次转换时会把AD中断标志ADIF置1,所以在没有转换完成时寄存器ADCSRA的ADIF位是0,(1<<ADIF)是把1左移ADIF位,也...

凤冈县19345161223: mega16 12M外部晶振 熔丝位设置 -
詹蚀养阴: 如果你烧写程序时,单片机熔丝位设置为外部晶振而你烧的时候没有外接晶振,那么就有可能锁死芯片.CKSEL0-4都打1.只要大于等于8M的外接晶振都是这样设置,这也是最高频率设置方案.

凤冈县19345161223: 求mega16 输出两路可调占空比pwm信号的程序 在线等 感激不尽 -
詹蚀养阴: #include <iom16v.h>#include <macros.h> void port_init(void) { PORTA = 0x00; DDRA = 0x00; PORTB = 0x00; DDRB = 0x00; PORTC = 0x00; //m103 output only DDRC = 0x00; PORTD = 0x00; DDRD = 0xff; }//TIMER1 initialize - prescale:1// WGM: ...

凤冈县19345161223: 关于MEGA16 的一个定时器 秒表程序 ,请教哪里错了,在开发板上只显示00,不读秒!
詹蚀养阴: 没看出来什么毛病,给你个建议你把num的初值设成12(只要不是零就行),如果还显示0,就是中断赋值有问题,如果是12就是没进中断.

凤冈县19345161223: 我的单片机处理控制8*8LED点阵屏的显示.由于仅采用一个8*8LED点阵屏,AVRmega16L单片机引脚数目足够, -
詹蚀养阴: 我帮你写了~~~记得给分#include <iom16v.h>#include <macros.h>#define uint unsigned int#define uchar unsigned char void time(uint z) //延时函数 { uint x,y; for(x=z;x>0;x--) for(y=10;y>0;y--); } uchar table[]= { //高位到低位0x7f,0xbf,0xdf,0xef,0xf7,0xfb,...

凤冈县19345161223: 单片机编程的头文件解释
詹蚀养阴: #include &lt;iom16v.h&gt; 其有有MEGA16的寄存器(如:PORTA)定义,还有些位变量定义,如:#define OCIE0 1 你可以打开看下里面的东西,你编译MEGA16时必须将这个头文件先包涵,否则会报错:XX寄存器没有定义. 还有就是...

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