
作者&投稿:国清 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Too much pressure and so little spare time make modern people tend to live a cosy life and no regular sport.( 这句子被我改写了下,它不符合生活,我们现在所向往的舒适生活是有质量的生活,没有运动休闲的生活是lazy and boring life (堕落无趣的生活)不是舒适的生活,这句话最主要的错误是trend,查查字典就知道,tend 和trend 很像,但trend 大都做名词,而make 后面所谓的动词原型,实际上是去了不定式to的,tend 多为此用法,省掉to 就可以看作make + sb+ to do sth . (注意:英语里面适合这种用法的动词通常都可以做形容词))。

I was on a hungry.
正确的表达:I was hungry.

If your father knew this,he would be angry. 要是你父亲知道了,他会生气的。
If it rained tomorrow,the sports meet would beput off. 要是明天下雨,运动会就推迟。
If it should rain,the crops would be saved. 要是有雨,这庄稼还有救。
If it should rain tomorrow,don’t expect me. 万一明天下雨,就不要等我了。
If I should be free tomorrow,I will come. 万一我明天有空,我就来。
3.从句谓语用were to+动词原形 (通常指可能性极小可或近乎不可能,有时指出乎意料):
If the sun were to rise in the west,my love for you would not change. 即使太阳从西边出,我对你的爱也不会变。
所以:If the sun were to rise in the west,I would marry you .

后面的would rise不对!应改成I could only marry you if the sun rose from the west.

If the sun rose from the west, I would marry you.
If the sun should rise from the west, I would marry you.

改:I would only marry you if the sun could rise from the west.

最好这样说:I will marry you if the sun rises from the west.

arrive是不及物的,有are就成了被动, “他们被到了”,你说对么

英语纠错-请问这是不是应该是to be?
succeed本身就是动词,怎么能直接砸前边加be动词呢?你只能说to be successful 注意一下“成功”的几个形式:1.名词:success 2.形容词:successful 3.动词:succeed(过去式和过去分词再加ed)英语专业八级,欢迎追问

[英文] 语法纠错
这道题“really”修饰的是“make me admire”,可以先把它括起来不考虑,所以很明显“make”是错的。第一种改法,“makes”,一般现在时;第二种改法,“made”,过去时。

need是情态助动词,也可以做普通及物动词 上面三句话是把need作为情态动词的用法和作为及物动词的用法混用,don't need是及物动词用法,need to为情态动词用法 想表示否定的意思,可用need not do sth表达

The stronger social moral sensibility one has, the more possibility that he\/she will become a social service volunteer one has.

急求此段英文的语法纠错 谢谢啦 在线等
In this cooperation activities project, I look forward to the direction of Professor by Dr. Edward Grant and Dr. Griff Bilbro. I will participate in their professional field of studies to help them complete their research projects and to learn cutting-edge academic knowledge. (这句改...

3 these energy is much enough, 这里的energy不可数,前面不能用these,改成 the要好点。much是形容词,不能用来修饰同样是形容词的enough。去掉much要好点。the energy is enough...4 Nealy all the metals just like light,gold water under this condition 这句没有谓语,而且我租知道你想...

英语句子纠错:What does he think the best time to come to China is...
What does he think [ the best time (to come to China )].这是个错句。what does he think ...是个完整的句子,主谓宾齐全。后面不能再加名词性的东西了。加介词短语,状语一类的东西还可以。所以,后面中括号的内容是个名词词组(中间含一个不定式做定语,它不能加在后面。可以这样修改:Does...

两句中的person都可以去掉,道理同“the rich”“the poor”,都是the+形容词表一类人的用法。另外,because the traffic light was no voice to warm them.应该改成:because the traffic lights have no voice to warn them 原因:红绿灯用单复数可能问题都不大,但个人认为复数比较好。而warm是...

回答:“今天去呢, 还是明天去呢?我实在拿不定主意。”

蓝田县15310857689: 英语纠错 - 请问这句话有错误吗? -
淡迫惠尔: 没有错误 现在完成时 表示现在的状态,说明自己现在没有女朋友. 如果要是说自己从没有女朋友,则用: I haven't got any girl friend ever.

蓝田县15310857689: 英语纠错 - 请问这句话有错误吗?I have never gone to London -
淡迫惠尔:[答案] 改为I have never been to London.我从未去过伦敦.have gone to意为“到某地去”,说话时该人不在现场,一般不用第一人称、第二人称代词作句子的主语.如:—Where is Jim?———吉姆在哪里?—He has gone to England....

蓝田县15310857689: 英语纠错 - 请问这句话有错误吗?Neither you nor me am bad people -
淡迫惠尔:[答案] 主语错了,应该是nor I am. 建议不要做纠错题,有时候错题会给你留下不好的印象

蓝田县15310857689: 英语纠错 - 请问这句话有错误吗? -
淡迫惠尔: 很明显错了.whether表示是否的意思,而你后面的we have enough time or not.也表示是否有足够的时间.所以说,whether 或者or not ,二者删除一个即可.eg:It depends on whether we...

蓝田县15310857689: 英语纠错 - 请问这句话有错误吗?when the man saw the car accident on the highway,he stopped in order to offer help -
淡迫惠尔:[答案] 语法上没错误的.

蓝田县15310857689: 英语纠错 - 请问这句话有错误吗?I am the teacher of youI am your teacher.为什么一个有the一个没the -
淡迫惠尔:[答案] 因为第二个句子前面已经有your这个物主代词了,所以不再用定冠词修饰. 第一个句子teacher前面加the表示特指,是你的老师.

蓝田县15310857689: 英语纠错 - 请问这句话有错误吗?e.g:They had wanted to help but could not get there in time.他们本来打算去帮忙,但没有及时赶到那里.We had hoped to be ... -
淡迫惠尔:[答案] 请问 这是文章里的么? 这两句中 都用到了 过去完成时(他表示的时间是过去的过去,形式是 had done) 像过去完成时 一般要有具体语境才可以用..第一句问题不大,第二句就有点罗嗦了 当然在语法上也是没有问题的 .. 欢迎追问!~

蓝田县15310857689: 英语纠错 - 请问这句话有错误吗?She began working as a librarian after she left school我觉得她离开学校是在她去工作之前,那是不是就得用had left? -
淡迫惠尔:[答案] 无误,离开学校是瞬间动词不需要had left

蓝田县15310857689: 英语纠错 - 请问这句话有错误吗?Looking round, I realized with a shock that I was the only passenger left on the bus.还是Looked round, I realized with a shock ... -
淡迫惠尔:[答案] It's been a long time not hearing form you.正确It's been a long time not hear form you.错误(has been 是动词,谓语动词;not hear也是动词,一句句子里面不可以同时有2个(以上)动词【并列句的动词除外,这里是...

蓝田县15310857689: 英语纠错 - 请问这句话有错误吗?How about going fishing? -
淡迫惠尔:[答案] 没有错误,完全正确附赠用法how about doing sth功能一:当对方谈论的事情不明确,需要询问清楚时,可用这一句型.如: I'd like a cup of tea. How about you? 功能二:向对方提出建议或请求,相当于句型Would you like....

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