
作者&投稿:星树 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

What kind of matter has let linda, with the most healthy mood, feel sad?
I think I 've got the way.

Do not be way too sure.


Dear Professor Yee,

Good day!

I have seen the EAAL treatment for cancerpatient conducted by your team and you on the news.
Knowing that the patient has been cured andthere is no recurrence for the following 2 years, I would very much interestedin putting my wife’s case up for your clinical trial if there is such a possibility.

My wife is recently diagnosed with ovarian malignant teratoma.
If there is the possibility in joining yourclinical trial, I would send you the reports and diagnosis of her case to you ASAP.
In the case that you would not be able toaccept her case, would you be kind enough to give me some advice(s) on what Icould do to better fight against the cancer with my wife?
Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

细胞免疫疗法 - EAAL(Expanding Activated Autologous Lymphocytes)
卵巢恶性畸胎瘤 - ovarian malignant teratoma

完全手工加人工,希望对你有帮助(By xiaotian264)

Dear Wenty:
I like your impersonation in Prison Break, especially Mic, you showed all his imperturbation as well as sagacity, and her characteristic to face extremity sturdily has been completely visualized by you, which appears to be infective. With the compact story in Prison Break, we almost got immerged overwhelmingly. Another reason to our fondness on Prison Break is the relationship like love and affection between characters were so attractive while were shown smoothly and not ardently. Now we're longing for the Season 4.

Me and thousands of your Chinese fans are thirsty of your performance in your future films and would support you all through.

I'm wondering how long will it spend for the letter to arrive on you, no matter what, happy birthday to you.(别提外国人的年龄,你一定要说的话,就自己改一下吧。)
And wish you together with your Prison Break to achieve greater success, and wish myself to obtain your signature and poster.

Dear wenty:
I very much like you in the "escape" in the performances, especially for the mic this role, I think you have to calm him, wisdom, as well as adherence to struggle in a hopeless situation, such as character played by the head, and I was infected. "Escape" in many cases set design is very tight, so people see suffocating, and resort. Like "Escape" for another reason: in the performance of the love and affection protagonist, the plot is so soothing, the feelings between them was not enthusiastic performance, but can understand people not to give up between them, it is like this feeling. Now, really hope to see as soon as possible the fourth quarter.
I, as well as many of your sincere hope that the China fans in your future career in the performing arts can wait until better development, and also hope to see more from you interpret wonderful film. We will continue to support you in China.
Do not know how long letter to be sent to you there, if fit, then: 36-year-old a happy birthday!
Finally, I wish you and the "escape" to achieve greater success, if possible, I hope you can get the signatures and posters!

Dear Wenty,
I like your performance in "Escape" very much, especially for the role of Mic. I think that you have presented his calmness, wisdom, as well as the desperate struggle in hopeless situations very well. It influenced me very much. The plot of "Escape" is very tightly designed. It makes people breathless when watching it. It is unforgettable. Another reason why I like "Escape" is the outstanding performance of love and affection between the two main characters, where the plot is very soothing. There was no heated affection, but the audience can understand the unbreakable bond between them. I like that feeling very much. As of now, I really hope to see the fourth season as soon as possible.
I, as well as your devoted fans in China sincerely hope that you will be successful in the career of performing arts in the future. In addition, we would like to see more of your exciting performances. We will, as always, support you from China.
I do not know how long it will take for the letter to arrive in your hands. If it is in time, then happy 36th birthday!
Lastly, I wish you and "Escape" would achieve a greater success. Also, if it is possible, I hope to recieve your signature and posters!

不是机器翻译, 因此意思可能一点改动而且比较口语化


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每个人都有家乡,家乡哺育了我们,家乡是我们的最牵挂的地方。下面我整理了给家乡的一封信400字范文,欢迎阅读。给家乡的一封信400字范文篇一 美丽的家乡:你很美,简直美得象天仙一般。瞧,太阳公公刚起床,你就梳理你的头发——森林,打扮你的小脸——土地。你很美,也...


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藤邵瑞力:My love for you I once expressed no longer lasts, instead, my distaste for you is growing with each passing day. Next time I see you, I even won't like that look yours. I'll do nothing but look away from you. You can never expect I'll marry you. The ...

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藤邵瑞力:[答案] Dearmun:亲爱的妈妈:Is it good that you are recently?你最近好吗?I went home by 1 the end of this months !I be homesick!我1月份就回家了!我好想家啊!You are at ease,I certainly don 't fails to ive!Study...

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藤邵瑞力: Dear Mommy,It's my first time to write to someone and I 'd like to share some feelings with you. I know you and Dad are so busy for our company every day that you can't spare some time to play with me.While for so many times I have been sitting ...

翠屏区18454774218: 求大神们帮帮忙,要一篇400字左右的英文情书,不要抄袭,谢谢了 -
藤邵瑞力: There is one person, her appearance, gently my years 有那么一个人,她的出现,温柔了我的岁月 There is one person, her appearance, bright my love 有那么一个人,她的出现,璀璨了我的年华 Hold your hand and grow old together with you 执子...

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