
作者&投稿:鄣炒 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

In a hot summer day,I suddenly felt a bit uncomfortable,Mum guess I was suffering from heat exhaustion,it twisted me,Ah!Really heat up.On the neck of purple black,dead,cannot eat snacks.Night,I do summer jobs in rice store,my mother came back home meal delivery for the cat to eat.After a while,I'm busy with boring,make a phone call to MOM," Beep!Beep!"" Hey,I found doing?" Calling the head voice of a mother." You come back soon,by the way:I buy something to eat!" My " little greedy cat " said.About had has almost half a hours,mother sweat of back has,two a hand in also respectively took has a chicken fin and a a chicken thigh,are is spicy of,I can eat,looking a looking mother,she to with I buy eat of,has specially of from I home there go a bending,to " series series fragrant " shop in to I buy,you see,she who of clothes has was sweat playing wet has I can't help of to that chicken thigh to mother eat,I eat chicken fin,mother pleased of laugh has,probably is because this is I head once sensible of sake 's!
By this time,I love my mother is,but I usually don't notice!I love you -- MOM!


I was not able to cheer up when I knew we would travel to Hainan in five days as it was planned. Two weeks before, my parent decided to arrange a summer family vecation to Hainan for three weeks. I was very excited to hear the plan at first as I had never been to Hainan before. My excitement had turned to a concern a week later after I received a letter from my cousin who just received an offer from Beijing University. He told me he could not be excited to the offer after he learned that he needed a fee of 8000RMB a year to study in Beijing and thought about giving up the offer because that was beyond the afforability of his family. I decided to talk with my parents after three days hesitation.I told them I would rather stay at home and cancel our holiday to Hainan to save the money for my cousin. My parent were very pleased to my suggestion and we immidiatly wrote a letter to my cousin and asked him not to give up. Together with the letter we sent him a check of 30000RMB. I believed we made a right decision. Although I was not able to spend a holiday in Hainan that summer and have never been there until now, I am more pleased than I did it.

when i was studying in junior two,my father has promised me to travell to Hainan.
my cousin has attended a famous university in Beijing,but there family didn't have enough money to pay for the tuition fees.
finally i decided to support my cousin to go to collage.
i konw that my decision is right



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