
作者&投稿:尚叙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Dirty Diana歌词中文翻译~

Dirty Diana 肮脏的戴安娜

You'll Never Make Me Stay 你从来都不让我停留
So Take Your Weight Off Of Me 所以你影响不了我
I Know Your Every Move 我知道你的一举一动
So Won't You Just Let Me Be 所以你不要为难我
I've Been Here Times Before 我曾来过这里许多次
But I Was Too Blind To See 但我却没有看见你引诱男人
That You Seduce Every Man
This Time You Won't Seduce Me 所以我想这次你也不会引诱我

She's Saying That's Ok 她说没问题
Hey Baby Do What You Please 你可以随心所欲
I Have The Stuff That You Want 我拥有你想要的东西
I Am The Thing That You Need 我正是你所需要的
She Looked Me Deep In The Eyes 她深情地望着我
She's Touchin' Me So To Start 她开始抚摸我
She Says There's No Turnin' Back 她说已经无路可退了
She Trapped Me In Her Heart 她已经把我困在心底

Dirty Diana, Nah 卖弄风情的戴安娜
Dirty Diana, Nah 风情万种的戴安娜
Dirty Diana, No
Dirty Diana
Let Me Be!

Oh No . . 不要这样
Oh No . . .
Oh No . . .

She Likes The Boys In The Band 她喜欢乐队里的男孩
She Knows When They Come To Town 她知道当他们来到镇上
Every Musician's Fan After 每一个他们的歌迷都会在幕后
The Curtain Comes Down
She Waits At Backstage Doors 她在后台的门口等着
For Those Who Have Prestige 那些有威望的
Who Promise 能使她拥有财富和荣誉
Fortune And Fame, A Life That's So Carefree 生活得无忧无虑的人
She's Saying That's Ok 然后她说没问题
Hey Baby Do What You Want 做你想做的事吧
I'll Be Your Night Lovin' Thing 我将成为你今晚的爱人
I'll Be The Freak You Can Taunt 我可以任你辱骂
And I Don't Care What You Say 我也不在乎你说什么
I Want To Go Too Far 我只想走得很远
I'll Be Your Everything 我能成为你任何东西
If You Make Me A Star 只要你能使我成名

Dirty Diana, Nah 风骚的戴安娜。。。
Dirty Diana, Nah 肮脏的戴安娜。。。。
Dirty Diana, No
Dirty Diana . . .
Dirty Diana, Nah
Dirty Diana, Nah
Dirty Diana, No
Dirty Diana . . .
Diana! 戴安娜
Diana! 戴安娜
Dirty Diana 赤裸的戴安娜
It's Dia . . .Aa . . .Aa . . .Come On!? 戴...安...娜.... 快..!

She Said I Have To Go Home 她说:我必须要回家
'Cause I'm Real Tired You See 因为我疲倦难堪
But I Hate Sleepin' Alone 但我会孤枕难眠
Why Don't You Come With Me 难道你不想陪我
I Said My Baby's At Home 我说:我的宝贝在家
She's Probably Worried Tonight 她也许在担心我
I Didn't Call On The Phone To 我没有打电话去
Say That I'm Alright 说我今夜平安无恙

Diana Walked Up To Me, 戴安娜走上前来
She Said I'm All Yours Tonight 说今夜我属于你
At That I Ran To The Phone 我跑去拿起电话
Sayin' Baby I'm Alright 给宝贝报个平安
I Said But Unlock The Door, 并叫她不要锁门
Because I Forgot The Key 因为我落了钥匙
She Said He's Not Coming Back 戴安娜急忙插道:他不会回了
Because He's Sleeping With Me 因为他枕边有我

Dirty Diana, Nah 无耻的戴安娜!别……

Dirty Diana, Nah
Dirty Diana, Nah
Dirty Diana, No
Dirty Diana, Nah
Dirty Diana, Nah
Dirty Diana, Nah
Dirty Diana . . .
Come On!
Come On!
Come On!
Come On!...


  Dirty Diana 卖弄风情的戴安娜
  You’ll never make me stay 你既然从不想我留下
  So take your weight off of me 也就别给我增添麻烦
  I know your every move 何不放我过往
  I’ve been here times before 我曾多次到此
  But I was too blind to see 盲目得竟没发现
  That you seduce every man 你在诱惑所有的男人
  This time you won’t seduce me 但这次我将不再上当
  She’s saying that’s ok 她说那没关系
  Hey baby do as you please 宝贝,你爱怎样就怎样
  I have the stuff that you want 我有你要的东西
  I am the thing that you need & 我能满足你的欲望
  She looked me deep in the eyes 她幽幽地盯着我
  She’s touchin’ me so to start 开始抚摩我
  She says there’s no turnin’ back 她说没有机会回头
  She trapped me in her heart 我被她捕获在心房
  Dirty Diana 卖弄风情的戴安娜啊
  Let me be 放过我
  Oh, no
  She likes the boys in the band 她喜欢乐队里的小伙
  She knows when they come to town 她知道他们的日程
  Every musician’s fan 谢幕之后
  After the curtain comes down 她要与每个乐师套上近乎
  She waits at backstage doors 静静在后台等待
  For those who have prestige 声名显赫的歌王
  Who promise fortune and fame 他们许诺财富和名望
  A life that’s so carefree 还有无所忧虑的生活
  She’s saying that’s ok 她说那没关系
  Hey baby do as you want 嘿宝贝,你想怎样就怎样
  I’ll be your night lovin’ thing 我可以当你今晚的尤物
  I’ll be the freak you can taunt 也可作你发泄的对象
  And I don’t care what you say 我不在乎你的言谈
  I wanna go too far 我只想从中拿到更多
  I’ll be your everything 只要你让我名声在望
  If you make me a star 我就任你摆布
  Dirty Diana 卖弄风情的戴安娜啊
  Let me be 放过我
  She said I have to go home 她说“我得回家,
  ’Cause I’m real tired you see 你看我真的很累,
  Now I hate sleepin’ alone 我不喜欢孤枕独眠
  Why don’t you come with me 为何不来陪我一晚?
  ”I said my baby’s at home 我说“我有宝贝在家
  She’s probably worried tonight 今晚她会害怕
  I didn’t call on the phone 我还没打电话
  To say that I’m alright 告诉她我万事无恙
  ”Diana walked up to me 戴安娜径直向我走来
  She said I’m all yours tonight 她说“今夜我全属于你
  ”At that I ran to the phone 听到这我跑向话亭
  Sayin’ baby I’m alright 去告诉我的宝贝我一切无恙
  I said but unlock the door 我说但别把房门锁上
  ’Cause I forgot the key 因为我忘带了钥匙
  She said he’s not coming back 她插话说“他不会回去
  Because he’s sleeping with me 因为他要与我同眠
  ”Dirty Diana 卖弄风情的戴安娜啊
  Let me be 放过我

La notte scorsa ho avuto un brutto sogno And it blew my head away Ed è fatto esplodere la mia testa via And there was not solution E non c'era soluzione And I've been awake all day E sono stato sveglio tutta la giornata And all I see is horror E vedo solo orrore And it creeps beneath my skin E si insinua sotto la mia pelle And I'm knockin' for my nightmare E sto knockin 'per il mio incubo But it just won't let me in Ma semplicemente non mi e There were Grandmas that were choking Ci sono stati Grandmas che erano soffocamento And clinging to the necks E aggrappato al collo And the mothers they just lied there E le madri che hanno appena vi ha mentito While blood gushed from their heads Mentre il sangue dai loro capi gushed And the fathers they were screaming E padri erano urlare While priests were being sick Mentre i sacerdoti erano ammalati And the vomit hit the ceiling E il vomito colpito il soffitto While the blood was running thick Mentre il sangue è stato eseguito spessa And the goths all ran off naked E la goths tutti correvano off nudo And the punks all started crying E tutti i punks iniziato pianto And the rockers they all fainted E che tutti i rockers svenuti Cause there was no denying Causa non vi era alcuna negando That the hands of human nature Che le mani della natura umana Had surely come to blows Aveva sicuramente fare a botte And the end of earth is here E la fine del mondo è qui And only Jesus knows E solo Gesù conosce But the fathers they were laughing Ma i padri sono stati ridere Down the public house Giù il pubblico House And the demons they all ran in E tutti i demoni che correva in And threw the fathers out Padri e gettato fuori And they stabbed them in their bellies E hanno pugnalato nella loro ventri And they ripped off arms and legs E hanno strappato al largo braccia e gambe But the demons started joking Ma i demoni iniziato scherzando And had a drink instead E aveva invece un drink But the fireman they were on strike Ma il pompiere erano in sciopero So they could not resolve Così che non poteva risolvere And the army cut the phone lines L'esercito e le linee telefoniche tagliate So they were not involved Così che non sono stati coinvolti And while all this was happening E mentre tutto questo accadeva I was fast asleep Sono stato veloce addormentato With a very foolish nightmare Con un incubo molto sciocco And memories I won't keep E non mi ricordi mantenere So I woke up in the morning Mi sono svegliato la mattina With an idea for a song Con l'idea di una canzone And I knew that this would come out E io sapevo che questo sarebbe venuto fuori And I know it wouldn't be long E so che non sarebbe lungo
昨晚我也有一个不好的梦 And it blew my head away它引爆我的头距离 And there was not solution有没有解决方案 And I've been awake all day和我已经完全清醒了一天 And all I see is horror和所有我看到的是可怕 And it creeps beneath my skin这讨厌的家伙下方我的皮肤 And I'm knockin' for my nightmare我敢敲入'为我的噩梦 But it just won't let me in但它只是不会让我在 There were Grandmas that were choking有阿公被哽塞 And clinging to the necks并抱住了脖子 And the mothers they just lied there和母亲,他们只谎称有 While blood gushed from their heads而血液涌出头 And the fathers they were screaming和父亲,他们尖叫 While priests were being sick而神职人员正在生病 And the vomit hit the ceiling和呕吐物击中天花板 While the blood was running thick而血液运行厚 And the goths all ran off naked和哥特所有冉小康裸体 And the punks all started crying和朋克都开始哭起来 And the rockers they all fainted和摇滚,他们都晕倒 Cause there was no denying原因是没有否认 That the hands of human nature这双手的人的本质 Had surely come to blows已肯定来打击 And the end of earth is here和结束时,地球是在这里 And only Jesus knows只有耶稣知道 But the fathers they were laughing但父亲他们开怀大笑 Down the public house降低市民家 And the demons they all ran in和恶魔,他们都在冉 And threw the fathers out并义无返顾的父亲列 And they stabbed them in their bellies他们刺伤,他们在自己的肚子 And they ripped off arms and legs他们被炸飞的胳膊和腿 But the demons started joking但魔开始说笑 And had a drink instead并进行了酒后,反而 But the fireman they were on strike但消防员,他们就罢工 So they could not resolve因此,他们解决不了 And the army cut the phone lines和军队切断电话线 So they were not involved因此,他们不介入 And while all this was happening而这一切,又是发生 I was fast asleep我是快睡着 With a very foolish nightmare一个非常愚蠢的梦魇 And memories I won't keep与记忆,我不会保持 So I woke up in the morning所以,我醒来时是在早上 With an idea for a song同一个想法,为一首歌 And I knew that this would come out我知道,这将出来 And I know it wouldn't be long我知道,它会不会很长

梦魇 用英文怎么说
梦魇的英文:nightmare 一、nightmare 读法 英 ['naɪtmeə] 美 ['naɪt'mɛr]n. 恶梦;梦魇般的经历;梦魇 adj. 可怕的;噩梦似的 短语 Nightmare Runner 噩梦跑酷 ; 逃离噩梦 ; 噩梦奔跑者 Unplugging Nightmare 噩梦 ; 香港版 Erotic Nightmare 勾魂恶梦 ; 勾魂噩梦 ;...

nightmare是噩梦的意思。nightmare是一个英语单词,意思是噩梦。简要释义 n.恶梦,噩梦;梦魇般的经历;adj.可怕的;噩梦似的。双语例句 1、These things are nightmares in my heart.这些事情就是我心中的梦魇。2、I have been having the same nightmare recently.我最近一直做着同样的噩梦。3、Oh, m...

“恶梦”的英文:nightmare nightmare 读法 英 [ˈnaɪtmeə(r)] 美 [ˈnaɪtmer]1、作名词的意思是:噩梦;<口>可怕的事情,无法摆脱的恐惧;泛滥成灾;紧张 2、作形容词的意思是:可怕的,噩梦似的 词汇搭配:nightmare scenario可能发生的最糟情况...例句:1、Taking...

n. 恶梦;梦魇般的经历 adj. 可怕的;噩梦似的梦魇 不可做动词讲,不可数名词

nightmare的意思是噩梦。1. 基本含义:nightmare是一个英文单词,作为名词使用时,它的基本含义是“噩梦”。2. 具体应用:在这个词中,“night”表示夜晚,而“mare”在古英语中是对女巫的称呼,结合起来,nightmare指的就是令人恐惧、压抑的梦境。这种梦境往往充满恐怖、...

nightmare 英 ['naɪtmeə] 美 ['naɪt'mɛr]n. 恶梦;梦魇般的经历 adj. 可怕的;噩梦似的 I had a nightmare last night.我昨夜做了一个恶梦。

nightmare 一、含义:n. 恶梦;使人极其痛苦的事情或经历;梦魇。二、用法 night,夜晚,mare,女妖精,梦淫妖,词源同murde。原指夜间与男人交媾的女妖,使人窒息和虚脱,后引申词义噩梦。Will I wake up from this nightmare?我会从这个恶梦中醒来吗?近义词:bad dream 一、含义:不好的梦, 糟糕...


Nightmare的基本意思 Nightmare是来自英语词汇的一个词,意为“噩梦”。这个词语通常用来形容一个充满恐惧和不安的、常常逼近着我们的梦境。噩梦是一种睡眠时出现的梦境,通常在人们深度睡眠的过程中出现。这些梦境的内容和情感往往是非常消极的,像是在经历某种糟糕、可怕的事情。噩梦会让人感到不适,影响到...

其实,nightmare 中的 mare 不是“母马、母驴”,而是古英语中的一种妖怪,类似 goblin (地精)或incubus (梦淫妖)。人们相信这种妖怪会在人的睡梦中掐住人的脖子,使人窒息而 亡。由于恶梦常常使人感觉到窒息,因此人们便认为恶梦是 mare ...

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圭包灵津: nightmare官方网站,有详细的资料和MTV ナイトメア于2000年结成,他们主要以出生地仙台作中心活动. NIGHTMARE成军五周年,柩&YOMI版乐队结成史: 最初是柩召集的乐队成员,但那时候的他完全不...

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