
作者&投稿:针泄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Friends are important for us, everyone has their own friends, we share sorrow and happiness with our friends. We are making new friends now and then, but it is hard to find the genius friends, the trust between friends are hard to build. If the trust exists, friends can talk anything, they are willing to show who they are in front of their friends. While if the trust doesn’t exist, the friendship is not real deep, people will ask you when they are in trouble. The real friendship is built on the basis of trust. My best friend will never ask me to do thing all the time, instead, she cares about me, and comforts me when I am upset. That’s a real friend.

Friendship, like a lamp, lights up your heart. Friendship, like a guide, guides you forward when you are at a loss. Friendship, like a flower, perfumes our hearts. Friendship is like... A person's can drive away the loneliness and pain in my heart, bring me joy. Friend, he keeps me away from in me countless confidence and happiness—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article.
He has a pair of bright eyes under his thick eyebrows, a high nose and white skin. He is my good friend, Yefa. I have known Yefa for more than a year. He brings me joy and brings……

Yefa, he is my biggest rival in learning. He is diligent, inquisitive, respectful and friendly. He is an example to the students. Because of him, I have to study harder, because our goal is the same, is to win the first grade.
In every big exam, either I or he is the first (at present, I have won more than him). If he does not do well in the exam, he will certainly sum up his experience, study hard, improve his shortcomings and make himself better. He will never give up because of a failure. On the contrary, he will find out the reason and study harder. I have to work harder and study harder.
Because we are classmates, we are always able to talk about learning and ideals together. These are the joys brought to me by the industry.

A true friend is sweet, between, should close, have mutual affinity. But to maintain and develop friendship, friends and friends, the key is as follows:
1, trust is a bridge of friendship between friends to trust each other, as the saying goes: "people in heart, 5 in half jins of". "People who believe, the following. Can you with sincerity, took out his sincerity, others will also with the same attitude toward you. You ask others to trust you, will adhere to a "sincerity", to meet, loyalty, honesty and frankness subsistence. This is not only a person, but to friends.
2 and magnanimous cluster friends: irren ist menschlich? Only the broad-minded, delicate features, can make more friends. Your friend may have shortcomings, may also make some mistakes. You should learn to tolerate munificent magnanimous, the faults of others, and to help each other to counsel, enthusiastic truth. Even between good friends and sometimes difficult to have some differences and conflicts, and, if not misunderstanding, should be more principles, addition, laugh. Generosity is able to friends in the criticism, and can realize outspoken criticism of friends, is a true friend.
3, the tribulation of friendship: friend is sincere friendship, like-minded, not by words, or heavy gift. Disgusting, materials, using the exchange, even the people of the treacherous, is that we should carefully TuQi. True friendship, should withstand the test of time, also can withstand the test environment. At a critical moment, affliction, a simple greeting, a practical support to express feelings between friends.
4 miles, hair, send isn: bosom friends, is spiritual interaction and communication, often a ShiJian paper, a small souvenir, can make friends to appreciate your eloquently. Visible, friends, and not in the gift exchanges between the weight of the gift, but lies in choosing good gifts. Thus, even a small gift is not high value, will make friends heart, deepen the friendship between.
5 and split into enemy: not parents, friends or attitudes.their will happen. No matter what the reason for your friends and don't break, malicious, personalities, and should be good. People say: gentleman handed over the past, not ESheng. If you decide to break off with a friend, also can choose a variety of measures, such as: the conversation candid - can tell him, why can't you be a friend, he can understand you. Text messaging - if you tear open face face, can send a message that ties. You don't have to take from - direct action, but gradually alienated each other, if a person is a wise man with long, also can understand.



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