
作者&投稿:璩剑 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 If you want to visit Chengdu, come in July.
2 You can get a glimse of the way people in Chengdu enjoy their live
3 Everybody can find his or her fun, and nobody will leave this city with regret

i make notes in the back of my diary of things to be mended or replaced
it has been directed against those least able to retaliate

1 我们在这家宾馆住,比那一家可以便宜100元
We will stay in this hotel. It is 100 yuans cheaper than the other one.

2 网上购买的物品比较便宜,也方便,不用外出购物了,很多年轻人喜欢网购。
It is easy and convenient as well to do shopping on line. It is not necessary to go shopping outdoors. Many young people like shopping on line.

3 我的背包 肩带,缠绕在一起,解不开了,您能帮我解开吗?
说明:这里指 单肩包
The straps of my bag are tied up, unable to untie. Can you help me to untie them?

4 你的鞋带松了,你可以把它系的紧一些
Your shoe strips get loose. You may tighten them a little.

5 他比我预想中的 还要厉害 / 还要弱
He is stronger/weaker than I imagined.

6 他们比预计时间早到了3小时 / 晚到了3小时
He arrived 3 hours earlier/later than they expected.

7 我原本是要在国庆节期间, 去杭州找她一起玩的,因为她临时有事情要出去,我只好取消了这次行程,我们都感到非常遗憾。只要约定下次再一起玩了
Originally, we planned to go to Hangzhou to hang around with her during the National Day period. But I have to cancel the trip because she has something unexpected to do. We all feel sorry. We have agreed to hang around next time.

8 这是我最后一个要求了,以后不会 再提要求了 / 不会再向你们提要求了
This is my last demand. I will not demand any more in the future. We will not demand you to do anything.

1.For we that are in this hotel, the home can be cheaper than 100 yuan
2.Online purchase cheaper, convenient also, need not go out shopping, many young people like online shopping.
3.My backpack straps, intertwined, broken, can you help me with this?
Note: here it refers to the single shoulder bag
4.Your shoelace got loose, you can tie it some of the tight
5.He than I expected too much / still weak
6.They earlier than planned to 3 hours / 3 hours late
7.I have during the national day, went to Hangzhou to find her, because she had a provisional work to go out, I had to cancel the trip, we all feel very sorry. As long as the agreed to play together next time
8.This is my last request, won't ask / never to you ask for

I am lucky because I have a six-month English course here.

1对话可能有些长,请耐心 The conversation seems to be a little long. Patient please!2可能我们会在补课班中偶遇 Maybe we'll come across each other in tutoring class.3每个人的想法都很丰富,希望你们实现 Everybody has rich ideas. Hope your dream will come true.(Hope you can realize...

5.Is there any valuables in it?

1.我退休后,将要驾车周游美国。After my retirement, I will drive my car around USA.2.这个百货店明天上午8点营业。The department store will open at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning.3.他下周这个时间正在海边晒日光浴。He will having a sun bath at this time next week.4.快的,音乐会现在...

1、我觉得很难理解他。(find)--I find it very hard to understand him.2、美国有份工作要聘请我去做。(offer)---There's a job offtered to me in America.3、我们班同学的年龄从18岁到20岁不等。(vary from...to...)--My classmates vary in age from 18 to 20.4、情况要求...

两个工人互相合作修理破碎的管子(cooperate)two workers cooperated with each other in the repair of the broken pipes.有些人认为他很粗野,但情况并非如此。(the case)some people think he is very rude, but that's not the case.我会尽我所能帮忙,但我所能做的也有限。(a limit to)...

12.上个星期,他们在公园里玩的很高兴 They (have) a (happy) (time)in the park (last)Sunday 13.有两个儿子,1个10岁,1个15岁 He (has) two sons. (One) is ten,(another) (one) is fifteen (years)(old)14.他只是个12岁的孩子 He's only a (twelve)-(year)-(old) boy ...

during vacations is ok, but the situation is totally different during school time.3。我时代电视上有很多好节目,但是你最好不要看肥皂剧,我认为那样很浪费时间 Nowadays, there are lots of great TV programs. But don's choose to watch soap operas, they're just a waste of time....

2.I was caught in the heavy rain yesterday. When I got back home, I found myself wet all over.3.Have you got the latest news of Shenzhou6's launching?4.He was not at the spot where the murder took place at that very moment.5.The trustees who were at the meeting had...

2.The idea sounds a little strange,but it really makes sense.3.John looks like a good guy,even so, I don't trust him.4.If he talks about the past, you will never get away from him.5.The rate of unemployment has a increasing tendency in winter.6.With my frequent ...

柳江县13089841375: 翻译几个句子
乐正莫金口: 翻译为中文:1:不需要别人 ,我要的是你 ,是你的温柔微笑 no need others but you, i need you, i need your gentle smile!2: 当你进入我视线的瞬间 whenever you come in my sight, 当你占据我内心的瞬间 whenever you hold my inner-heart, ...

柳江县13089841375: 翻译几个句子
乐正莫金口: 1She could not but stay for one month in the hospital . 2Mary will move toward Canada . 3How long has your winter vacation 4Do you know the number of factory workers? 5I have gotten sick, wants please three days to assume6My homework on ...

柳江县13089841375: 翻译几个句子
乐正莫金口: 1.Both the e-mail and the telephone play an important part in our daily communication. 2.He patted the child's head, and went out. 3.It depends on the number of guests that how manys things we should prepare. 4.After a long time thinking, he finally ...

柳江县13089841375: 翻译几个句子! -
乐正莫金口: 1, My mom used to tie up my hair to this kind style when I was a little kid. 2, The...

柳江县13089841375: 翻译几个句子
乐正莫金口: 1、go to the park to take a walk or jog. 2、play golf with friends. 3、plant flowers and trees in the garden. 4、eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. 5、have a good rest to keep mood. 这些都不能说是句子吧!没有主语,希望我的回答对你有帮助!

柳江县13089841375: 翻译几个句子(译成英语) -
乐正莫金口: 1.一顶黄色的帽子 a yellow hat / cap2.一件红色的体恤 a red T-shirt3.四个大书包 four big bags / schoolbags4.两件绿色毛衣 two green sweaters5.一把长尺子 a long ruler6.三

柳江县13089841375: 翻译几个句子
乐正莫金口: Guangzhou is one of the largest city in south China. 2 the duck than the hen weighs little. 3 this bag is the most expensive in four. 4 I more clever than her. 5 mike is our school's coolest teacher

柳江县13089841375: 翻译几个句子
乐正莫金口: 1 好事不出门,坏事传千里 2 只有明智的父亲才会懂得孩子的心思 3 弥漫在天空中沙子迫使着你倾斜着身子

柳江县13089841375: 帮忙翻译几个句子,谢谢! -
乐正莫金口: 1.风神毁灭了沿途的房屋和庄稼.豪雨和洪灾也敲响了其尾随而来的警钟.2.他也在代表团内补充发布了关于重建的最新消息.3.星期天,在柏林黄金联赛只有她的第四场两圈以上的比赛中,帕梅拉·杰...

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