
作者&投稿:村狠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

爱在身边作文600字 有一个温馨的字眼,叫爱。它无声,但温暖;它朴素,但温馨;它如一缕阳光,温暖人们的心房;它如一丝春风,安抚人们的悲伤;它如一滴露水,滋润人们的心田。 温暖--家 “乖乖,做作业累了吧,来,把可可奶喝了,把点心吃了,休...

A rainy Day
the weather was so bad today as well as my mood.i failed in my test and was scolded by my teacher.i was so upset because i had try my best and spent a lot of time doing exercise.to make things worse,it started to rain when the class is over.
i stared at the gray sky,wondering whether i should to run in the rain.suddenly, someone patted my shoulder.i turned back immediately and find it was my best friend.saying nothing,he give me his umbrella with a smile.i felt so moved and warm.

i am a grade-three student in a middle school.I will become a high-school student next year,so i am going through an important time of my life.At extent,It decedes who i am going to be.
I am sure to be very busy this year.I have made some plans which can make me reach my final target step by step.Of course,it is reasonable to have a rest sometimes.I have made my daily schedule already.I think i will go through a busy and full year.I am confident that i will succed in pasting the final exam.God bless me!

Nowadays many people study without a right purpose. Many still think that studying and having good marks is for parents to be happy and so. That's why many people don't study, because they don't have a specific goal other than impressing their parents. There are other reasons of course, like the main purpose is just to get high marks or their only urge to study is a bet and a future. Knowledge is not just to get high marks or a good job, it is to enrich your life. And remembering knowledge doesn't mean you can use it, that's why sometimes a person on the streets will know more about how to live than a person in a rich family. They didn't really learnt it but they used it wisely. Our attitude towards studying should be as positive as ever so we can get the information into our minds.

I am a grade-three student in a middle school.I will become a high-school student next year,so i am going through an important time of my life.At extent,It decedes who i am going to be.
I am sure to be very busy this year.I think i will go through a busy and full year.I am confident that i will succed in pasting the final exam

I am very busy doing my homework every day. I study hard ,and I am good at schoolwork, we get up early,and stay up late at night.So I am extremely tired . I want to join music club to make me relax. I hope you can understand me .I will pay more attention to ...

英语作文 英语作文 假如你是初三学生林方,Mr Brown你班的新外籍英语教师...
Dear Mr Brown I'm glad to tell you something about my school life. My name is Lin Fang, I usually get up at 6:30 in the morning and go to school at seven. Classes begin at 7:30. We have eight classes every day.There are four classes in the morning,and four classes...

对于初三学生来说,英语学科的学习不仅增加了词汇量、知识量,还在能力上对大家提出了更高的要求。因此,初三的同学现在就要学会用更好的方法学习英语。如何才能学好英语呢?以下是我分享给大家的学好初三英语的方法的资料,希望可以帮到你! 学好初三英语的方法一 正确的学习态度和良好的学习习惯是成功基石 1.要养成预习的...

i don't agree with them.because Learning is a long process rather than

初三英语作文,题目 How do you learn English?(你是怎样学习英语的...
然而,在一开始,倾听对我来说似乎有点困难。所以我一直在做很多听力练习,比如听磁带,看英语电视节目。我发现这真的很有帮助。事实上,有一些更有用的方法来学好英语。For example,I enjoy singing English songs and I want to join an English club or find a pen pal from English-speaking ...

I have changed a lot. I used to be short when I was younger, but now I am tall. I used to spend a lot of time playing games with my friends, but now I have to study all the time. I used to be quiet, but now I’m outgoing and active. I often take part in all...

1) 数学。你也应该清楚了,理化科目到短期内想提高只能通过大量做题,熟悉多种题型才能提高,建议你多做点中考综合卷,其实中考题型就那么多,你可以从里面找出试题规律,到初三了再想去从头看书显然不现实,针对性做题吧……2)化学。初三化学还是比较好学的,初三化学课本只是浅尝辄止,若只是想学好课本...

急需一篇 作为初三学生对未来的规划 英语作文(60~80词)如果可以的话带...
翻译:我热爱化学。 自从我8岁生日那天,我的母亲为我买了火山爆发模型作为我的生日礼物后,我就被化学深地吸引了。 如今,我即将毕业从初中毕业,并在学习的道路上迈下一步,我真的很想探索理科这个领域。 这两年我一直为高中入学考试做准备。 而现在,我已经准备好去选择一所理科学校,帮我继续探索...


英语作文 你在学习英语时有什么困难 谁帮助了你 他给了你什么建议 80单...
book in order to get the foundations that we need for basic communication, this is essential but as i said, this is only a foundation, what you develop afterwards all depends on your ability to adapt to an environment and your courage.同学,如果解决了你的问题,记得给好评哦~

会泽县18288845535: 一篇英语作文(初三) 假如你是新华中学一名初三毕业生.请根据以下要点给某英文报写一篇英语短文,谈谈你对初三生活的看法.(1)对获得的帮助表示感... -
茆晴西诺:[答案] 只能给你一个:Above all, want to have the good habit of consciousness, those are good habits, and those who are bad ... the good habits is a relatively long time, at the beginning of the need to remind yourself of conscious. Slowly, it is a habit later in life,...

会泽县18288845535: 关于初三学习生活的英语作文一切变得忙碌起来,我们必须每天学习,虽然很压抑但却让我们为自己的美好明天而努力奋斗.以上述材料为主题写一篇50--60词... -
茆晴西诺:[答案] Everything is getting busy and messy around when I become a junior in middle school. I have to study everyday. I can't miss any single second to do my homework and to practice sample tests. Even this...

会泽县18288845535: 初三英语作文:初三生活即将结束谈收获及打算 -
茆晴西诺: I can't feel we have entered into grade, the third day of life have bitter tears, happy are sad, every day for us is to write one caboodle don't finish homework, we would like to rebel once, but was right after all but our mom and dad. Alas, such being the ...

会泽县18288845535: 关于初三学习生活的英语作文 -
茆晴西诺: Everything is getting busy and messy around when I become a junior in middle school. I have to study everyday. I can't miss any single second to do my homework and to practice sample tests. Even this kind of crazy studying life make me dizzy ...

会泽县18288845535: 英语作文初三即将毕业,你的生活和以前相比有哪些变化?你对未来高中生活有怎样的期待?请你从学习、生活等方面,写一篇作文,描述你初三的生活,... -
茆晴西诺:[答案] Several months later ,l'll leave to high school. Now , l'm hard-working. Because l want to get a good grades.l used to often play in my free time . ...

会泽县18288845535: 初中生活很快就要结束了英语作文初中生活很快就要结束了,请你谈谈你打算如何度过初中阶段剩余的时光和你对三年初中生活的感受.提示词语:middle ... -
茆晴西诺:[答案] My three middle school life is coming to an end.In these past three years, we all have experienced a lot.We have many good friends who studied and played together.Our respectable teachers has taught u...

会泽县18288845535: 英语作文有关针对初三学习生活和自己的理想谈谈在饮食健康学习方面,并学封信给老师自己被允许不被允许的 -
茆晴西诺: My dear teacher I think the life of Junior 3 is busy. In order to enter a good senior school we have to have at least nine classes every day. I want to get good grades when I take part in the enter examination of senior school. So I get up early to read ...

会泽县18288845535: 英语作文:现在你是初三的学生,学习与生活与以前有不同之处,请根据自己的体会,介绍一下不同之处, -
茆晴西诺:[答案] 要是整篇都光写初三如何如何拼命,如何如何枯燥,就太没意思了吧.到了该分别的时候,也写点对初中回忆的感想吧. As we all known,during the last term--Grade Three,everyday is full of hard working and a lot of practise.It's really a speical time ,we ...

会泽县18288845535: 英语作文 面对初三繁重的学习,很多同学都觉得“压力山大”,作为初三学子,请你如何协调好初三的学、生活、体育锻炼发表自己的看法 -
茆晴西诺:[答案] As we all known,during the last term--Grade Three,everyday is full of hard working and a lot of practise.It's really a speical time... my study building even the tall and old trees around our playgrand,among which the smlilngs and tears for everyone of you is ...


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