翻译成英语 不要有道等工具翻译出来的 要地道的英语翻译

作者&投稿:刀仇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Every day I walk along the Pearl River, I can often see quantities of rubbish such as plastic bags, litter, fruit peels and so on floating on the river.
The rubbish results in the dirty water.
Many people keep on throwing rubbish even if we call to protect the environment every day.
I wonder how this sort of bad habit comes about.
On the whole, I am strongly opposed to and can’t put up with the behavior of this kind.
The earth is facing a global warming because of pollution.
On behalf of those who take good care of the environment, I would like to say as long as we can behave ourselves, we can create a beautiful environment.
Hopefully we can start from ourselves to protect the earth.

Don't tell me that how complicated the society is,or how complicated people are。i'm just a uncomplicated person,and I hope that the simpler things are,the more better I‘ll feel,sometimes,I’d like to make the utmost simple。so please go away from me,those people of complexity,i really can‘t cope with you!我可是自己敲出来的哦~上面的有的感觉是网页在线翻译的~……

Wish to be such a girl, who avoid and fear nothing, who has a gold, warm and brave heart.


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鄢晶安神: 年少轻狂,谁也没有把握去说永远,但可以用现在我的每一天去喜欢你,至少若干年后彼此我们的回忆中不会有后悔.-----We are young and we live our life today because nobody is sure of the future. I love you every and each of my days so that we'll not regret when we think of ourselves in the future .

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金昌市13539372890: 请帮我翻译成英语.请不要用有道谷歌等翻译工具的给我,这个是给老外看的,我需要较少的语法错误,谢谢
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金昌市13539372890: 求推荐一款专业的英文翻译软件,专业的,不存在语法错误的,不要有道,百度翻译. -
鄢晶安神: 如果是仅仅翻译单词、有道这种免费的就可以了,想要专业点可以用牛津电子版、还有英美两种发音呢,再想专业点就可以用朗文的.但如果是翻译句子,你放心,我北外的研究生导师都不承认现在有任何一款自动翻译软件可以完美避免翻译错误.

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