
作者&投稿:夙思 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

【Our school is at the southeast of the Time Supermarket.】
【Go towards the building and turn right at the second crossing.】
【Birds can make beautiful sounds when they're singing.】
【Could you tell me how to get to the airport?】
【The police always help students to cross the road at the traffic light.】
【Every year many visitors come to this park to enjoy the flowers.】


It is you who taught me everything important, love included / including love.

注:/ 表示可以任意选用其一。

1. For the successful implementation of bilingual young son conservation and education plan, need to be trained more language Staff.
2. It is generally believed that the higher the level of education achieved, the lower the probability of the spread of HIV in the population.
3. The decision to attack was not taken lightly.
4. The remote area has built a nuclear power plant to generate power.
5. Draft only wrote someone just tore it in half.
6. He is going to give me a job, it makes me surprised.
7. Knowledge behind, to change the backward.
8. The world needs to further efforts, says donors to increase aid for basic education.
9. Please inform me bank and account number to us as soon as possible the remittance.
10. Current can be divided into two kinds of dc and ac.


  1. We need to train lots of multi-language workers to sucessfully launch children care and edution plan

  2. It is widely recognised that the more education people received,the less aids infection oppotunity within them

  3. It is not easy to make the decision to attack

  4. A nuclear power plant has already installed in that rural area.

  5. Someone tore off the papers when it was half done

  6. I am really surprised that he is gonna offer me a job

  7. We can only change the situation of backward in economy until we face it

  8. The world need to take more efforts to convince the donators to put more money in basic education

  9. Please advise your account No. and bank so that we can transer the money

  10. The electric current includes direct current and alternating current

面上失望的眼神而不能不感到关注。12. As long as I live,there will never be another Valentine’s Day which will be any more special to me.在我有生之年,将不会有一个对我更有特别意义的情人节了。很高兴能够帮到你,希望会满意,谢谢。答案由【英语精英团】与【英语牛人圑】提供 ...

给单词造句是我最喜欢的,下面就欣赏三个带Why的句子吧~ ①Why did you buy a spade?翻译:你买铁锨干什么? ②Why didn't you go there?翻译:你为什么没去那儿? ③Why spend such a lot of money?翻译:为什么要花这么多钱呢? 以上就是Why的例句了,下面我们再来了解一下这个单词的其他相关知识~ 【单词含...

翻译几个英文句子 英语高手来!!
1.As we walked toward the front door ,he stopped at a small tree and touched the branches with both hands.在我们往前门走时,他在一棵小树前停了下来,并用双手摸了摸树枝。2.I know I can't help having troubles on the job ,but those troubles don't belong to the house with...

100句有翻译的英语句子(不要太深奥的平常就行 初中的 每句至少要有12...
2007-09-12 急需100句有趣的英语句子(有翻译) 41 2016-03-16 求5~10句关于环境方面的英语句子!简单的初中的句子就行了!... 47 2014-05-26 英语句子,越短越好,100个100分,要中文翻译 677 2013-11-26 求比较有内涵的英语好句30-40句。不要太长,附带翻译。好的... 7 2012-11-19 求英语造句...

1 英语常用远代词that表明前面提到的东西,汉语中则用近代词。2 当时,友谊商店只对外宾开放,不对内宾开放at the time, the friendship store was exclusively open to foreign visitors .3 她对自己所取得的成就充满了自豪,这也不是没有道理的。she is justifiably proud of her achievement.4 ...

1、Set off on a journey, bring sunshine, bring beautiful mood.动身踏上旅程,带上阳光,带上美丽的心情 2、Time, so in pursueing we look back, for a walk, never look back.时光,就这样在我们回首追寻中,兜兜转转间,一去不返。3、Youth is a ignorant and moving, always leaves ...

7、尽管史密斯接受布朗的理论,但是他仍对其中的一些结论表示不赞成 Although Smith has accepted the theory by Brown, but he still disagrees some of the conclusions in the theory.8、虽然威廉姆斯下班了,但是某人仍看见他在餐馆里花了很长时间和同事讨论工作。Although Mr. Williams had left his...

1, introduce him to the domestic very worth a visit.2, the Great Wall -- one of the seven wonders of the world; The Palace Museum - brilliant spectacular of the qing dynasty palace; The Summer Palace, the world famous imperial gardens.3, qin shi huang terracotta warriors - ...

What's the matter with you?你怎么了?I've got a stomach ache.我肚子疼 Did you eat some ting this morning?早上吃饭了吗 Yes,I ate two burgers and two eggs,and had a glass of cold milk.吃了,吃了两个汉堡,两个鸡蛋,还有一杯冷牛奶。I see.You've eaten too much.You'll ...

我上午有4节课,下午有2节课。I have four classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon.我在学校吃午饭,午后看小说。I have lunch at school and read novels after lunch.我课后喜欢踢足球或打篮球,因为运动对身体有益处。I like playing football or basketball after school,...

曲周县13747412281: 急求100句英语优秀句子,不要太长,带中文翻译. -
衡菲芦丁: All for one, one for all. 人人为我,我为人人.—— [法] Dumas pére大仲马 Other men live to eat, while I eat to live. 别人为食而生存,我为生存而食.—— Socrates 苏格拉底 Love rules his kingdom without a sword. 爱,统治了他的王国,不用一枝...

曲周县13747412281: 英语句子翻译,急求!高悬赏!要人工翻译! -
衡菲芦丁: 我们正要找你们呢,正好你们都在.I'm about to looking for you, you're all right here.明天下午没课,咱们一起去逛街吧.There will be no class tomorrow afternoon, let's go shopping together, shall we?好的,这是好主意,OK, it's a good idea 不过,还是让我们先看一下天气预告吧.However, let's see the weather forecast first.

曲周县13747412281: 给我翻译下面的英语句子 急求啊 !谢谢谢谢!1 have a 'nose' a story 2 a trick of the trade 3 get the fact straight 4 get the wrong end of the stick 5 how the story ... -
衡菲芦丁:[答案] a trick of the trade 职业诀窍a trick of the trade 做生意的花招,成功的诀窍 get the wrong end of the stick 〈口〉完全搞错了,完全误解了 how the story 这个故事怎么样

曲周县13747412281: 翻译几个句子..急求~~把句子翻译成英文~~1.走了很长一段路之后,我们终于到达了我爷爷住的小村庄.2.他们怒目相视,争吵着.3.你去年买的车已经行程多少... -
衡菲芦丁:[答案] 1.we finally reached the small village where my grandpa lived after such a long walk. 2.they quarreled intensely,glaring at each...since you bought it last year? 不管能不能帮到忙,至少尽力了,而且我不是用软件翻译的. 不像某些人,站着说话不腰疼,...

曲周县13747412281: 急求英语句子翻译 高手来帮忙
衡菲芦丁: 1. Palm cards Hainan is rich in natural coconut milk and coconut as raw material, the use of advanced processing technology and refined scientific formula. (Ad: world's first China a must, natural coconut juice.) 2. Put binary shoes, casual walk in the ...

曲周县13747412281: 翻译英语句子,急求
衡菲芦丁: When we are riding,we must go along the right side. 望采纳.

曲周县13747412281: 急求译成英语句子 -
衡菲芦丁: 1 blanket he stay at home rather than go for a swim. 2. Looks like he changed a lot.3. This shirt is definitely not Tom, it is too small for him.4 if one asked me when the movie actor, I refused

曲周县13747412281: 求英语句子翻译 谢谢!急求 -
衡菲芦丁: 1. Nancy wanted to put a little earlier stuff ready. 2. At the end of lessons for us to sing a Mr. White.3.Do you have to pay for these fruits yet?

曲周县13747412281: 急求,求英文翻译~~~~语句通顺,时态运用恰当.准确,高效.ORZ.当您从繁忙的工作中走出时……当您在午间憩息小坐时……当您想要享受一份温馨浪漫的晚... -
衡菲芦丁:[答案] when you free from your busy work.when you are having a sitting break at noon .when you want to enjoy the warm and romantic dinner.fiickering with the dance of DunHuang Dream and soft music,8 kinds of...

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