你等公交车等了多久啊? 几个句子翻译

作者&投稿:禄河 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
我等你回信给我已经很久了 几个句子翻译~

1. I put a bug in your ear long since, suggested you not even think about it, but you declined to take it, now only regret is waiting for you right there
2. I told you not to buy this car, but you did it the other way around, how about now?
3. It's been a long time since I dropped a line to you last time, I'm wondering how you are going now?
4. When could I get your reply?
5. I have not got any feedback from him so far by now.
6. I've been looking forwards to hearing from you for a long time.

1 How long does it take you to drive home after work ?
How long does it take you to go home after work?
2. How long do you drive to get company?
How long do you get company by bus ?
3 Please drive the car here.
please help me to drive the car there.
4. Please help me to drive the car back from Shanghai.
Please help me to drive the car to Shanghai.
5.How long does it take you from here to Shanghai?
It needs 2 days to drive from here to Shanghai.

1. " How long have you been waiting for the bus? "
2." Have you been waiting for me for a long time? "
3." I have been waiting for you from the morning to the noon./ to the afternoon."
4." I have been waiting for you from 9.00 a.m. to 4.p.m in the conference room."
5." Whose car is it of the license plate number 069 ? "
6. " Which customer's car is of the license plate number 069 ? Your car has blocked the entrance of the supermarket, please drive it away as soon as possible."
7." I happen to go on a business trip to Shanghai, what would you like me to bring to you?"
8." I came to the downtown today to handle some matters and dropped a visit to you. Haven't being seeing you for a long time and I miss you so."



上车前先看清公共汽车是哪一路,因为公共汽车停靠站,往往是几路公共汽车同一个站台,慌忙上车,容易乘错车。乘车时,一定要排队,等到汽车停稳后再上,如果人多拥挤,就等别人上完后再上,或者等下一班车。上车时将包物置于嫌含胸前,以免包物被挤掉,或被车门夹住。典型的公交车盲区 盲区一:车尾...

按照常理 海公交都是15分钟一班 但是你想有时候上车的人多,自然就开的慢,碰上红灯多,或是路上堵,如果不是离终点站很近的站,最好早点出来,不要以这个为标准

成都312 716公交车早上6点到7点车等的久不,一般分别多久来一辆



南京636公交车多久一班? 难等吗?有没有坐过的朋友给介绍一下。我想从...

公交车是有点运行的,如果等人会耽误时间,影响其他乘客出行 现在很多公交公司都出台了一系列的人性化措施,比如说非上下班高峰在时间充足的情况下可以等人,再有就是乘客距车10米内的可以等。那么不符合上面条件的自然就不等人了 最后就是按照交通安全法的规定,车一旦启动绝对不能再次停车上下人,有的...



永城市13396818354: 你等公交车等了多久啊? 几个句子翻译
双姜经前: 1. " How long have you been waiting for the bus? " 2." Have you been waiting for me for a long time? " 3." I have been waiting for you from the morning to the noon./ to the afternoon." 4." I have been waiting for you from 9.00 a.m. to 4.p.m in ...

永城市13396818354: 英语翻译1 你等公交车等了多久啊?2 你等我已经很久了吗?3 我从早上 一直等你 到中午 / 下午4 我从早上9点,一直到下午4点 都在会议室等你5 车牌号为 ... -
双姜经前:[答案] 1." How long have you been waiting for the bus?" 2." Have you been waiting for me for a long time?" 3." I have been waiting for you from the morning to the noon./ to the afternoon." 4." I have been waiting for you from 9.00 a.m.to 4.p.m in the ...

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双姜经前: 1、我从小一直学钢琴.”和“我从小一直学了钢琴. “一直”表示持续,动态助词“了”表示完成,这是两个矛盾的范畴.不过,这两个范畴有时可以共存,比如: 他一直当了30年医生. 由于有了“30年”这个时间段,把“一直”的持续...

永城市13396818354: 英汉互译 在线翻译10个句子~ -
双姜经前: 1. We would rather go to see him, is not willing to wait here 2. He would rather go there today, is not willing to go tomorrow 3. In the past, these children like to go to school on foot instead of by bus 4. Which do you prefer, tea or coffee? 5. I like skating ...

永城市13396818354: 我们在公共汽车站等了jack一个半小时英汉互译 -
双姜经前: We waited for Jack at the bus station for one hour and a half.这个句子应该是一般过去时的时态.如果是现在还在等,那应该是“我们已经在公共汽车站等了Jack一个半小时了(而Jack还没有来).”:We have been waiting for Jack at the bus station for one hour and a half. 用到的是现在完成进行时,表示从过去就在等,并且这个等待的状态还在持续着.

永城市13396818354: 翻译句子 1 下午妈妈和朋友正在看电视 2 我和朋友正在等待公交车 3 我正在车站等待丽丽 用现代进行时 急! -
双姜经前: 1 下午妈妈和朋友正在看电视 My mom and her friend are watching TV in the afternoon.2 我和朋友正在等待公交车 My friend and I are waiting the bus.3 我正在车站等待丽丽 Im waiting for Lili in the station.

永城市13396818354: 公交车几个句子翻译 -
双姜经前: 楼主你好1 每到周末,她都会洗很多的衣服 She always washes many clothes every weekends.2 你休息的时候,在家里通常做些什么呢?What do you usually do at home when you are resting?3 上下班的时候,路上会很拥堵,公交车上人也很多...

永城市13396818354: 形容公交车很挤的句子. -
双姜经前: 形容公交车很挤的句子: 1. 公交车上很挤,确实很挤.人们挤成一团,就好像罐头里紧贴的沙丁鱼,找不到一丝缝隙. 2. 慢慢的,车厢里的空气也异常浑浊.汗臭,脚臭,腥味,各种莫名的气味在此汇聚.尽管如此,不断拥挤着上来的人们几乎...

永城市13396818354: 我等着公交车到站扩句 -
双姜经前: 原句:我等着公交车到站 扩句:我十分焦急的等着公交车到站

永城市13396818354: 翻译几个简答的句子(英语),谢谢 -
双姜经前: 1: What is your home specific location? Several units in several buildings, which floor a few numbers then?2: I know you which floor a few numbers, talk about your units in several buildings a few right, thank you?3: Hello, this is XX Shuangqiaoshan ...

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