有哪些关于like 的短语?如 anything like ..

作者&投稿:禤承 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

太多了,当like 是副词时的短语1. and the like …等等;诸如此类 2. as like as chalk and (或 to) cheese根本不同;实质不同 3. as like as two peas极为相似,一模一样 4. feel like喜欢5. had like (to)差点儿就要,几乎… 6. like a bat out of hell飞快地,快速地 7. like a bear garden[口语]乱糟糟的地方 8. like a bull at a gate[口语]凶猛地;狂怒地 9. like a dream正如人们所希望的那样 10. like a hot knife through butter非常容易地,易如反掌地 11. like a house on fire热情地;干劲十足地;(相处得)极好地 12. like anything[口语]极其;猛烈地;使劲地;全力地;拼命地 13. Like begets like.[谚语]龙生龙,凤生凤。有其因必有其果。14. Like tree, like fruit.[谚语]什么树结什么果。 15. look like看起来像...............当like 是动词,名词时候,有短语1. do as one likes高兴怎样就怎样 2. How do you like…?
a. 你觉得…怎么样? [亦作 How did you like…?] b. 你喜欢…吗?你想有…吗? c. 你想吃(或喝)怎样的…? 3. I'd like to…我倒要…(表示不相信或带有威吓的口吻) 4. If you don't like it, you may lump it.就是不高兴,你也得忍一忍。 5. if you like
a. [口语]如果你愿意;如果你喜欢的话;如果你愿意这么理解的话 b. 真的;也许 6. I like that!说得好听! 亏你说得出口! 干得好事! [表示不同意或拒绝的讥讽性反语] 7. like it or not不管你喜欢不喜欢[用作插入语] 8. likes and dislikes好恶;爱憎

没有as like 单独的短语,有as...like ,as like as,你的那个填单词不知道是一个单词还是两个单词,一个单词有alike,animallike,两个可以填anything like

like doing sth
like to do sth
look like 看起来像
as you like
I like that !
说得好听! 亏你说得出口!
if you don't like it, you may lump it.
你不高兴, 也得容忍一下。
lf you like
也许, 真的
one's likes and dislikes
一个人的好恶; 爱憎
like it or not

look like

She had never desired to do nything like that

信阳市18855749466: like相关短语有那些 -
边梅乐甘: feel like doing sth喜欢做什么would you like 你希望..look like相似,看起来象,很可能出现as you like 随你的便 I like that ! [口]说得好听! 亏你说得出口! lf you like 如果你愿意的话 也许, 真的 one's likes and dislikes 一个人的好恶; 爱憎 like it or not 不管你真喜欢不喜欢

信阳市18855749466: 有哪些关于like 的短语?如 anything like .. -
边梅乐甘: like的用法有:like doing sth like to do sth 短语有:look like 看起来像 as you like 随你的便 I like that !说得好听! 亏你说得出口!if you don't like it, you may lump it.你不高兴, 也得容忍一下.lf you like 如果你愿意的话 也许, 真的 one's likes and dislikes 一个人的好恶; 爱憎 like it or not 不管你真喜欢不喜欢

信阳市18855749466: “like”的短语有哪些? -
边梅乐甘: like doing sth

信阳市18855749466: 关于like的短语 -
边梅乐甘: as you like 随你的便 I like that ![口]说得好听! 亏你说得出口!if you don't like it, you may lump it.[口]你不高兴, 也得容忍一下.lf you like 如果你愿意的话 也许, 真的 one's likes and dislikes 一个人的好恶; 爱憎 like it or not 不管你真喜欢不喜欢

信阳市18855749466: 有哪些关于like 的短语?如 anything like .. -
边梅乐甘:[答案] like的用法有:like doing sthlike to do sth短语有:look like 看起来像as you like随你的便I like that !说得好听!亏你说得出口!if you don't like it,you may lump it.你不高兴,也得容忍一下.lf you like如果你愿...

信阳市18855749466: 初中英语有关like的词组 -
边梅乐甘: 1.“以毒攻毒”:like cures like2.feel like doing sth.例如:I don't feel like taking a walk.3.like a duck in a thunderstorm 惊慌失措4.like for like 以牙还牙5.like water off a duck's back 毫无作用6.I'd Like to… /我愿意... 例如:I'd like to help you....

信阳市18855749466: like都能组成哪些动词词组? -
边梅乐甘: 作动词:like to do sth.某次特定地喜欢做某事like doing sth.喜欢做某事would like to do sth.想要做某事 介词才用look like、feel like

信阳市18855749466: 表示喜欢程度的like短语有哪些?像like...a lot这种的 -
边梅乐甘: like so much like best like very much Like deeply

信阳市18855749466: 和like有相同意思的短语有什么 -
边梅乐甘: 你说的是like的什么意思?喜欢:love,prefer,enjoy,be fond of,be keen on,go for......比如:such as,as,for example,for instance......相同的:the same as,alike,be similar to......暂时只能想起这些了

信阳市18855749466: like的用法like后面跟动词的什么形式,有 -
边梅乐甘: like一词具有多种词性和词义,以及多种用法.现简述如下: 一、用作动词: 1.like+名词/代词,意为"喜欢某人或某物".例如: Tom likes fish very much.汤姆非常喜欢鱼. Mr Wang is a good teacher.We all like him.王老师是个好老师,我们都喜欢...

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