
作者&投稿:赤楠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

show sth to sb
1. 证明某人或者某事
2. 证明某事、展示某事给某人
3 证明是...
4. 同意某人的观点,想法,某人所说的
5. 同意做某事
6. 报道、宣布某事
7. 一个某事的报道
8. 结果

说某人坏话 speak ill of sb.
做演讲 make a speech
代表全班 represent the class
其余的 the rest
一点也不,根本不 not at all

I'm (considering the words) he (said).
if i were (more creative), I (would become) a computer programmer.
She takes part in English (speaking competition very often).
I couldn't come (up with) a (solution for) this problem.
Do you (believe) that he is (afraid of going) to a party?

1.make one's final in...... 最后一战
2.earn sb. Awards 获得奖励
3.pass away 去世
4.be attracted by....被...所吸引
5.at the age of 年方...
6.in her sleep 在睡梦中
7.during one's lifetime one of Hollywood's all-time favourite actresses 在...的一生中,好莱屋的一个一直是最受欢迎的女明星
8.not only.....but also.... 不但...而且...
9.the loss of 失去...
10.take ballet lessons学芭蕾
11.put all one's effort into 全力以赴...
12.attract one's attention 吸引...的注意力
13.play the lead role in.... 起带头作用...
14.mark the beginning of... 开始...
15.win an Oscar for....得奥斯卡大奖...

1. 作结局在......
2. 赚得 sb 奖赏
3. 过世
4. 被吸引被....
5. 在年龄
6. 在她的睡眠方面
在终生好莱坞的全部时间的喜爱女演员之一期间 7.
8. 不只有..... 但是也....
9. 损失
10. 参加芭蕾舞课
11. 把所有的一个努力放入
12. 吸引注意
13. 扮演领引角色在....
14. 为开始作标记。。。
15. 赢得一个奥斯卡为....

1. 作一结局进入......
2. 赚得 sb 。 奖赏
3. 过世
4. 被吸引被....
5. 在年龄
6. 在睡梦中
7. 在一个终生好莱坞的全部时间喜爱的女演员之一期间
8. 不只有.....但是也....
9. 损失
10. 参加芭蕾舞课
11. 把所有的一个努力放入
12. 吸引一注意
13. 担任领引角色进入....
14. 为开始作标记。。。
15. 赢得一个奥斯卡

朋友帮了他很多忙,他欠他们的情。( have a debt) 求翻译成英语
朋友帮了他很多忙,他欠他们的情。His friends have helped him a lot and he owes them a debt of gratitude。帮忙可用Help,表示欠某人人情,表感激的意思可用owe,但后面需接宾语。翻译的句子时态应该用过去式,因为帮了他很多忙是已经发生了的事。重点词汇解释:1、help vt. 帮助;促进;治疗;...

从事用英语说是engage。一、发音英:[\/ɪnˈgɛdʒ\/];美:[\/ɪnˈgɛdʒ\/]二、中文翻译v. 从事;参与;忙于;致力于 三、形式现在分词:engaging 过去式:engaged 过去分词:engaged 四、短语搭配1. engage in 从事;参与 2. engage with 与......

We may as well leave the table after dinner is over.2. 如果情况是这样,我们不妨试一试。If that is the case, we may as well try.3. 既然大家都在,她不妨把想法都谈出来。Now that they were all there she might as well speak her mind.4. 他知道他们正忙着收庄稼,他不妨和他们...

免费给我,希望谁能够吧从初一到高3的英语短语给我,我想提升一下英语,谢谢。越详细我的邮箱184796217@qq.com... 免费给我,希望谁能够吧从初一到高3的英语短语给我,我想提升一下英语,谢谢。 越详细我的邮箱184796217@qq.com 展开  我来答 2个回答 #热议# 你发朋友圈会使用部分人可见功能吗?告别武语了 ...

分类: 教育\/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述:clean off clean up hang up pick up put away put out take out throw out turn off turn on 解析:clean off clean up:v.打扫干净, 整理, 赚钱, 获利 hang up :v.挂断, 拖延, 把...挂起来 pick up :v.掘地, 捡起, 获得, 使恢复精神, ...

1.初中英语教材中共出现近500个词组,其中有一部分为常用词组,要求能熟练运用。 2.在学习中,要注意词组的积累,特别要注意介词词组和短语动词的积累。 3.对固定词组的意义,切不可望文生义。例如,动词look愿意为“看”,但look after意为“照料”,look up (a word in a dictionary)意为“(在词典中)查找(单词...

2. 扔垃圾 3. 叠衣服 4. 扫地 6. 打扫干净大厅 7. 没问题 8. 晚点回来 9. 帮一点忙 10. 对...生气 11.很生气的回复 12. 经常 13. 惊讶...14. 时间..

1.live in hometown 2.flat building 3.Urban residential 4.3 House 5.Double room 6.10 per click 7.Rent a room to me 8.Street at the corner of 9.Near the bank 10.In our group 11.Rental Housing 12.这个不会了 13.Student apartments 14.800 yuan per month 15.The very fact...

七年级上册英语短语有哪些?顺便告诉翻译... 七年级上册英语短语有哪些?顺便告诉翻译 展开  我来答 1个回答 #合辑# 面试问优缺点怎么回答最加分?summer88221967 2017-07-25 · TA获得超过3.6万个赞 知道大有可为答主 回答量:9544 采纳率:88% 帮助的人:1059万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开...

约翰是个临时工,他到处找不到正式工作。John is a casual; he can't find a proper job anywhere.7.消磨时间 count one's thumbs haver kill time loiter about 我那趟班机误点了,我只好看书消磨时间[打发了两小时]。My flight was delayed, so I killed time\/killed two hours ...

船营区15519399431: 帮忙用英语翻译下面几个短语1.(请某人)将某事做好2.既.又.3.组建一个英语俱乐部4.一件女式衬衣5.10多岁的男孩子们6.有点喜欢7.真的一团糟8.让某人一直... -
漕肺伤痛:[答案] 1.ask sb.to do sth.2.as well as3.to organise a English club4.a woman's shirt5.teenager boys6.a little bit like7.a big mess8.lift up one's head9.be careful in 10.make up one's mind

船营区15519399431: 帮忙翻译一些英语短语 急急急
漕肺伤痛: 我的十二岁生日、一些西红柿、许多城市、许多肉、吃健康的午餐、沙发下面、一串钥匙、 My 12-year-old birthday, Some tomatoes, Many cities, Many of meat, Eat a healthy lunch, Sofa below A bunch of keys,

船营区15519399431: 请帮忙用英语翻译几个短语!急~~~ -
漕肺伤痛: 1 参加一个朋友聚会 join a friend's party2 因为我的朋友们和我已经很久没有见面了,所以我很期待这个朋友聚会.Because of my friends and I have not met a long time, I am looking forward to this party of friends.3 参观KIM的家 visit Kim's home4 ...

船营区15519399431: 帮忙用英文翻译一些短语 -
漕肺伤痛: 1 leave...behind2 very similar to ...3 say hi to ...4 encountering trouble5 take...to a walk6 take opinion on ..7 leave the moustache8 ask ... questions9 reports about ...10 the best of ...

船营区15519399431: 帮忙翻译一下英语短语 -
漕肺伤痛: 1.twice a week2.a little water3.decorate the tree4.help sb (to) do sth/with sth5.sweep the floor6.call/phone/telephone/ring/make a phone call to me7.wear a coat...

船营区15519399431: 翻译几个英语短语...急急急 帮帮忙啊,求你们了!!
漕肺伤痛: 1 And someone pay Pal2 places3 In... Internal behind4 On my way home5 On the way to somewhere6 pay ···for 7 Go to sleep8 In a post office

船营区15519399431: 帮忙翻译几个英语短语,翻译成英语保持安静.不准吃东西.不准听音乐.不准带书包进入,不准吸烟,按时还书 -
漕肺伤痛:[答案] Keep silence No eating allowed No music listening allowed Bags are not permitted inside No smoking allowed Please return books on time

船营区15519399431: 翻译几个英语短语!!急!!!!! -
漕肺伤痛: be surprised topay attention tohave eagar tomake contribution to be used to be used as be used be used asmake up one's mind tostudy in schoolbe stuck in

船营区15519399431: 帮忙用英语翻译五个短句. -
漕肺伤痛: 1:在这条河里游泳很危险.It's dangerous to swim in this river.2:放学打篮球,很有意思.It's interesting to play basketball after school.3:现在已经不可能抓住小偷了.It'...

船营区15519399431: 请问以下几个英文短语该怎么翻译?急!!! -
漕肺伤痛: 1.their backs 他们的背部 2.because of his illness 由于他的疾病3.wake up early 醒得早4.be weak in 在某方面薄弱5.what you say 你所说的东西6.wha...

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