
作者&投稿:丁顺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
用 see sb doing sth 造句~

1、I saw her cleaning the classroom.
2、I see him wrting composition.
3、I saw her lying there.

英 [siː],美 [siː]    
v. 看见;明白;了解;经历;设想
n. 主教教区;主角权限
1、see each other 约会
2、see life 体验生活,见世面
3、see sense 觉悟,懂得道理
v. (动词)

I will go to the railway station to see my mother off tomorrow.



go along, i will see you off


Wives used to see their husbands off to work at the front door,but this is no longer common.

see off 的意思是什么?同义的词组是什么?
see off 的意思是--- 为……送行 同义的词组是--- send off

see off与see away的意义及区别
see off: 为…送行 Bill will see off to the airport.比尔要到飞机场送行。I'll see you off at the airport.我将去机场送你。see away,没有这样的固定搭配,通常这个away都是修饰see后面另一个词的 比如see...far away,看着...逐渐远离 I see you in heaven far away 我看到你在天堂...

请问:see sb off ,take sb off ,send sb off,take sb to.这些有什么区 ...
see sb off 给某人送行(自己不走)take sb off 带某人走(一起走)send sb off 给某人送行(自己不走)还有罚下场 take sb to 带某人去

see off:打败;战胜;为…送行;送别; 例如:I am to see off Mr Brown this afternoon. 扩展资料 Ann always to stand at the window and waves to see off.安总要站在窗口前并挥手送别。I hope Brother Bear can see off me the present I go to a college!我希望等我上大学走...

see sb. off怎么造句?
I will go to the railway station to see my mother off tomorrow.我明天将要送我妈妈去火车站。

I don't like see someone off at the railway station.

you may see him off

用finish doingsth on weekend see sboff Don‘t worry be over int...
1.I haven't finished reading the book yet.我还没读完这本书。2.The exhibition is open on weekends.展览会每逢周末开放。3.We all went to the airport to see her off.我们都去飞机场为她送行了。4. Don't worry, the period of this injustice will be over soon.别担心,这个不公正...

【造个句子】see off造个句子
she took a day off .她请了一天假 can i have a day off ?我能请一天假吗?tomorrow will be my day off .明天我休息(不上班)。

see off中文是什么意思
see off [意思]欢送; 送行,送别; 把(某人)赶走;[例句]There is no reason why they cannot see off the Republican challenge.他们没有理由在共和党的挑战中败北。如果我的答案有用请采纳,谢谢哦!

满城县18927501429: 用see…off造句 -
莘拜律定: 标准答案来了 I,will,see,my,mother,off,at,the,airport,tomorrow. 明天我去机场送我妈妈走

满城县18927501429: 把你学过的动词词组整理一下吧 -
莘拜律定:  动词+about think about(思考) hear about(听说) move about(走来走去) set about(着手;开始) bring about(带来;促成) care about(对…感兴趣)  动词+at look at(看)stare at(凝视) glare at(怒目注视) gaze at(凝视) ...

满城县18927501429: 动词加off的短语 -
莘拜律定: take\put\hurry\go\be\cut\switch\turn\...off

满城县18927501429: 英语造句 用 see off so that 和such…that造一个句子 -
莘拜律定: see off 为 ... 送行; 向 ... 告别 We went to the station to see her off.我们去车站为她送行.She sent him off in high spirits.她兴高采烈地为他送行.so that 因此; 以至于; 以便 He has few friends so that his life is lonely.他的朋友很少,因此他的生...

满城县18927501429: 【造个句子】see off造个句子 -
莘拜律定: I'd like to see you off at the airport/railway station.

满城县18927501429: see off的用法 -
莘拜律定: see off的用法: I went to the station to SEE them OFF. I went to the airport to SEE them OFF. 我到车站/我到机场 送别 他们. (常说的送人接人,see off是送人-- 看...离去) A cat came into the back garden but the dog soon SAW it OFF. 猫...

满城县18927501429: 同一动词对应不同介词构成的短语有哪些?同一介词对应不同动词构成的?
莘拜律定: l.动词 about speak/talk about 谈论 think about 思考 care about 关心,对……有兴趣 ... 中断 show off 炫耀 get off 下车 take off 脱下,起飞 see off 送行 ring off 挂断电话 put ...

满城县18927501429: 十万火急英语造句unit10 -
莘拜律定: 1.I will see my friend off tomorrow.2.We had a fantastic time last week.3.His flight number is 012576894.4.I would like a new book.5.He would like a new book,so would I .6.I always go wrong these days.7.I am afraid that you are wrong.8.I met some ...

满城县18927501429: 十万火急英语造句unit101.送别某人see sb.Off 2.玩的开心 have a fantastic time 3.航班号码 flight number 4.想要 would like 5.我也一样 so would I 6.出错 go ... -
莘拜律定:[答案] 1.I will see my friend off tomorrow.2.We had a fantastic time last week.3.His flight number is 012576894.4.I would like a new book.5.He would like a new book,so would I .6.I always go wrong these days...

满城县18927501429: 用see sb doing sth 造句
莘拜律定: 1、I see him playing games at home.我看到他正在家玩游戏.2、I see them chatting with each other.我看到他们正在聊天.

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