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哪位英语大神可以帮我解释一下on recent在下面这句话中的意思~

recent police brutality payout

你分的词组分错了,是right here “这里”的意思。有句歌词“right here waiting for you” 就是在这里等你的意思。



,所以要加个s。1)引导主语从句连词有that,whether,who,what,whatever等,就是没有which;2)在那个主语从句里,“what you do”是一个成分,“what you say”又是一个成分,rather than是一个介词短语,A rather than B意思是A胜于B。呃,我解释得清楚么?不清楚的话可以继续追问……...

1 A put 在这里是put的过去式(过去式和原型长得一样)由前面的时间判断是陈述过去的事情,且句子缺动词谓语,所以选择动词过去式 2 C 固定搭配,在春节用in 3 C 在这里是 我的 的意思。 I是我,主格,作主语。me是我,宾格,作宾语 4 She came from Canada (came是come的过去式)5They ...

英语问题,哪位大神帮我翻译这几个句子,为什么问句有的用are 开头有的...
1.这儿有一些洋葱吗?2.是的,柜子里面有一些 3.不好意思,这里没有 4.这儿有牛奶吗?5.是的,冰箱里面有一些 6.不好意思没有 onion是可数名词,onions是复数用are milk是不可数名词,用is 复数用are,单数用is

1,the image may appear in you mind,which is the boy who wear a costumed cloth have a cool haircut.2.the quality of my name is totally different from my characteristic.3.because my handsome is praised by everyone who live in the village,my mother name me "曹骏男"4.when I...

求英语系大神能够帮我翻译一下300个字的中文--->英文 急用!!!谢谢大家...
Weibo, i.e. Microblog, is a platform based on user relations for sharing, transmitting and accessing information. Users can update information with about 140 words in length in their personal communities and share it instantly through WEB, WAP and other client devices. It is an ...

各位英语大神麻烦翻译一下两句名言啊 !!!


Finally, take the things easily. You will handle this and he will understand you, I believe so.3、鉴于细节上的问题(例如,英文中男女钱包根本就不是一个词)所以在下实在爱莫能助。如果需要强行进行翻译的话,请追问,明天中午1200时(悉尼时间,对等于北京时间0900)之前给你翻译好 ...

Dear interviewers, my name is Yang xue. I am very glad to be in this interview. I'm 31 years old. From jiangsu, I worked in Singapore for four years from 2013 to 2017, and I like the environment of Singapore very much. I am gentle and easy to get along with people. ...

辛苦手动翻译。 中文上的问题修改优化了, 段落顺序调整得符合逻辑了。1 Australia is the most secure and a young city. It is significant that i am studying in a city with the highest rate of Higher Education. And where Improve the ability to communicate with others. I believe I ...

鹤庆县15735569610: 求英语大神帮忙翻译一下这句话,在线等,谢谢了!!~ -
隗促异环: 是attach把,我觉得你很重要.attach importance to sb,认为某人很重要

鹤庆县15735569610: 求英语大神翻译一下这句话 -
隗促异环: 回答和翻译如下:我们将饮料罐分类以便它们能够被回收再利用.We categorize beverage cans so that they can be recycled.

鹤庆县15735569610: 有没有英语大神能帮忙翻译一下这段话 -
隗促异环: As early as the first century BC, man had found they could zoom the image by using spherical transparent objects to observe small objects. Gradually can magnify the object to spherical surface imaging laws have to meet.In 1590, the Netherlands ...

鹤庆县15735569610: 哪位英语大神能翻译一下这句话 -
隗促异环: If you are willing to go far away, you should care about your journey with wind and rain only.

鹤庆县15735569610: 关于这个句子的英语语法问题.请问哪位大神能帮助我解释一下这个句子到底是怎么回事:1960 was the first year the debates were televised.我不知道这个句子... -
隗促异环:[答案] 1960 was the first year the debates were televised.1960是主语 ,the first year是表语也是后面the debates were televised的先行词,the debates were televised是一个定语从句,省略了that....

鹤庆县15735569610: 求英语大神帮我翻译出来这句话
隗促异环: It is better to be a appreciated for the hard work we put in every day than one successful moment 最好是一个比一个成功的时刻,我们把每一天的辛勤工作的赞赏

鹤庆县15735569610: 请问英语大神 这句话什么意思? -
隗促异环: 原句Don't let the noise of other opinions drown out your own inner voice. domiwb网友的解释是对的.我修了一点. Don't let the noise of other opinions drown your own inner voice. 应该去掉out

鹤庆县15735569610: 有哪位大神能帮我用英文翻译一下这句话:我会一直在,纵使一切苍白. -
隗促异环: I would have been, even if all pale 追问: 你是自己翻译的吗??? 回答: NO 追问: 那你是怎么翻译出来的,有什么途径吗?、/ 回答: ...网络,书 追问: 哦...不管怎么说,谢谢你啦

鹤庆县15735569610: 英语翻译找大神翻译一下这句话:不论发生什么,请记住,你还有我 - 一个值得信赖与依靠的朋友.请不要直译,显得高大上一些 -
隗促异环:[答案] Looking for a great god to translate this sentence:no matter what happens,please remember,you still have me - a trustworthy and rely on friends.

鹤庆县15735569610: 哪位英语好的,谁能帮我解释解释这句话“The dream he had had for so -
隗促异环: 这句话的主语是dream,he had had for so many years 是主语的定语,是定语从句作定语.ended 是谓语,there 是地点状语.had had for so many years 是过去完成时,是主动语态.第一个had 是过去完成时的助动词,第二个had 是定语从句中的谓语动词.have a dream 是“有梦想;做梦”的意思.“他拥有了好多年的梦想在那儿终结了.”希望我的回答能够帮到你,望采纳!祝你学习进步,天天快乐.O(∩_∩)O

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