
作者&投稿:衡栏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

you could be one of our swimming club
楼主:one of = a menmber of
所以不能搭配 one menmeber
can 和could 都差不多,只是后者语气更缓和一些,我可以提供的就这么多了,你可以结合你自己的情况,考虑用什么了,希望可以帮到你

I can swim, and I hope I can join in the swimming club

I can swim in the swimming club.

I go swimming everyday.或者 I go to swim everyday.

1 I dreamed that I was swimming 2 I had a sweet dream last night(注意,前面那个是had,过去式哦)3 He is dreaming of a trip to Europe (应该用这种时态,因为还没有去,并且我问老师了,老师说是这样做的)是英语周报上的,我也在做。I want to buy a big house with money 。

Jin and his friends are going to swim on weekends.

I want to go swimming 一站式出国留学攻略 http:\/\/www.offercoming.com

I can help kids learn to swim.

翻译 一些人在海滩看书,而其余的人则在游泳
英文版: Some people on the beach, reading, while the rest of the people in the swimming 日语版: 一部ではビーチで本を読んで、残りの人々は、水泳をします 韩语版: 일각 에서 는 바닷가 책을 읽 ...

请问用英语翻译“我们游泳吧”应该是Let's swim还是Let's have a sw...
都可以 Let's swim.或 Let's have a swim.我们游泳吧。

:Ha oi,anh yeu em,em bao anh lay anh cua em cho bo me anh xem,anh da cho bo me xem roi,bo me anh rat thich em,con bao em tet am lich sang nha anh an tet,nam moi o ben TQ rat song dong va vui ve,la tet lon nhat cua TQ,em hoi lan truoc la ai ho anh ...

那个男孩擅长游泳 英文翻译:The boy is good at swimming.或者:That boy is skilled in swimming.重点词汇释义:擅长 英文:be good at; be expert in; be skilled in; be accomplished in; be adept at 游泳 英文:swim; bathing; natation ...

In summer,don’t swim in the lake.

漳州市13169796307: 英语翻译:我能在游泳俱乐部游泳. -
肇阅奥亭: I can swim in the swimming club.

漳州市13169796307: 帮我翻译个句子,译成英文:我可以去游泳俱乐部游泳,还可以和我的好朋友尼克玩. -
肇阅奥亭:[答案] i can go to swim in the swimming club ,or play with my friend jack.

漳州市13169796307: my favorite sunday
肇阅奥亭: 1、我叫MIKE,星期天是我最喜欢的一天,因为我可以不用上学 My name is MIKE, Sunday is my favorite day, because I could not in school 2、我可以和我的好朋友NICK去游泳俱乐部游泳, I Can and my good friend NICK went swimming club swimming 3、介绍我的好朋友NIKE,它是一只白色的小狗 Introduce my good friend,NIKE, it is a white dog

漳州市13169796307: 英语翻译今天是星期天,我最喜欢星期天,因为我不用去上学,我今天可以去游泳部游泳,我最喜欢的运动是游泳!下午回到家我就和我朋友Niec玩,Niec... -
肇阅奥亭:[答案] Today is Sunday which is my favorite Sunday,because I do not have to go to school,oh,I can go swimming in the swim center today and my favorite sport is swimming!i will play with my firend Niec at hom...

漳州市13169796307: 几句非常简单的英语翻译.在线等.要的是速度!1. 我经常去游泳馆游泳.2.我正在去游泳馆游泳.3.在我空闲的时间里,我做一些运动,例如去游泳、去钓鱼、去... -
肇阅奥亭:[答案] I often go to the natatorium for swimming. I am going to the natatorium for swimming. In my spare time I do some exercises such as swimming,fishing,playing basketball and playing football.

漳州市13169796307: 我会游泳,我想加入游泳俱乐部 英语翻译 -
肇阅奥亭: I swim, I want to join the swimming club

漳州市13169796307: 英语翻译1.在有太阳的时候,你会做什么?我会在海里游泳.2.在阴天时你会在哪?我会在游泳馆里游泳.3.在下雨天你会干什么?我会在家里和家人聊天.4.在下... -
肇阅奥亭:[答案] What would you do on sunny days?I would swim in the sea.What would you do on cloudy days?I would swim in a swimming pool.What would you do on rainy days?I would stay at home and chat with my family.Wh...

漳州市13169796307: 英语翻译1.史密斯先生总是说汉语 2.你想参加什么俱乐部?我想参加游泳俱乐部 -
肇阅奥亭:[答案] Mr.Smith always speaks Chinese. What club do you want to join? I want to join the swimming club.

漳州市13169796307: 游泳英文怎么说? -
肇阅奥亭: 游泳swim例句与用法:我还不会游泳,但我用胳膊划了几下. I can't swim yet, but I've made a few strokes with my arms.游泳后,她用毛巾擦干身子. After her swim she dried herself wit...

漳州市13169796307: 英语翻译1.我可以在夏天游泳和吃冰淇淋.2.我想成为漫画家,但我目前的愿望只是想做个好学生.3.最后,我希望你们能实现你们的愿望.4.我最喜欢的颜色是... -
肇阅奥亭:[答案] 1.我可以在夏天游泳和吃冰淇淋. I can eat ice cream in summer. 2.我想成为漫画家,但我目前的愿望只是想做个好学生. I want to be a cartoonist, but at the moment I hope to be a good student. 3.最后,我希望你们能实现你们的愿望. Finally, I hope you ...

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