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水果商店卖水果 用英语怎么说?~

Fruit shop used to sell fruit
Fruitshop sells fruit.

Does your uncle's shop sell fruit and vegetables?

There is a fruit shop in the opposite of the supermarket.

There is a fruit stand /shop across from the supermarket!

There is a fruit shop opposite the supermarket.

英文翻译 1. 那个男孩身处险境,他 需要帮助。(in danger) 2.我们的...
1. 那个男孩身处险境,他 需要帮助。(in danger)The boy is in danger, he needs help.2.我们的学校在超市对面(across from )Our school is situated opposite to the supermarket, across from the footbridge.3.让我们休息十分钟。(break)Let's have a break for ten minutes.4.教室外面...

翻译:他给我打了个手势,并告诉我走到超市对面,那里面有一个parking lot...
He made a sign for me, and tell me go to the supermarket opposite, that there is a parking lot the standard

将下列句子翻译成英语:(there be结构的) 1.在梳妆台上没有手表 2.在...
1.在梳妆台上没有手表 There isn't a watch on the dresser.2.在门的后面有一个书包 There is a schoolbag behind the door.3.在抽屉里没有(一些)字典There aren't any dictionaries in the drawer.4.在附近没有邮局 There isn't a post office in the neighborhood.5.在超市的对面没有...

...右边是一个邮局,对面是一个超市,后面是一个小花园,附近还有银行和图 ...
On the left side of the new house, there is a restaurant. On the right is a post office. On the opposite of it is a supermarket.On the back is small garden. There are a bank and library near it.

在。。对面 一些句子翻译表达
I will stand opposite the supermarket waiting for you.I bought this clothes form the mall opposite a bank.He walked opposite the gile.He is waiting for you in the coffee shop beside the train station.Tonight we will have dinner in the restaurant opposite the train station....


安娜 我家附近有一个动物园。我喜欢周末去那里。我喜欢看猴子爬来爬去。猴子们有时会打斗。它们互相争斗的时候看起来就像我和我的朋友!我通常出门后,在大桥路的地方向右转。然后,我沿着大桥路走。动物园就在右边。约翰 我住的附近有一个超市。我的父母通常在那里购物。有一个大公园在超市的对面。

英语翻译:1.他正好住在那家的隔壁 (用next to造句)
1.He is living in the house next door.2.Hear someone playing the guitar in the playground .3. Before the exam, I always kind of nervous.

新目标七年级下英语翻译 从机场坐出租车经书馆 中心大街沿街直走 路右...
Take a taxi from the airport after the Library Center Street, go straight along this street on the right of the road to see the bank left a supermarket opposite the post office lz 我是初三 我们曾经也写过 给分吧

1、The library is next to the restaurant.2.The park is in front of the school.3.The bank is between the post office and the pay phones .4.The hotel is behind the super market.5.The library is in opposite of the park....

纳溪区17712756987: 用英语翻译超市的对面有一个卖水果的商店 -
郑炎洛芬:[答案] 超市的对面有一个卖水果的商店. There is a fruit shop in the opposite of the supermarket.

纳溪区17712756987: 用英语翻译超市的对面有一个卖水果的商店 -
郑炎洛芬: 超市的对面有一个卖水果的商店. There is a fruit shop in the opposite of the supermarket.

纳溪区17712756987: 英语翻译.用there be 句型 1.在拐角处有家商店,你可以在那里买水果 2.自2000年以 -
郑炎洛芬: 1. There is a shop at the corner, where you can buy fruits2. There are many changes in my hometown since 2000. 3. There is no doubt that measures must be taken to prevent t旦激测刻爻灸诧熏超抹he network crime4. There is no denying that study...

纳溪区17712756987: 他发现很有趣的是美国超市里卖的很多产品都是中国制造的翻译 -
郑炎洛芬: He found it very interesting that so many products in American supermarkets were made in China

纳溪区17712756987: 卖水果用英语怎么说? -
郑炎洛芬: 卖水果用英语说是:Selling fruits.很高兴可以帮到你,希望会对你有助,并祝你进步!

纳溪区17712756987: 卖水果的人 英文怎么说? -
郑炎洛芬:[答案] 卖水果的人 The fruit seller fruiterer n. 水果商,卖水果的人

纳溪区17712756987: 翻译“在我家隔壁有一个大的商店,它卖很多东西 在这个商店我们可以买到足球,篮球和水果”和“这个商...翻译“在我家隔壁有一个大的商店,它卖很多东... -
郑炎洛芬:[答案] There is a big shop near my home and this shop sell many things,we can buy footballs,basketballs,and fruits from it. In this shop people are very friendly and it working day and light,I help my parents buy somethings from it at often times.

纳溪区17712756987: 卖水果的人英文怎么说 -
郑炎洛芬: 卖水果的人 [网络] fruiterer; fruit seller [例句]这个卖水果的人很狡诈,把最好的水果放在前面,可是从后面给人家坏水果.The fruit seller was sly-he put his best fruit in front but gave people bad ones from behind.

纳溪区17712756987: 翻译“在我家隔壁有一个大的商店,它卖很多东西 在这个商店我们可以买到足球,篮球和水果”和“这个商... -
郑炎洛芬: There is a big store near my home which sells various goods such as football, basketball and fruits. The store opens very early and closes quite late. I often help my parents with shopping and people in the store are very friendly.

纳溪区17712756987: 超市里卖水果的“水果区”如何用英文讲? -
郑炎洛芬: 就写“FRUITS”就可以了.这里的超市都直接写品名,从来没有见过什么区什么区的,只有中国超市才有什么区,什么专柜的称呼.你写Fruits Area,老外以为是种水果的地区呢,典型中国英语.

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