
作者&投稿:弭残 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



Hello!Everyone!My name is Feng Xinru .I am nine years old .I am a pupil in Huanglong primary school.IMy hobby is playing basketball and chess.I also like reading and paint,My family lives in wood factory district.my grandfather,grandmother and my parents in my home. love my family!

My (我的)name(名字) is (是)Feng Xinru .(冯鑫儒)
I am nine years old .(今年9岁)
I am (我是)a(一名) pupil(小学生) in (在)Huanglong primary school.(黄龙县中心小学)
My (我的)hobby (爱好)is (是)playing (打)basketball (篮球)and (和)playing (下)chess(棋;象棋等等).I (我) also (还;也)like(喜欢) reading(读书) and(和) paint.(画画)
My (我的)family(家庭) lives(生活) in (在)wood(木) factory district(厂区)district.
my(我的) grandfather(爷爷),grandmother(奶奶) and(和) my(我的) parents(父母) in(在) my(我的) home.(家)
I(我) love(爱) my(我的) family!(家)

nine(九) years old(岁)


I miss you very very much, but I won't tell you about it. I'm afraid that I will not miss you after I tell you, because having you in mind is kind of entertainment.

the folk-custom of putting up spring festival scrolls on Spring Festival was arise from Ming dynasty.According to the history record, the Ming ancestor Zhu Yuanzhang love couplets very much.Not only drive the quill to writing by himself but also cheer on lieges to write.On one year's the New Year's Eve,he passed the dictate"every lieges should put up a pair of spring festival scrolls on the door" On kalends the Ming ancestor take a tour of inspection secretly, saw the spring festival scrolls every where felt very happy.when he reached a house, saw there had no spring festival scrolls ,so ask for the reason.
The owner is a pig killer,he was worrying none could write
a spring festival scrolls of him,Zhu Yuanzhang writed "two hands cleave live and die' way,one quire cut down rigtt or wrong hates"'s spring festival scroll to give to this people at once.According to this story we can make out Zhu Yuanzhang is advocate the spring festival scrolls.Also by his advocate,drive the spring festival scrolls's usual prevail
By the Qing dynasty,the spring festival scrolls's art quality and ideology quality had improved a lot.the book of the spring festival scrolls Lan Lian Cong Hua(斜体) which wrote by Liang Zhangju, aimed at the the spring festival scrolls's source and all kinds of works appeared——dissertate.The spring festival scrolls had already became a kind of literature art at that time
累死我了 纯手工的

the folk-custom of putting up spring festival scrolls on Spring Festival was arise from Ming dynasty.According to the history record, the Ming ancestor Zhu Yuanzhang love couplets very much.Not only drive the quill to writing by himself but also cheer on lieges to write.On one year's the New Year's Eve,he passed the dictate"every lieges should put up a pair of spring festival scrolls on the door" On kalends the Ming ancestor take a tour of inspection secretly, saw the spring festival scrolls every where felt very happy.when he reached a house, saw there had no spring festival scrolls ,so ask for the reason.
The owner is a pig killer,he was worrying none could write
a spring festival scrolls of him,Zhu Yuanzhang writed "two hands cleave live and die' way,one quire cut down rigtt or wrong hates"'s spring festival scroll to give to this people at once.According to this story we can make out Zhu Yuanzhang is advocate the spring festival scrolls.Also by his advocate,drive the spring festival scrolls's usual prevail
By the Qing dynasty,the spring festival scrolls's art quality and ideology quality had improved a lot.the book of the spring festival scrolls Lan Lian Cong Hua(斜体) which wrote by Liang Zhangju, aimed at the the spring festival scrolls's source and all kinds of works appeared——dissertate.The spring festival scrolls had already became a kind of literature art at that time

Tuesday. December 14th. Sunny Hello everyone,My name is Bob. I am thirteen years old. I am in Class 9, Grade 7 of Guangming Middle School. In my class, I have ten teachers. The English teacher is very young. The Math teacher is very kind. The Chinese teacher is very han...


(第1段)亲爱的Robin:Dear Rbin 你好!我是一个女孩。我的中文名字是张竹清,而我的英文名字是Vermouth。Hello! I'm a girl. My name is Zhang Zhuqing,but my English name is Vermoutho 认识你很开心!我是中国青岛育才中学的一名七年级学生。我非常喜欢你送给我的书和徽章。I'm very glad...

supporting text here.copy paste fonts.choose the only optionto retain text.adjust the spacing to adapt to Chinese typesetting,use the reference line in PPT.此处为支持文本。复制粘贴字体。选择唯一选项 保留文本。调整间距以适应中文 排版,使用PPT中的参考线。

No time to stand beneath the boughts没有时间在·(boughts?)·之下站立 And stare as long as sheep or cows.并且和绵羊或牛群一样长久凝望 No time to see, when woods we pass,没有时间去看见,当我们掠过森林 Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.那是松鼠们将坚果藏在草丛的地方 ...

I often play with my classmates. Out of all my classes, I like math the best, because I'm skilled in math and often practice fascinating problems during the weekend. This is me, a girl who loves learning. I hope that everyone will like me.自己翻译的,希望对你有帮助。=)...

will be satisfied with the me. I am able to make your hotel and your guest satisfaction.I hope you can give me a chance to hotel. I will pay back your kindness with great appreciation.Looking forward to your interview.这是我自己写的初稿,你可以在加以润色,希望能帮到你 ...

Hallo everyone. I'm not good at singing,So I can only choose to introduce myself.Now I feel very nervous. I'm a cheerful girl.I like to laugh. I believe that as long as laugh, no big deal.My study is not very good. But I believe that as long as effort will be ...

帮我翻译一下这一小段英文 谢了~ 急用 在线等
hello :您好:i read your mail and i was smilling because you always make me happy and looking young because when you smile all the time you will look young so i will like you to be smilling all the time.当我读你的信时禁不住微笑因为你总让我感到欢快与年轻那是因为你的面颊...

Suddenly, the ice broke and one of his sledges fell into the sea.突然,冰层裂开了,并且他的一只雪橇掉进了海里。Jeff needed to get it back, so he had to put his hand into the ice-covered water.Jeff需要把它拣回来,所以他不得不将手伸进覆盖着冰层的水下。

交口县17585443507: 英语翻译请帮我翻译一下这段话,我爱你,不只是说说而已,我想过我们的未来,我们以后的生活,我在努力,我在奋斗,因为你,值得让我竭尽全力,我... -
移行:[答案] 中文写得很好了,如果是向中国人求婚的话何必译成英文?如果是向外国人求婚的话那就另当别论了.

交口县17585443507: 英语翻译请哪位英语高手帮我翻译一下这段话:“我要你知道,这个世界上有一个人会永远等着你.无论什么时候,无论你在什么地方,反正你知道总会有这样... -
移行:[答案] I want you to know that in this world there will have a person waiting for you forever .Whenever,regardless of you in any place,you knew in any case there will have this kind of person waiting for you.

交口县17585443507: 英语翻译帮我用英语翻译一下这段话:{请相信我,我只想好好的爱你^^^^^^也请不要再问爱你有多深,我想告诉你的是我的心只属于你就够了.真的很爱你,想... -
移行:[答案] Please believe me,I just want to love you,Jeanne good Please do not ask how deep love you,I want to tell you is my heart belongs to you enough. Really love you,and you do want a lifetime ... We must believe! Love your sweet

交口县17585443507: 英语翻译请大家帮我翻译一下这段话:在中国,比如吃饭时要使用筷子,当许多人一起吃饭时,如果自己吃饱了,不能直接走了,应该和大家说一下或者等大... -
移行:[答案] In China,the etiquette is very important,for example,to use chopsticks to eat,when to eat with other people,if their feed,not directly gone,and we should say something such as,or with everyone eating.

交口县17585443507: 请把这段话用英文翻译一下 -
移行: The inspiration that I got to design this theme came from the floating log on the sandy beach.The old floating log on the theme desk,the pure white shells and the brightly colored starfish are all echoing to give you a feeling that as if you could smell the ...

交口县17585443507: 请用英文翻译这段话,一定要准确. -
移行: When your life is covered haze, as long as you believe the haze of behind have sunshine, with a smile to face every difficulty, and one day the sunlight will disperse the haze, still you blue sky, you will find that life is actually very good.

交口县17585443507: 请英文高手帮忙翻译下这段话 急!!!
移行: I assure you that I will give her happiness I have never loved a woman so she smiled at a glance every bit by bit, so I love all So far her friends your little worried that I understand is also a reasonable In particular, between I and her story is so dramatic ...

交口县17585443507: 请帮忙用英语翻译一下下面这段话,谢谢! -
移行: The problem is, we've received the bank slip for more than a week now, but the money hasn't been transferred into our account yet. We don't know what is going on, we'll wait and see how it goes. I will contact you if the money is still not credited into account after two more days. Thank you!

交口县17585443507: 英语翻译请翻译一下这段话:The three biggest lies in America are:The check is in the mail; Of course,I'll respect you in the morning; It was a computer error. -
移行:[答案] 美国流行的三个最大的谎言是:支票在邮件里,当然,我在早晨会尊重你,这是电脑错误.

交口县17585443507: 请问这段话用英文怎么翻译? -
移行: Only one of the world's people deserve your tears for him, but the only worthy of your tears, does not allow you to tears ... "

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