
作者&投稿:莫疮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Hello,everyone. My name is giffer and I'm 12-year-old .I am Very pleased to be admitted to the Xicheng Foreign Language School. My favourite subject is Chinese and English. My hobby is blown flute and reading.

There is also a very good Orchestra here. The school orchestra and this will allow me to learn a lot of knowledge in this three years. I want to study well. To give our parents and ourselves a satisfactory answer at this holiday. I took part in the training of the orchestra. Participated in the torch relay Task.

I will Learn a lot and I hope that I can learn more knowledge at this secondary school.




Panda—the National Treasure
Panda is one of the scarcest animals. People in the world like it very much. There used to be many pandas in China long ago. As the balance of nature was destroyed and the weather was getting warmer and warmer, pandas became less. But at present, the number of pandas is increasing year by year. There are now so many pandas that some are being sent to other countries so that people there can enjoy them.
Nowadays, the biggest nature park for panda in China is in Sichuan. There is a research centre for nature and wild life there. Scientists hope that one day they will have enough pandas to be set free and let them live in the wild again. 熊猫-国宝
Compared with the past, the giant panda habitat has been reduced by 4 / 5, is the only remaining more than 1 square kilometer was also distributed in more than 30 county, which is facing severe habitat fragmentation and fragmentation. This is less than 1,000 wild giant pandas being cut into 20 small isolated populations. This situation will reduce the genetic diversity of giant pandas, leading to adapt to the giant panda breeding, disease resistance, such as the declining ability to more easily into its critically endangered situation.Although the authorities greatly strengthened the promotion and protection of giant pandas, there is still a small number of people take the risk, poaching, smuggling and illegal activities of giant pandas. This giant panda reproduction of the population pose a deadly threat to the protection of giant pandas is still a long way to go. And I hope that we work together to protect giant pandas!

As we all know ,Paris is the capital of France. It is such a beautiful place that all the people would like to visit it some day.The weather is neither hot in summer nor cold in winter.There are many places of interest in that city such as Notre-Dame de Paris (巴黎圣母院) and Versailles Palace.(凡尔赛宫)You can see many museums , theatres ,gardens , fountains (喷泉)and sculptures (雕塑)everywhere. It is really a civilized (文明的)and beautiful city. People in Paris are very gentle. They have colorful life.介绍巴黎的

... is a big city. It has a long history. People in this city are very friendly. There are also many places of great interest. ...is a great tower and a lot of tourists come to visit it every year. ...is also a good scenic spot.
Welcome to our city!

I'd like to tell you what Shenzhen is like. Shenzhen is a modern city in South of China, it lies next to Hong Kong. Shenzhen is very young and beautiful, too. There are many scenic spots here, for example, there are two famous beaches, named Da Meisha and Xiao Meisha. People always go swimming there. There are also a lot of mountain parks here like Lianhua Park and Bao'an Park, they are covered with green tall trees, grass and colorful flowers. Welcome to Shenzhen when you are free!

I'd like to introduce a city which attracts me most---Beijng. Beijing is the capitcal of China and has a long history, which makes it permeate flavour of antique beauty.The Fobidden city and The Palace Museum are primary chioces, both of which are world famous tourist destinations.They both have enchanting nature beaty and abandant cultural heritages.



以下是一个样例城市雅思写作范文,用于参考:题目:城市化对环境的影响 随着城市化的快速发展,城市所带来的环境问题成为人们关注的焦点。本文将探讨城市化对环境的积极和消极影响,并提出相关解决方案。首先,城市化给环境带来了一定的负面影响。首要的问题是大量的工业污染。城市中的工厂和企业排放出大量有...

6. 渝水区是新余市的核心区域,辖5个办事处、6个镇、5个乡,有201个村民委员会、1872个村民小组。7. 新余市是新余江西面积最小,人口倒数第二的地级市,辖1县1区,总人口110多万,其中中心城区人口50万左右。8. 钢铁工业是新余的基础和支柱产业,自上世纪50年代开始发展,曾经在1960年升为省辖市...


我很喜欢新疆伊犁这座城市,可以给你作为参考:伊犁是块美丽而富有传奇色彩的宝地.人们通常说的伊犁,既指伊犁哈萨克自治州,辖伊犁、塔城、阿勒泰三个地区和奎屯直辖市,全州共有24个县、市,首府伊宁。伊犁哈萨克自治州的行政区内还包括新疆生产建设兵团的5个师60个团场。 全州总面积35万平方公里其中平原...

首先,城市概况,比如占地面积。人口分布情况等 其次,城市文化,比如名人、名城,特色的简要介绍 第三,从衣食住行四方面介绍该区域的总体面貌,简要表现经济状况 第四,如果该区域有诸多院校,可以结合自身的学校谈谈教育这方面。最后,抒发感想,使他人产生前往的动力 ...

Hello, my name is Li Hua, you are welcome to come to my city where I urban history is long and is also very beautiful here, you can relax yourself can and I a piece to eat food festival when here is very lively and traditional Chinese activities here and the fresh air ...


介绍一个旅游景点三个理由 写出想去这些景点的理由
在这片富饶的土地上,有占全国1\/4的动物和1\/6的植物,是名副其实的“动物王国”和“植物王国”,是中国的热点旅游城市之一。 2、黄果树大瀑布:黄果树风景...推荐一个旅游景点,加喜欢理由100字左右,注意不是去玩,是语文题目。黄山。 黄山风景区秋高气爽、阳光明媚、金菊绽放,碧苔红叶漫山亦,紫气红翠远近带,雨...

淮滨县17382751262: 介绍一个城市,题目自拟60字左右,,英语作文 -
齐昌兰索: As we all know ,Paris is the capital of France. It is such a beautiful place that all the people would like to visit it some day.The weather is neither hot in summer nor cold in winter.There are many places of interest in that city such as Notre-Dame de ...

淮滨县17382751262: 写一篇“My home town”为题的作文,60词左右 -
齐昌兰索: My Home Town My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice. But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life. In 1949 my hometown was ...

淮滨县17382751262: 求作文:介绍自己去过的一个地方. (题目自拟) -
齐昌兰索: 1.杭州,一座美丽的城市 “上有天堂,下有苏杭.”这话说得一点也没错,杭州的的确确跟天堂一样美.杭州是一个购物的天堂,这里有很多很多购物商场:杭州大厦、天宫艺苑、银泰百货、解百商场、万象城、龙翔大厦……每家商场的货物都...

淮滨县17382751262: My lifein home town(为题目写一篇60词的作文) -
齐昌兰索: My Home TownMy hometown is in the 地点, a seaside(沿海的城市) village.(如果不是后面板就不用写)It is a small village. There are about 600 people. Most of them are peasants. They mainly plant wheat, corn and cotton. Some of them ...

淮滨县17382751262: 以 Shanghai is a beautiful city 为题,写一篇60字的文章 -
齐昌兰索: shanghai is a good place in the east of China.It is a nice city with beautiful rivers,many parks and modern malls which are worth visiting.There is no such thing as a bad time to go to shanghai. It is also a friendly place that welcomes tourists of all ages.You are sure to have a good time in Shanghai.约62词

淮滨县17382751262: 以Welcome to My Hometown为题目,写一篇英语作文 ,60词左右
齐昌兰索: My hometown is a provincial city named HRB, located in the northeastern part of China. It is famous as an Ice and Snow City, Oriental Moscow. 这一段可以将你所知道的家乡在世界范围内人们对它的了解作一初步介绍.这里我以哈尔滨省会城市为...

淮滨县17382751262: 以“城市”为题写一篇作文,题目自拟,700字 -
齐昌兰索: 城市记忆 在中国许多城市中,上海无疑是个异类,各国公民在这里汇聚,各种思想在这里碰撞,上海就像一个身穿旗袍的舞女,摩登而不失优雅,踏着时代的节拍,一次又一次华丽地转身,但古韵却不曾消失.在我看来,上海最美丽的风景不是...

淮滨县17382751262: 以我的家乡为题目写一篇介绍天津的作文 -
齐昌兰索: 没有天津的,你看看这两个. 山西是个美丽富饶的城市,这里有高耸的山,有清澈见底的水,还有高楼大厦…… 山,大家一提到山,马上想到高耸的山,爬山,还有许多着名的山的名字,那么是山西,又有哪些着名的山呢?芦芽山、五台山、...

淮滨县17382751262: 以“绍兴我的家乡”为题帮我写一段话(50字左右) -
齐昌兰索: 一座拥有2500年历史的文化古城,是“没有围墙的博物馆”、群星璀璨的“名士之乡”,世界文豪鲁迅先生的故里.这里是著名的江南水乡、酒乡、桥乡,素有“东方威尼斯”的美誉,并荣获联合国人居奖的城市——绍兴.

淮滨县17382751262: 初一英语作文 介绍一个国家或城市 -
齐昌兰索: China is my favorite country. The number of people in china is 1300000000. China is very beautiful. The pollution is less then many years ago. There are many trees and flowers here. And the capital of china is Beijing. It's a famous city in the world. ...

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