英语高手 帮忙解决下语法问题啦~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~···

作者&投稿:宜眨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语高手~~~~帮帮忙啦~~~ 是关于英语语法的问题啦~~~ 在线跪求中!~

work many hours “工作很长时间” 不需要加什么in。这里的work可以看成vt.
这是字典里的例句:They work forty hours a week.
就好像run many miles, walk a long distance 一样,不需要画蛇添足地写成 walk at a long distance.

后面的each day they work 也是一样的道理。they work each day --> each day就跟many hours一样。


1. ……just that 更像是原因状语从句,换成because 或since能说得通。

2. 语法是 how come..., in 是因为后面有table这个词,跟how come不是一起的。




这句话是强调句型 还原: Of course the element periodic table lead us to expect existed before anyone find it and made it.

虽然看着有点别扭 这是不加修饰的句式 不知你看得明白不 existed 是定语从句的省略

出自托福tpo8 原句是Of course, it was an element the periodic table led us to expect existed before anyone find it and made it.
the periodic table led us to expect the element existed



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剧废单硝:[答案] B D B C (fireman and firefighter are both right, but fireman is generally used) B (B and D are both right, but B is generally used)

塔河县15266526148: after graduating , he get a job 英语高手 帮我解决语法问题~~~~~ 在线等待after graduating , he get a job这里的 graduating, 是不是应该看成为 现在分词作状... -
剧废单硝:[答案] after graduating 是介词短语 ,这个介词引导的短语整体做时间状语.graduating现在分词形式是因为跟在介词后面.别想太多.

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剧废单硝: 1a what about doing2b without doing 介词后面跟ing3b would like to do sth4 b of 介词 后面跟 ing5 a decide to do sth6 b enjoy doing7 a mind doing8 a remember doi...

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剧废单硝: 英语副词的分类及其用法 英语副词是对动词、形容词、其他副词或者一个句子起描述作用,或者对其意义作进一步说明的词.英语副词根据其句法功能可分为附加语(adjunct)、联加语(conjunct)和外加语(disjunct).各类副词在句中的位置各...

塔河县15266526148: 英语语法问题,高手来帮忙NosoonerhadI(beense
剧废单硝: No sooner had I (been seated) than the play began. be seated表示状态,而这里“刚一...就...”表示动作,所以不行. They are (unlikely) to arrive in time owing to the heavy snowstorm. impossible 不行.因为它一般用于it is possible...结构. likely是“可能”中唯一一个用于be...to do这个结构的.

塔河县15266526148: 求各位大神帮忙解决下英语 语法疑问 -
剧废单硝: 其实就是要看to后面的东西跟前面的什么关系比较紧密~~譬如 please ask...

塔河县15266526148: 请英语高手帮忙修改语法,使句子通顺...Teachers can download material from the Internet which will scanning first by them.Teachers will select a few ... -
剧废单硝:[答案] Teachers can download materials from the Internet where they will scan the first.Teachers will select a few interesting pages ...of teaching so as to reduce the learning burden by raising the amount of activities. 给你修改了,应该没什么问题了;)

塔河县15266526148: 问一道英语语法题啦~高手帮解决一下好吧~ -
剧废单硝: 这种题目很简单,就拿你题目做为例子, 第一句 Mary and my 意思“房子是Mary和我的”是表示两者共有的, 第二句Mary's and my 意思是“Mary的房子和我的房子” 分别所有' 所有格加的地方不同,表示的意思就不一样```

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剧废单硝: 我去年打篮球. 这是英语的一般过去时的句子,结构是 主语+动词过去分词+表示过去时间的状语

塔河县15266526148: 请英文高手帮我纠正下语法错误,急用This paper aims to discuss how to make the computerized accounting in the enterprises has been fully applied,how to ... -
剧废单硝:[答案] This paper aims to discuss how to make the computerized accounting in the enterprises( has been fully applied去掉,语法错误,中文意思也不通),how to help enterprises reduce the labor intensity of accountants, to (saving应该是save) manpower, ...

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