i tried to____,but i can't____nothing

作者&投稿:索霞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
I tried to _____ him,but I can _____nothing.(用look at,see,look for,listen to,hear适当形式填空)~

listen to, hear

1、do nothing but do意思是:只做了某事;什么事也没做除了...;
①You can do nothing but let matters take their course.
②" I could do nothing but comply, and I entered it in silence."
“ 我无可奈何,只好服从,一言不发上了车。”
2、have no choice but to do意思是:别无选择,只有/只能...;
①All the countries have no choice but to unite a gainst terrorism.
②They have no choice but to lie down and sleep.
3、can't but do意思是:不得不做某事。
①We can't but lodge a claim against you.
②The boy can't but do the housework.

1、Now we have no choice but to cancel this contract.
2、He will have no choice but to ally himself with the new movement.
3、You just feel like do nothing but take a shower and cooling off.

I tried to do everything, but I can't change nothing.
我不遗余力尝试了一切, 但是我什么都改变不了。
出现but表示此处应有意思的转折 后面表示的必是消极的结果 据文意推断 应该如此

do everything

贵州省17166873326: 但是用英语怎么说 -
桐钱安博: 但是: 1. but 2. however Relative explainations: Examples: 1. 我打过电话了,但是没有人接. I've called but nobody answered. 2. 我想把机器修理好,但是失败了. I tried to fix the equipment but I failed. 3. 商业信函必须是正式的,但是写信...

贵州省17166873326: try to do 与try doing的区别 -
桐钱安博: 注意try to与try加动词ing形式的区别,后者经常表示建议做某事.如,I'm going to try to open a jammed door (我要设法打开一扇卡住的门),Try opening the windows to freshen the air (试着把窗子打开,透透气).try to do 表示试着做某事 try doing 表示建议做某事 望采纳~谢谢

贵州省17166873326: try to是什么意思 -
桐钱安博: try to do 表面的意思是; 试着做某事儿,但实际上的意思是:努力想做成某事儿 比如,i tried to escape,but i failed. "我努力着想逃走,但是没有成功." 而try doing 表面意思也是: 试着做某事儿,但实际意思是:(为了达到另外的一个目的)...

贵州省17166873326: Try to do 和doing的区别 -
桐钱安博: try to do 努力,企图做某事. try doing 试验,试着做某事.如:You must try to be more careful. 你可要多加小心. I tried gardening but didn't succeed. 我试着种果木花卉,但未成功. 【俊狼猎英】 团队为您解答,欢迎追问

贵州省17166873326: I tried to catch the ball but it was - -----my reach. -
桐钱安博: 在这里的话,只能填 D: beyond.因为它指的是 “超越、超出”,整句意思是:我试着去抓住那个球,但是我够不着(它超过了我的手能及的范围).Beyond my reach - 指的就是物品、事物超过了我们能够碰到或者做到的能力和范围.希望帮到你.

贵州省17166873326: I tried - ---(call) you .but you weren't in.横线上天填什么? -
桐钱安博: I tried to call you....

贵州省17166873326: 翻译“我试图向他解释,但他生气的转过脸去”用turn away
桐钱安博:I tried to explain to him ,bu t he turned away with his angry face

贵州省17166873326: I tried to call you是什么意思啊?? -
桐钱安博: 我试着给你打电话(没接通)

贵州省17166873326: i tried to - ---,but i can't----nothing -
桐钱安博: I tried to do everything, but I can't change nothing.我不遗余力尝试了一切, 但是我什么都改变不了.出现but表示此处应有意思的转折 后面表示的必是消极的结果 据文意推断 应该如此

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