写一篇farewell party 80词 英语作文 带翻译

作者&投稿:藩湛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
小学英语作文farewell party(告别晚会)~

It was a farewell party the other I'm sad. Time is very fast. Now in sixth grade, about to leave elementary school. I cried, the door side and the students drink. We are very sad, and we hold together. We all wish each other after the other to be happy, they left the phone to each other. Then we posed for pictures with a souvenir. The instructors also bless our academic progress, we reluctantly to leave the school site team

这是一场另我难过的离别派对。时间是非常快的。现在已经六年级了,快要离开小学了。我哭着,一边和同学门喝饮料。大家都很伤心,我们抱在了一起。大家都互相祝福对方以后要快乐,都留了电话给对方。然后大家一起拍照留作纪念。最后老师还祝福我们学业上取得 进步,我们恋恋不舍的离开了派队地点It was a farewell party the other I'm sad. Time is very fast. Now in sixth grade, about to leave elementary school. I cried, the door side and the students drink. We are very sad, and we hold together. We all wish each other after the other to be happy, they left the phone to each other. Then we posed for pictures with a souvenir. The instructors also bless our academic progress, we reluctantly to leave the school site team

在悼念去世的人时,更常见的表达是使用"Rest in peace"、"Remember always"或"May they rest in peace"等。这些表达方式更能恰当地表达对逝者的怀念和敬意。

It was a farewell party the other I'm sad. Time is very fast. Now in sixth grade, about to leave elementary school. I cried, the door side and the students drink. We are very sad, and we hold together. We all wish each other after the other to be happy, they left the phone to each other. Then we posed for pictures with a souvenir. The instructors also bless our academic progress, we reluctantly to leave the school site team

例如:Three Gorges Flooded By “Farewell” Tourists.(The Three Gorges Flooded By “Farewell” Tourists.)惜别之情难以挡游客蜂拥至三峡。 系动词通常省略 。例如:Three Dead After Inhaling Oven Gas.(Three Are Dead After Inhaling Oven Gas.)吸入炉灶煤气三人窒息身亡。 助动词通常省略 。例如: Pope To ...

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Dear friends, please do not be sad, farewell to each other after the treasure. The most gorgeous smile bloom, more beautiful dreams for tomorrow. Dear friends, please hold for a handshake, then on to the Ben West, East. Liu Yin melancholy in every possible way under the other, as long...

burning orange in summer and fiery red in autumn. it is a time for our eyes to have a rest, and all the other living creatures too.winter isn't jusr a season for sorrow and farewells, it is also a season to enjoy. we have christmas and new year in winter. it is the...

With farewell in my heart.Farewells must be quiet, mute,Even the summer insects are silent,Knowing I am leaving.The Cambridge night is soundless.I leave quietly As I came quietly.I am leaving Without taking so much As a piece of cloud.But with a quick jerk of my sleave I...

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he practices every day. I think studying is like playing basketball. We must work harder and harder. And we must try our best to study each subject well. If we do like this, I think we will do well in our subjects as Nowitzki plays basketball. We can also “Out of Nowher...

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with the telling of every experience --- with the telling of every's experience the singing of mary --- a singing of mary ,with accompanied by John.--- ,which accompanied by John.最后一句I look foward to pleasure of your company,and if you want to perform,I will arr...

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不唯一Possible version: Dear friends, Today we are having a farewell party to honor our friend Peter. He is going back to his homeland before the New Year. In the past year Peter and all of us have been on good terms. Also we have helped each other and become good friends...

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太怎乐舒: It was a farewell party the other I'm sad. Time is very fast. Now in sixth grade, about to leave elementary school. I cried, the door side and the students...

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太怎乐舒: It was a farewell party the other I'm sad. Time is very fast. Now in sixth grade, about to leave elementary school. I cried, the door side and the students drink. We are very sad, and we hold together. We all wish each other after the other to be happy, ...

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太怎乐舒:[答案] Farewell partyYesterday our class was having a farewell party for our classmate,Jane.She is going to migrate to Australia.Before the party get started,we hung many balloons inside the classroom as dec...

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