
作者&投稿:禄邹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语作文:建议书 写青少年该做什么,不该做什么,并阐述理由~

Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes!because they are old enough ! i do not think teenagers should be allowed to go out with their friends every night!bacause they are not serious enough ! they parents also worry about them!most people do not think teenagers should be allowed to have part time jobs!because they think teenagers should be study hard !it is thier duty to study hard!well ,this is right !but i think teenagers have a part tinme job is vey great!maybe you think they are not calm enouh ,they are a little stupid !i can tell you :you are wrong!to have a part time job can to temper themselves!i think this is a good idea!in order to have a good job in the future ,they must learn many things!ok!this is my opinion !do you agree with me ?如果你还有什么不懂的可以问我:632240146!希望你能够满意啦!

假如你是李华,在学习英语过程中遇到困难,请给English weekiy编辑写信
要点:1.自我介绍 2.遇到的困难 3.希望得到建议和帮助
Dear editor of English Weekily,
My name is Li Hua. I'm a student of XXX Middle School in XXXXX City. I got some troubles in my English study. I find it difficult for me to speak it aloud and fast.I have tried my best to get over it but I still can not make it. Could you please give me some advice from your experience for that. I really need your help. Thanks.
Best wishes
Your sincerely
Li Hua

  1, for the youth, "Three Views" formation of a potential threat. Youth on the network can easily come into contact with the rhetoric of capitalism, culture and ideology, etc., in an extreme ideological contradictions, chaos, its life and values can easily tilt occurs, thereby breeding total Westernization, hedonism, money worship, fawning, etc. bad thoughts. 2, the network has changed the relationships and lifestyles in youth work and life. Youth in the online public, to express their views frankly opinion, requiring equal dialogue for youth workers to challenge authority, ideological and political work often can not achieve the desired effect. At the same time, the Internet so that young people easily form a self-centered way of life, collective consciousness, personal liberalism flooding. 3. Information garbage weakening moral consciousness of young people. Experts survey, 47% of online information and pornography, about 60% of young people in the online information inadvertently exposed to yellow. There are some illegal organizations or individuals are available online black disrupt political and economic information, confused young people. This information is garbage will weaken juvenile moral consciousness, pollution adolescent mind, misguided youth behavior. 4, hidden network, leading to immoral behavior and juvenile criminal behavior increased. On the one hand, a small number of young people visit pornographic and illegal websites, the use of false identities for malicious dating and chat. On the other hand an increase in cyber crime, such as the spread of viruses, hackers, by banks and credit card theft and fraud. These youth-oriented subject of crime, most pure motives, and some even for "fun," "fun" and "talent show." In addition, the legal system is not perfect about the network also gives an opportunity to exploit juvenile delinquency.
  Suggestions 1. Advocacy Network Age more self-restraint and self-discipline required to have a rational and humane care dual personality charismatic person, learners only recognize this, and in order to take full account of the positive interaction between people and society, the scientific use of the Internet, personal indulgence will Shoulong desire to replace capricious rational, moral replace the normal operation of the network and trample the behavior of network resources. Based on this, educators to teach students the knowledge and technology should also pay attention to the cultivation of students' Morality. To help students establish good moral values, to form a correct outlook on life, moral values and worldviews; focus on the students ability to judge right and wrong, and enhance their moral sensitivity and moral discernment, so that students can eventually reach the network consciously resist negative factors impact and purpose of erosion, enable students to become talents needed information age. 2. Strengthening Administration of College Students manage the external environment is a very important factor. For example, you can set up a number of related courses, students good moral sense, reason and noble sense of beauty; students conscious of the network sense of responsibility, to strengthen the network of moral education of students. Allow students to fully understand the dangers of online information and disseminate pornographic spam and other undesirable values of the site. In addition, during the development of e-learning content to deal with the emotional interaction as relatively independent design, considering all factors of teaching content, learner, interactive technology, the real emotional interaction as an element of the network teaching integrated into the teaching process in order to establish and improve mechanisms to promote emotional interaction. Furthermore appropriate time limit student access to the Internet, to use the Internet sparingly purposes. 3. improve teacher quality education must adapt to new situations, to achieve conceptual change, should attach strategic network impact on student emotions, with an open mind to face the negative effects brought about by the network of student emotion. To this end, teachers must update several ideas: First, the network will replace the traditional teaching process teaching ideas. Second, the traditional teaching process exclusion network teaching ideas. Third, the process of online teaching and traditional teaching process incompatible ideas. At the same time, strengthen the network of teachers teaching technology, regularly organize relevant teacher training, teaching network technology as a teaching essential skills task, thus ensuring network teaching to achieve the desired results. With the development of modern information technology, modern teaching methods of computer-based technology will certainly penetrate into the various disciplines and teaching across the curriculum, teaching mode based on the network environment is a collection of a new modern teaching techniques. How to update the concepts of education, proficiency in information technology and network technology to enhance education under the network environment is a new challenge facing educators.



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一 I am a teenager and I have a problem just like any other teenagers too. I think my problem is relating to "what would I do if I grow up?". This is something I really have no answer for myself. I worried about how I do at school. I also worried about what my ...

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