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assure: [ ə'ʃuə ] v. 保证,确告,担保
I can assure you that your son will be happy here. 我可以向你保证,你儿子在这里会很快乐的

ensure: [ in'ʃuə ] v. 确定,保证,担保
This medicine will ensure you a good night's sleep. 这药保证能让你好好睡一觉

insure: [ in'ʃuə ] v. 保险,确保,投保...险

sure: [ ʃuə ] a. 确信,必然的,必定的
ad. 当然,确实地,无疑地

例句1:I want to assure you that nothing will go wrong tomorrow.
例句2:1 want tO ensure that nothing will go wrong tomorrow.assure是“向某人保证”(make someone confident)的意思,而ensure是“保证上,确定”(make certain)的意思

1. 固定句型:when it comes to... 当临到...时
2. 翻译:我们大多数人都知道应该减少脂肪,但是一到购物和进食时,光知道这样的事情(而不付诸实践)不会有太大的帮助。
3. 这个从句是简单的时间状语从句,而不是什么名词性从句。


Any student (who is) having a keen interest in chess can supply for the membership of the club.

如果是B的话没有being,直接who is keenly interested就行

be keen on doing/sth.

同位语 选A



3道高二英语选择题1.---The plan is heard ___so will that we don...
看起来正在下雨用ing 形式 第三题 独立主格结构,0,3道高二英语选择题 1.---The plan is heard ___so will that we don't have to make any change.---It is indeed.A.to design B.designing C.designed D.design 2.It looks like ___.You'd better your umbrella.A.to rain,to ta...

答案:D.解释:此题考查非限制性定语从句的语法。1. 固定短语make an apology to sb for sth,意思是“为某事向某人道歉”。2. for which you should make an apology to her = you should make an apology to her for which 而非限制性定语从句中的关系代词which,代指主句What you said just...

1. I am afraid that your request to speak at the ceremony is not quite ___, because we have already had everybody ___ ___.A. in place; speak; in place B. in place; to speak; in place C. out of place; speaking; in place D. in place; to speak; in the ...

1. Every few years, the coal workers___their lungs X-rayed to ensure their health.A. are having B. have C. have had D. had had 选B。考查时态要找到时间状语是关键。every few years意思是 “每隔几年”,所以要求用一般现在时表规律性的,习惯性的动作。have their ...

1. 上升;升起;上涨;升高;增加 The sun has not yet risen.太阳还没升起。The population of the city has risen to five million.该市人口已增加到五百万。2. 高耸;高出[W][Q]An immense building rose before their eyes.他们眼前耸立起一座巨大的建筑物。3. 起立[(+up)]He rose and left...

1.-What salary do you expect per month ?-Do __ you see fit .A. as B.what C.it D.that 答:A 译:你期望你月薪多少 你们看着办吧。析:此题改自下面的对话:Dialogue 1 (A:王小姐,面试的人,B:林小姐,一家公司的高级文秘)A:Good morning ,Miss lin.早上好,林小姐 B:Good...

1. 选C come true 实现 take off 脱下,起飞 show up 出现 pay off 取得成功,有收获 根据句意:他多年作为探索者的训练终于有了回报。2. A the moment 引导时间状语从句= as soos as 一...就...翻译:他一开口,我就知道他不是北京的。3.选C 强调句 it is \/ not until + 被强调...

几道高二英语选择题 非谓语动词 求高手解答
1.选B ,根据句意,当心,路上有只袋鼠在路上在游荡,很幸运躲过了。 这里很幸运用的是过去时,那么躲过这个事也是发生了,这里省略了主语,所以也该用过去时。I missed it! It was lucky。2. 选D. 这里是分词分词作伴随状语,prepare 的逻辑主语是 the professor , prepare oneself for sth...

答案:B 考点:语义猜测 根据第一段母亲所说的话“it’s something that you would rather not have anyone else to know about”“它是一件你不希望其他人所知道的事情”,选择B。27题 答案:A 考点:细节推断 解析:由第二段”Yes,but people these days say that you are not a real ...

两者构成all the costs be involved in the project,其中含有固定搭配be involved in"涉及”,所以两者之间为被动关系,排除主动的A;3. 不定式做后者定语,表示involve该动作尚未发生,不合句意,排除D;C表示正在进行的动作,不合句意,排除。4. 所以正确答案为B。参考资料:英语牛人团 ...

南丰县13593476502: 一道高二英语选择题目 -
勾闸倩婷: 首先我们认为这个题B项肯定错误,能选出B项的同学说明他对代词的用法还不是很清楚,我...

南丰县13593476502: 高二英语选择题一道 The reason ( )he explained is not the real reason( )he didn't come. -
勾闸倩婷:[选项] A. why;why B. that;that C. why;that D. that;why 帮忙选择一下对的答案, 其他答案为什么错误最好也说一下!

南丰县13593476502: 一道高二英语选择题求解析 A worst earthquake occurred in Haiti in January , - tens of thousands of people.选项 -
勾闸倩婷:[选项] A. to kill B. killing C. killed D. having killed 为什么选B而不是D 求解析 只针对这道题把这类题讲明即可 不要长篇繁冗的粘贴和语法知识

南丰县13593476502: 一道高二英语选择题 -
勾闸倩婷: 在这里they feel作为插入语,你先把它提出来,即Sometimes parents want their children to do what they cannot do themselves,现在do有宾语我what了,所以不用that了

南丰县13593476502: 一道高二英语选择题 -
勾闸倩婷: 选C.caught to cheat in the exam是用来修饰the boy的,表示“在测试中被抓到作弊的男生”.抓到某人做某事是catch sb. doing sth.,但这里是被动,所以要还原成caught to cheat.整体句意是,老师责骂了在考试中被抓到作弊的男生.

南丰县13593476502: 一道高二英语选择题目--I saw no more than one copy of Harry Potter VII in that bookstore.Will you go and buy____?--All right,I'LL go there after school.A,thoseb,... -
勾闸倩婷:[答案] 首先我们认为这个题B项肯定错误,能选出B项的同学说明他对代词的用法还不是很清楚,我们说这个题是在c和d项中选择的,我们说这个题的优先等级是这样的a

南丰县13593476502: 一道高二英语选择题(请进!请详细说明!谢谢!) -
勾闸倩婷: What he writes is full of ___C_____ and inspiring to people .A facts B truth C energy D strengthenergy 活...

南丰县13593476502: 高二的一道英语选择题,谢谢了!~ -
勾闸倩婷: 选择C,因为根据题意这句应该是说:你刚才说你不喜欢你父亲的工作.而说话人被打断过,所以不能用完成时,而B 只强调是动作的过去性,不能表明“你刚才说到什么”的意思,所以用过去进行时比较恰当.

南丰县13593476502: 一道高二的英语选择题In the Beijing Olympics,Phelps from the US is a person of wonder,____who swam into the Olympic history.老师说填one,为什么不是the ... -
勾闸倩婷:[答案] 先跟你说下语法点吧,one=a+名词,而此题目中确实为同位语从句,为避免与前面的a person重复,用one代替.并不是特指啊,前面说来自美国的菲尔普斯是一个奇人,既然说是一个奇人,代表泛指,并不是全世界才只有他一个奇人啊.为什么要特...

南丰县13593476502: 一道高二英语单选 It's - ________ - students should take exercise at least one hour everyday. -
勾闸倩婷:[选项] A. rude B. feared C. acknowledge D. aware 原因

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