
作者&投稿:掌房 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. not only ... but also.. ; 2. ...as well as....

not only .... but also....


1.not only...but (also)....(as well)
He not only can speak Chinese,but (also) English (as well)
一般情况下会省略后面的as well,also也可省,但不常省.

not only,but also
To learn English well is not only important but also necessary

not only ... but also
not only ... but ... (as well)
To learn English well is not only helpful but also
或 To learn English well is not helpful but interesting (as well)

不但 [简明汉英词典]
not only

而且 [简明汉英词典]
and that
further more

准确地说:not only...and that(不但……而且……)

Learning English is not only useful,but also interesting.学习英语不仅有用,而且很有趣
用词组not only but also

1. The Clean Day is only two weeks away.2. Not only you but also me like English.3. The conference is put off due to the rain.

【译】我的问题是这种情况可以允许吗?为什么呢?而且在“但是”和“因为”之间也有一个“不”来代表一个否定的意思,那么如果我想否定一个conj,就直接在它前面加一个“not”?有人能告诉我怎么用“not”吗?【单词】represent [rep-ri-'zent][ˌreprɪ'zent] vt. 表现;表示;描绘;...

“虽然……但是”的英语翻译是Although... however.although的英式读法是[ɔːl'ðəʊ];美式读法是[ɔːl'ðoʊ]。作连词意思是虽然;尽管;然而;可是。however的英式读法是[haʊ'evə(r)];美式读法是[haʊ'evər]。...

Dear Tom,Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party. I’d love to go but I can’t. I’m really busy this weekend. My parents who are out on business are coming back next week, my grandma who is ill in bed has to be looked after by me, and I have ...

零之使魔 樱兰高校男公关部 轻音少女 日在校园 浪漫最星星社 凉宫春日的忧郁 初音岛 雪之少女 守护甜心 公主恋人 心跳回忆 校园迷糊大王 初恋限定 十字架与吸血鬼 吸血鬼骑士 好想告诉你 (校园)我们的存在 (校园)玩偶游戏 (校园+偶像)水果篮子 (校园)君吻 (校园)交响情人梦 (校...

尊敬的华硕用户,您好!1、华硕笔记本采用智能散热系统,K550DP搭配有Ice cool酷凉散热技术,系统根据CPU温度智能的调节风扇的转速进行散热。2、风扇的转动和CPU的温度有关,如使用环境温度较高,运行大型游戏、过多程序或CPU占用率过高都会引起CPU温度升高的现象,当CPU温度提高时风扇会转动频繁一些。3、...

I have not been in JiangHu for a long time. but there still have my tales

按照英国传统,女王(或国王)可以根据内阁首相的提议,将某种贵族爵位授予某人,但受封的人数是有限的,每年大约在20名以内。 贵族爵位(peerages)分为公爵(Duke)、侯爵(Marquis或Marquess)、伯爵(Earl)、子爵(Viscount)和男爵(Baron)5个等级。原来贵族爵位都是世袭的,而且只能有一个继承人。长子是法定继承人。只有在贵族...

You could reject me, but you can't cheat on me……you know, the treat from you makes me feel so helpless……

用英语怎么说。。 对不起,我只会一点点英语,但是特别喜欢英语,也很想去...
对不起,我只会一点点英语,但是特别喜欢英语,也很想去学的英文:Sorry, I only know a little English, but I like English very much and I really want to learn it.only 读法 英 ['əʊnlɪ] 美 [onlɪ]1、作副词的意思是:只,仅仅;不料 2、作形容词的...

丰县18848049332: 表示不但……而且……的英文短语有哪些?句型哦!not only……but also……=不但……而且……还有什么? -
店秦奈西:[答案] 还有两种也可以: not only……but not only……too

丰县18848049332: 表示"不但.而且."的英语词组!除了"not only.but also."外还有什么?它们有什么区别? -
店秦奈西:[答案] not only……,but…as well 完全一样的使 也可以直接……as well as…… 就可以表达这个意思,例如: she is a pretty girl as well as a diligent student.他不但是个漂亮的女孩儿而且是个勤奋的学生.

丰县18848049332: 不但 而且的英文除了not only...but also 以外还有什么形式吗? -
店秦奈西:[答案] 在连接词里面,其实not only ……but also 已经很高级了它是表并列与递进关系,它是不可替代的用法.它等同not …… but另外可以用其他连接词替代,这些不如not only but also常用,如both and ,whether or,furthermore,m...

丰县18848049332: 不但…而且的英文是什么? -
店秦奈西:[答案] 而且 [ér qíě] 基本翻译 moreover not only ...but also . ...as well as ... in addition 网络释义 而且:at that|what is more|in any case/event 而且选举:and choice 而且天空:And the sky

丰县18848049332: 表示不但……而且……的英文短语有哪些? -
店秦奈西: 还有两种也可以:not only……but not only……too外语专家为您解答,满意望采纳,谢谢!

丰县18848049332: “一边……一边”,“先……再”等英语怎么说呢?不但……而且与其……不如 -
店秦奈西:[答案] 一边一边:when,while,at the same time 先 再:先嘛first 再嘛furthermore 不但而且:not only...but also... 与其 不如:would rather...than..

丰县18848049332: 用英语翻译不但……而且 -
店秦奈西: 1.not only ...but also... e.g.:She is not only our teacher ,but also our friend . P.S.:此短语中的also可省略 2.as well as e.g.:He has experience as well as knowledge.他不但有知识,而且还有经验. 3.and 也可以表示不但.. 而且.. e.g.:Thank you for ...

丰县18848049332: 意外地___________ - 用…去做____ - 不仅…而且______ - 用英语怎么说?(短语意外地____________用…去做_____不仅…而且_______用英语怎么说?... -
店秦奈西:[答案] 意外地 by accident 用…去做 do ...with 不仅…而且 not only...but..also

丰县18848049332: 不但…而且的英文是什么? -
店秦奈西: 而且 [ér qíě] 基本翻译 moreover not only ... but also .... ... as well as ... in addition 网络释义 而且:at that|what is more|in any case/event 而且选举:and choice 而且天空:And the sky

丰县18848049332: 不但…而且英语等于什么 -
店秦奈西: not only but also 希望能帮到你,如有疑问,可继续追问


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