love letters一篇笑话,帮忙翻译!``谢谢各位 要正确!

作者&投稿:蹉澜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


我这样统计了一下:我拿0727 A report中的每一个ID去找在B report中与之相对应的ID,有相对应的ID我就在U列标了YES,没有对应的ID我就在U列标了NO;
I statistics about like this: I take 0727 A report for each of the ID to find in B report ID and at the same time, there are corresponding to the ID I am in U mark YES, there is NO corresponding ID I am in U mark NO;
同时,只要是两个ID相符的情况,那么A report中的每一个ID都会在B report中找到与之相对应的好多项,我也把这些同样的ID放在了一个新添加的sheet页中;
At the same time, as long as the two ID is consistent is the case, then A report for each of the ID can be found in the B report and at the same time A lot of items, I also put the same ID in the add A new sheet page;
还有一个情况是B report中还有一些在A report里并没有的ID。
There is also A is B and some in A report in the report and no ID.
现在是不是说在A report里标NO的这些项就是在B中还没有生成的单。
Is it said in A report the NO of these items is not generated in the B list.

Jenny Gordon是一非常善良美丽的女人,在她结婚了之前,许多男人都在追求她。





"现在要做个小乖乖哟!” 她对Sue说, “ 一个人乖乖在家玩,如果您需要什么东西,就告诉隔壁的阿姨”。

当她办事回后,她问苏, “刚才乖不乖呀?”



"我扮演了一个邮递员。 “苏回答道。

“你怎么可能扮演邮递员,亲爱的?“Jenny又问 “您没有任何信件呀?”。

"哦,但是,妈妈, “苏又说。 “我发现了一些在楼上一个老箱子里。我解开了红色带子。 我在街道的每个邮箱投了一个。妈妈,你说我乖不乖呢?”


哈哈,挺好笑的。这回Jenny Gordon 可真丢人了,邻居们都看见她的情书了。嘿嘿

basically, her daughter puts all letters to different mail box around that area.

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