
作者&投稿:却永 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

2000年悉尼奥运会闭幕歌曲 Dare To Dream
Artist: Olivia Newton John & John Farn
Song: Dare To Dream

I am my own believer

in my heart the reason
I will follow the light from within

I'm not afraid of weakness

I'm gonna taste the sweetness
of the power not to give in

I will see it through

I believe this is my moment of truth

Dare to dream
Dare to fly
Dare to be the ever chosen one to touch the sky
Dare to reach
Dare to rise

Find the strength to set my spirit free
Dare to dream

I will go the distance
Embrace resistance

I will lay my soul on the line

when the wait is over
And the hunger has spoken
If I give my all I will shine
I will see it through
I believe, this is my moment of truth

Dare to dream
Dare to fly
Dare to be the ever chosen one to touch the sky

Dare to reach
Dare to rise
Find the strength to set my spirit free
Dare to dream

And the heart will shine like the sun
A million voices together as one
I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe
Dare to dream
Dare to fly

Dare to be the ever chosen one to touch the sky
Dare to reach
Find the strength to set my spirit free
Dare to dream
Dare to fly
Dare to be the ever chosen one to touch the sky
Dare to reach
Dare to rise

Find the strength to set my spirit free
Find the strength to do what I believe
Dare to dream
Dare to dream



妮基·韦伯斯特悉尼奥运会开幕式和闭幕式上那个分别表演《Under Southern Skies》和《We‘ll be One》.

是Nikki Webster的<We'll Be One>

We'll Be One

Written by Phil Turcio & Kylieann Hewitt

Verse 1

I am a child who has a dream.

A dream to be strong;

to stand for where I'm from.

Now I can see all the world around me,

holding me close

in this world where we belong,

and I know in my heart we'll be flying

for I believe the day has come


when we'll all raise our hands together

and hope that this day brings peace to all.

We can walk side by side forever

to follow our dreams

and hope that this means

We'll be one

Verse 2

I will remember forever

this day we say goodbye

to the heroes by our side,

and as the flame burns so brightly around us

shining a light

as it journeys on tonight.

So let's all raise our hands together

and hope that this day brings peace to all.

We can walk side by side forever

to follow our dreams

and hope that this means

We'll be one.

I can't believe the end has come

with friendships just begun,

where nations joined to be a better world;

so let's reach up to the stars

together we'll give hope and joy

to all the world.


So let's all raise our hands together,

So let's all raise our hands together,

and hope that this day brings peace to all.

We can walk side by side forever

to follow our dreams

and hope that this means

We'll be one;

and hope that this means

We'll be one.

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城子河区13829714764: 悉尼奥运会闭幕式唱的歌?让我们融在一起
桑炭尤尼: 是Nikki Webster的<We'll Be One> 歌曲下载: http://zyxx.xmedu.cn/zyxx/xuesheng/sy/ay/music/xn.mp3 We'll Be One Written by Phil Turcio & Kylieann Hewitt Verse 1 I am a child who has a dream. A dream to be strong; to stand for where I'm from. ...

城子河区13829714764: 悉尼奥运会闭幕式的歌曲有那些 -
桑炭尤尼: 2000年悉尼奥运会闭幕歌曲 Dare To Dream Artist: Olivia Newton John & John Farn Song: Dare To Dream I am my own believer in my heart the reason I will follow the light from within I'm not afraid of weakness I'm gonna taste the sweetness of the ...

城子河区13829714764: 悉尼奥运会闭幕式上所有的歌曲 -
桑炭尤尼: 听2000年歌曲,每个中国人都觉得遗憾和伤痛,不是歌曲不好!而是中国仅以2票之差输了.这一等就是8年.但是这首歌曲却让我感动!在悉尼奥运会的闭幕式上,约翰-法纳姆与奥里维利-牛顿引吭高歌的《敢于梦想》和阿姆罗西精彩演唱的《永远英雄》都给人们留下很深的印象.据葛莱美排行榜统计,这些歌曲制成的歌曲磁带和CD在全球的销量都不错!让这首动人的歌曲伴随我们对悉尼美好的回忆,直到永远.

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桑炭尤尼: we'll be one

城子河区13829714764: 04悉尼奥运会闭幕式上那个小女孩唱的歌叫什么名字啊? -
桑炭尤尼: 妮基·韦伯斯特悉尼奥运会开幕式和闭幕式上那个分别表演《Under Southern Skies》和《We'll be One》.

城子河区13829714764: 12年奥运会闭幕式最受球迷的歌曲是什么 -
桑炭尤尼: 演唱组在1988年汉城奥运会主题歌《手拉手》恐怕是听众最熟悉的一首奥运歌曲她就是妮基?韦伯斯特!当时,年仅13岁的妮基在悉尼奥运会的开幕式和闭幕式

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城子河区13829714764: 2000年悉尼奥运会,妮琪?韦伯斯特在开幕式和闭幕式都献了歌吗?献了什么歌? -
桑炭尤尼: under sounthern skies 》 在南方天空下! ————悉尼奥运会 演唱:[澳]妮琪·韦伯斯特 (Nikki Webster ) Nikki Webster 就是2000悉尼奥运会开幕式上演唱奥运会会歌的那个小姑娘! 那时的她只有13岁 毕幕式不是她 Under the southern ...

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