
作者&投稿:佘国 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求英文演讲稿 主题 人工智能 (高中水平) 10分钟演讲的样子~

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10 Examples of Artificial Intelligence You’re Using in Daily Life

Internet Tech
Artificial intelligence (AI) might seem like the realm of
science fiction, but you might be surprised to find out that you’re
already using it. AI has a huge effect on your life, whether you’re
aware of it or not, and its influence is likely to grow in the coming
years. Here are 10 examples of artificial intelligence that you’re
already using every day.

Virtual Personal Assistants
Siri, Google Now, and Cortana
are all intelligent digital personal assistants on various platforms
(iOS, Android, and Windows Mobile). In short, they help find useful
information when you ask for it using your voice; you can say “Where’s
the nearest Chinese restaurant?”, “What’s on my schedule today?”,
“Remind me to call Jerry at eight o’clock,” and the assistant will
respond by finding information, relaying information from your phone, or
sending commands to other apps.

AI is important in these apps, as they collect information on your
requests and use that information to better recognize your speech and
serve you results that are tailored to your preferences. Microsoft says
that Cortana “continually learns about its user” and that it will
eventually develop the ability to anticipate users’ needs. Virtual
personal assistants process a huge amount of data from a variety of
sources to learn about users and be more effective in helping them
organize and track their information.

Video Games

One of the instances of AI that most people are probably familiar
with, video game AI has been used for a very long time—since the very
first video games, in fact. But the complexity and effectiveness of that
AI has increased exponentially over the past several decades, resulting
in video game characters that learn your behaviors, respond to stimuli,
and react in unpredictable ways. 2014’s Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor
is especially notable for the individual personalities given to each
non-player character, their memories of past interaction, and their
variable objectives.

First-person shooters like Far Cry and Call of Duty
also make significant use of AI, with enemies that can analyze their
environments to find objects or actions that might be beneficial to
their survival; they’ll take cover, investigate sounds, use flanking
maneuvers, and communicate with other AIs to increase their chances of
victory. As far as AI goes, video games are somewhat simplistic, but
because of the industry’s huge market, a great deal of effort and money
are invested every year in perfecting this type of AI.

Smart Cars

You probably haven’t seen someone reading the newspaper while driving
to work yet, but self-driving cars are moving closer and closer to
reality; Google’s self-driving car project and Tesla’s “autopilot”
feature are two examples that have been in the news lately. Earlier this
year, the Washington Post reported
on an algorithm developed by Google that could potentially let
self-driving cars learn to drive in the same way that humans do: through

The AI detailed in this article learned to play simple video games,
and Google will be testing that same intelligence in driving
games before moving onto the road. The idea is that, eventually, the car
will be able to “look” at the road ahead of it and make decisions based
on what it sees, helping it learn in the process. While Tesla’s
autopilot feature isn’t quite this advanced, it’s already being used on
the road, indicating that these technologies are certainly on their way

Purchase Prediction

Large retailers like Target and Amazon stand to make a lot of money
if they can anticipate your needs. Amazon’s anticipatory shipping
project hopes to send you items before you need them,
completely obviating the need for a last-minute trip to the online
store. While that technology isn’t yet in place, brick-and-mortar
retailers are using the same ideas with coupons; when you go to the
store, you’re often given a number of coupons that have been selected by
a predictive analytics algorithm.

This can be used in a wide variety of ways, whether it’s sending you
coupons, offering you discounts, targeting advertisements, or stocking
warehouses that are close to your home with products that you’re likely
to buy. As you can imagine, this is a rather controversial use of AI,
and it makes many people nervous about potential privacy violations from
the use of predictive analytics.

Fraud Detection

Have you ever gotten an email or a letter asking you if you made a
specific purchase on your credit card? Many banks send these types of
communications if they think there’s a chance that fraud may have been
committed on your account, and want to make sure that you approve the
purchase before sending money over to another company. Artificial
intelligence is often the technology deployed to monitor for this type
of fraud.

In many cases, computers are given a very large sample of fraudulent
and non-fraudulent purchases and asked to learn to look for signs that a
transaction falls into one category or another. After enough training,
the system will be able to spot a fraudulent transaction based on the
signs and indications that it learned through the training exercise.

Online Customer Support

Many websites now offer customers the opportunity to chat with a
customer support representative while they’re browsing—but not every
site actually has a live person on the other end of the line. In many
cases, you’re talking to a rudimentary AI. Many of these chat support
bots amount to little more than automated responders, but some of them
are actually able to extract knowledge from the website and present it
to customers when they ask for it.

Perhaps most interestingly, these chat bots need to be adept at
understanding natural language, which is a rather difficult proposition;
the way in which customers talk and the way in which computers talk is
very different, and teaching a machine to translate between the two
isn’t easy. But with rapid advances in natural language processing
(NLP), these bots are getting better all the time.

News Generation

Did you know that artificial intelligence programs can write news stories? According to Wired,
the AP, Fox, and Yahoo! all use AI to write simple stories like
financial summaries, sports recaps, and fantasy sports reports. AI isn’t
writing in-depth investigative articles, but it has no problem with
very simple articles that don’t require a lot of synthesis. Automated
Insights, the company behind the Wordsmith software,
says that e-commerce, financial services, real estate, and other
“data-driven” industries are already benefitting from the app.

Of course, Wordsmith still needs quite a bit of help from an actual
author to get setup and give it the matrix article that data is placed
into. However, the concept has been proven, and it’s likely that we’ll
see more and more reports generated by these means. Moving beyond
data-driven fields will require major leaps in technology, but the
groundwork has been laid, and it seems like it’s only a matter of time
until fully automated reporters become a reality.

Security Surveillance

A single person monitoring a number of video cameras isn’t a very
secure system; people get bored easily, and keeping track of multiple
monitors can be difficult even in the best of circumstances. Which is
why training computers to monitor those cameras makes a great deal of
sense. With supervised training exercises, security algorithms can take
input from security cameras and determine whether there may be a
threat—if it “sees” a warning sign, it will alert human security

Of course, the number of things that these computers can catch is currently pretty limited—Wired talks about
seeing flashes of color that may indicate an intruder or someone
loitering around a schoolyard. Identifying actions that might imply a
thief in a store are likely beyond the current technological
limitations, but don’t be surprised if this sort of technology debuts in
the near future.

Music and Movie Recommendation Services

While they’re rather simple when compared to other AI systems, apps like Spotify,
Pandora, and Netflix accomplish a useful task: recommending music and
movies based on the interests you’ve expressed and judgments you’ve made
in the past. By monitoring the choices you make and inserting them into
a learning algorithm, these apps make recommendations that you’re
likely to be interested in.

Much of this functionality is dependent on human-assigned factors.
For example, a song might have “driving bass,” “dynamic vocals,” and
“guitar riffs” listed as characteristics; if you like that song, you’ll
probably like other songs that include the same characteristics. This is
the basis of many recommendation services; and while it’s not
futuristically advanced, it does do a pretty good job of helping you
discover new music and movies.

Smart Home Devices

Many smart home devices now include the ability to learn your
behavior patterns and help you save money by adjusting the settings on
your thermostat or other appliances in an effort to increase convenience
and save energy. For example, turning your oven on when you leave work
instead of waiting to get home is a very convenient ability. A
thermostat that knows when you’re home and adjusts the temperature
accordingly can help you save money by not heating the house when you’re

Lighting is another place where you might see basic artificial
intelligence; by setting defaults and preferences, the lights around
your house (both inside and outside) might adjust based on where you are
and what you’re doing; dimmer for watching TV, brighter for cooking,
and somewhere in the middle for eating, for example. The uses of AI in
smart homes are limited only by our imagination.




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延庆县17592675385: 人工智能化时代演讲稿 -
柞费卫算: 信息的智能化加工:指利用人工智能技术加工信息.人工智能:人造的智能,主要是对人脑思维机理的模拟.智能化加工所要解决的问题是如何让计算机更加自主地加工信息,减少人的参与,进一步提高信息加工的效率和人性化程度.智能...

延庆县17592675385: 人工智能的时代,大学生该怎么做 -
柞费卫算: 学就要学会,学会是为了不学,不学是为了学的更多;知识点没有真正的掌握和融会贯通,结果就是学来学去也没有弄明白,还是出错,还是遗忘,当然是做白工,成绩不能提高.

延庆县17592675385: 人工智能将会怎样影响我们的生活 -
柞费卫算: 机器什么时候能像人一样思考、工作和学习?这是科技界研究了数十年的难题.这两年,随着苹果siri、微软小冰等应用的上线,人工智能离我们的生活越来越近.昨天,围绕人工智能相关话题,记者专访了微软亚洲研究院副院长芮勇博士. 微...

延庆县17592675385: 人工智能时代已经来临,我作为一个普通人,应该做什么学什么,将来能过上好日子? -
柞费卫算: 人工智能对普通人其实是不好的,因为很多工作都是简单重复,需要智力少,这种工作特别容易被智能机器人取代,比如收银员. 普通人工作被取代只能找新的,然后又被取代. 所以最好学一些不容易被取代的工作,比如编程,比如当老师.

延庆县17592675385: 在人工智能时代如何生活 -
柞费卫算: 人的情感、自我认知等,都是机器所没有的.人类可以跨领域思考,可以从短短的上下文和简单的表达中分析出丰富的语义.当李清照说“雁字回时,月满西楼”时,她不仅仅是在描摹风景,更是在寄寓相思.当杜甫写出“同学少年多不贱,五陵衣马自轻肥”的句子时,他不仅仅是在感叹人生际遇,更是在阐发忧国之情.这些复杂的思想,今天的人工智能还无法理解.所以,不断提高自己,善于利用人类的特长,善于借助机器的能力,这将是未来社会各领域人才的必备特质.无论机器可以快速完成多少工作,人类都可以借助机器这个工具来提高自己,让自己的大脑在更高层次上,完成机器无法完成的复杂推理、复杂决策以及复杂的情感活动.

延庆县17592675385: 人工智能时代,应该学什么
柞费卫算: 我们可以尝试减慢人工智能取代人类工作机会的整个过程,或至少减轻它所造成的损失.但我认为我们无法阻止它,而且不该阻止它,因为人工智能的光明未来正等待着我们.那么到达未来的过程中,人类如何做才能不被淘汰呢?应该充分利用...

延庆县17592675385: 人工智能未来的发展怎么样?
柞费卫算: 首先,人工智能的前景是广阔的,未来人工智能产品必然会逐渐应用到社会的各个领域,但是这个过程也是曲折和艰难的.随着大数据、物联网、云计算、边缘计算等技术的推动,人工智能在近几年得到了广泛的关注,市场呼声也比较高,因为...

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柞费卫算: (二十)意识和人工智能的关系 1、人工智能的本质 人工智能是相对于人的智能而言的.正是由于意识是一种特殊的物质运动形式,所以根据控制论理论,运用功能模拟的方法,制造电脑模拟人脑的部分功能,把人的部分智能活动机械化,叫人...

延庆县17592675385: 人工智能未来的发展前景怎么样?
柞费卫算: 机器学习是我的主要研究方向之一,同时也在带相关方向的研究生,所以我来探讨一下这个问题.首先,人工智能的前景是广阔的,未来人工智能产品必然会逐渐应用到社会的各个领域,但是这个过程也是曲折和艰难的.随着大数据、物联网、...

延庆县17592675385: 人工智能时代,我们会变得更好,还是被机器打败 -
柞费卫算: 人工智能化的到来,按部就班的工厂就全部实现代替人工生产,这样一来,电子产品工厂几乎人工被淘汰掉.

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