I 'l l r emove you f rom my l ife .是什么意思?

作者&投稿:中弯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
关于英语对话到稿子,题目是My college ,My ife~

My college , my Life
It has been about ____ months since we entered into the university and most of us would have adjusted to the colorful life without our parents and teachers forces us to study and we can relax ourselves well. However, as a matter of fact, the university is not ends of our struggles but starts.
I believe that almost every freshman has his own blueprint of the new college life. Frankly speaking, I have been dreaming a lot about it, since I got to know that I had been admitted. These wonderful dreams together make up my ideal college life.
I always bear in my mind that knowledge, abilities and a strong body will play very important roles in my future’s development. And the campus life should be the proper place for me to achieve these.
As for the knowledge, I decide to spend most of my amateur time in the library. That is the very environment I need to become a good learner. Knowing the importantance of mastering English well, I will spend at least an hour to practice it everyday. I am sure I can conquer it if I can follow my plan in the four years.
I hope to develop all aspects of abilities, the ability of learning, living, communicating, and making friends and so forth. I believe I can find a stage of my own, on which I can show myself to all the others. Thus I tell myself to be outgoing, enthusiastic and self-confident. And I also tell myself to try to be a successful student here. At times we students always have fun together, it is really very happy!
For the purpose to build my body I will spend one hour everyday to running or doing exercise. It is very important for us to build our body.
All these above is about my college and my life. I sincerely wish to do my best, step by step, keep on and keep on!



我不想你在我的世界。 就是 我和你划清界限了,不要再往来了。






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