
作者&投稿:冯曹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
用所给词的适当形式填空 ()为填空 [ ]为所给词~

1、I will give the presents to (them,他们,宾格). [they]

2、The monkey is putting the apple into (its,它的) [it] mouth.

3、This dictionary is not Gina's. (Hers,她的,名词性物主代词) [she] is on her desk.

4、My bike is broken. May I borrow (his,他的单车,名词性物主代词) [he]?

1、goes. 用一般现在时,第三人称单数。
2、did eat .过去吃了早餐没有 助动词后用原形
3、to take want to do 后跟不定式,两个动词并列。
4、to get like to do 后跟不定式,不喜欢做某事。
5、uaually 修饰watch 这个动词,用副词。
6、go 用原形,can do
7、have let 为使动词,let's(us) do sth
8、doesn't play 经常性的动作,丽莎在周末不玩国际象棋。
9、Is there be 是固定搭配,这里用单数,因为brocoli(西兰花)是不可数名词。
10、thanks 习惯用法。thanks a lot.

一·1.will become
2.will be
3.Can help
4will be
5.will arrive
6.will go
7.will get
8.will go
9.would forget
10.use would not use
二。1.You will be late .Will you be late?
2. He will not learn English. Will he learn English?
3.I am not going to give you my address. Am I going to give you my address?
4. We shall not understand her. Shall we understand her?
三1 walk 2will 3start 4 return 5.stay 6move 7leave arrive

一、 用所给词的适当形式填空

1. I’m sure I will become_(become)a docter one day.

2. Li ping’s mother_will be____(be) back in three day.

3. Shall_I_help____(help) your brother with his maths.

4. Next month my sister will be__(be)eighteen.

5. The plane_will arrive_(arrive)soon. Don’t worry.

6. I_will go_(go) if my mother lets me.

7. I_will get_(get)to the city at this time tomorrow.

8. Sincr you don’t want to go, I will go__(go) by myseif.

9. I_will___ never _forget_(forget)my first Chinese teacher.

10. We _use(use) a tape recorder every day,but we_won't use_(not,use)one this

二、 将下面句子分别改为否定句和一般疑问句.

1. You will be late._You will not be late_/ _Will you be late?

2. He will learn English_He will not learn English. _
Will he learnEnglish?
3. I am going to give you my address._I am not going to give you my address.
Are you going to give you my address?
4. We shall understand her.
We shan't understand her .
Will you understand her?
、 根据提示完成下列单词的拼写.
1. walk__(go on foot but not run)

Shall we_walk__ or go by bus?

2. Will__(be going to)

They say that it_will fine tomorrow.

3. start_(begin to do sth.)

when will you_start dinner?

I’ll_return归还)it as soon as I am.

5. I’ll _stay(待)in hefei for a week.

6. We_are going to have the fifth lesson next week
7 will you please heip me _remove_____(移动) this desk?

8. Would you like to_leave____(留下) a message?

9. The train will _arrive____(到达)soon.

一、 用所给词的适当形式填空

1. I’m sure I __will become___(become)a docter one day.

2. Li ping’s mother_will be____(be) back in three day.

3. ______I____help_(help) your brother with his maths.

4. Next month my sister__will be____(be)eighteen.

5. The plane_will arrive_____(arrive)soon. Don’t worry.

6. I__will go____(go) if my mother lets me.

7. I_will get_____(get)to the city at this time tomorrow.

8. Sincr you don’t want to go, I _will go____(go) by myseif.

9. I__will__ never forget_____(forget)my first Chinese teacher.

10. We __use___(use) a tape recorder every day,but we_won‘t use____(not,use)one this

二、 将下面句子分别改为否定句和一般疑问句.

1. You will be late
you won’t be late
Will you be late?
2. He will not learn English_
Will he learn english
3. I am not going to give you my address._
_are you __going to give me your address
4. We shall not understand her.
__shall we understand her?
三、 根据提示完成下列单词的拼写.

1. w_alk____(go on foot but not run)

Shall we_______ or go by bus?

2. W_ill____(be going to)

They say that it___be fine tomorrow.

3. start_____(begin to do sth.)

when will you____dinner?

4. I’ll__return____(归还)it as soon as I am.

5. I’ll _stay____(待)in hefei for a week.

6. We_will prepare___(准备) have the fifth lesson next week.

7. Will you please heip me __move____(移动) this desk?

8. Would you like to__leave___(留下) a message?

9. The train will __arrive___(到达)soon.

3.WhatpresentshallegivetoGrandmaforher__birthday?(ninety)题解与分析 1.sheep这个词的单复数形式相同。2.hottest,最高级用于多者之间进行对比。3.ninetieth,这里考查的是基数词变序数词的方法。根据所给的汉语提示,用适当的词语填空。这类试题主要考查考生单词的中英文互译能力。在填写时应注意单词...

1 was reading 2 were having 3 shopping 4 was playing , was cooking 5 was having , called 6 playing 7 waiting 8 were sleeping 9 heavily 10 asleep 11 hitting 12 Luckily 13 were ,doing 祝天天开心,学习进步!如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意...

用所给词的适当形式填空(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)小题1:There are...
所填词被形容词many修饰,该用复数名词,所以填写differences。小题2:句意:我们一周去购物两次,在星期六和星期三。由 Saturday and Wednesday知这里是要表达两次,所以填写 twice小题3:句意:在山顶上的空气比在山脚下的空气少。根据than 知该用比较级形式,所以填写less小题4:句意:邮局旁边的高楼...

1. to do 2. writing 3. finish 4. to get 5. help 6. are ...doing..7. play 8. drawing 9. writing 10.Skating 11.to eat 12. did not do 13. close 14.playing 15. Don't run 16.her 17.making 18. does...have 19.yourself 20.say 21.are swimming 22.playing 23....

回答:1. playing 2. candies 3. honor 4. had 5. stayed

你好,同学,才看到你向我发来的求助题,现在为你解答 正确答案:填includes 即:The sunlight we are all used to( includes ) seven different colors.翻译:我们习惯于接受的阳光包括七种颜色。解析:这句话的主语是the sunlight,是第三人称单数,而we are all used to 作后置定语,修饰前面的...

7.hand(give somebody a hand)这真的很重,你能帮我一把吗?8.eyes(take one's eyes off somebody\/something)她漂亮得让我看得目不转睛 9.foot(on one's foot)一打响下课铃同学们一下子冲出了门 10.tooth 我去牙医那儿拔牙 括号里的是这个句子所用到的短语 固定搭配 祝你英语进步!

2.lost 3.thought 4.told 5.made blew 6Did have

Chlidren are not allowed to swim.2.Some singing stars get their nose pierced.3.I haven't been to japan,she hasn't been to japan,neither.4.They are six years old.5.There are a lot of reks in our school.

My name (is) Lily. I( am )twelve years old and (study) in Yucai Middle School . Now let me (tell) you something about my class . There( are) 46 students in our class . Mrs . Wang is our English teacher . She (teaches) us very well and she (likes) (playing...

白银市18215815865: 英语用所给词适当的形式填空怎么写? -
海琼硫酸: 1.首先看时态,是过去时就用所给词的过去式,一般现在时就用现在时的形式,现在进行时,等等,再注意一下单复数.ep In many parts of China, it often (rain) a lot in summer.这句话明显有个often,是一般现在时,所以空格填rains. When I ...

白银市18215815865: 用所给词的适当形式填空. -
海琼硫酸: I didn't have a volleyball. Dose she have one?I是第一人称,一般现在时,所以动词要用原形,否定的时候在动词前加don't就可以.she是第三人称单数形式,一般现在时,所以动词要用单三形式.但现在要变成一般疑问句,用does提问,单三形式还原.Let Jim wacth TV.let之后的动词要用原形.Dose Betty have a dictionary ?解析同第一题第二空.

白银市18215815865: 英语用所给词的适当形式填空 -
海琼硫酸: to go(want+ to do sth is singing(listen可表示为“听!”为现在进行时的标志 are talking(理由基本同上,look为标志词 to have(would like+to do sth us(动词后应加人称的宾格形式 eating(like+doing sth kind(kind of boring 意为有点无聊 isn't doing(根据加一个句子的now判断,前后句时态应保持一致 wash;eating(第一个是祈使句,加动词原型;第二个是介词before后加动词的现在分词形式,即eating 纯手打,望采纳QWQ

白银市18215815865: 用所给词的适当形式填空 -
海琼硫酸: 11. stayed watched12.enjoyed13.found14.did15.read16.saw

白银市18215815865: 用所给的词的适当形式填空. -
海琼硫酸: 1My grandpa usually(goes)to the park on Sundays2please turn left and right ten (times)3jack likes(ants).sometimes he(watches)ants in the garden4how(do)we spend (o...

白银市18215815865: 用所给单词的适当形式填空!!!必采纳!! -
海琼硫酸: 1 start2 idea3 what 4 his5 read6 dog7 daughters8 doing9 hoped 10 weekly*加油!不明白再问!如果...

白银市18215815865: 如何做用所给词的适当形式填空 -
海琼硫酸: 如何做用所给词的适当形式填空 用所给词的适当形式填空是中考常见的试题类型之一,旨在考查学生的英语基础知识和综合运用英语的能力. 解此类型的试题可遵循以下步骤: 1.明确所给词的词性 2.弄清所给句子的意思 3.确定空白处所需的词...

白银市18215815865: 用所给词的正确形式填空 -
海琼硫酸: 1. is 2. went 3. has been 4. will be 5. would start

白银市18215815865: 英语:用所给词的适当形式填空 -
海琼硫酸: 为你解答.I saw my grandmother on my (twelfth,第十二) birthday.Father fell off his bicycle today. (Luckily,幸运地) he wasn't hurt.Connie is the (tallest,最高的) girl I have ever seen.I took lots of (photos,照片,复数) during the holiday in Beijing....

白银市18215815865: 用所给词的正确形式填空 -
海琼硫酸: They had a good time last weekend,and all of-them--[they]wrote a dairy about i...

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