
作者&投稿:尘罡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

一、dbddd cabdd
二、b d a b c
三、1. Put ...on
2. Can .... in fron of
3. make .... tea
4. What is
5. Is ... any .... there is
6. Where ... behind
四、 1. three boxes 2. in front of the building 3. behind the chair 4. hurry up
5. two house wives 6. five glasses 7. in the teapot 8. four bookselves
9. of course 10. over there
五、There are not any books on the table.
Is there any coffee on the table?
I can see some cars.

一、为下列单词按所在房间分类排列:a kettle a teapot a refrigerator a wardrobe
a television cups books an electric cooker dishes a bookcase taps clothes
spoons armchairs beds a dressing table plates knives forks

the kitchen:_a kettle a refrigerator an electric cooker dishes spoons taps plates knives forks
the living room:___a teapot __cups___a bookcase armchairs ____________.
the bedroom:__a wardrobe_ clothes beds a dressing table
81_eighty-one______ 97_ninety-seven____ 101 one hundred and one
三、用There is或There are填空
_There are__some men behind the house
__There is_some water in the kettle
_There are__some children in the park
__There is__some tea in the teapot
__There are__some knives in the kitchen
__There are__some lovely flowers in the vase
四、模仿例句提问并回答,用上Is there...?或Are there...?以及there's或there are
1.sugar/in the cupboard?/on the table:
Is there any sugar in the cupboard?
No,there isn't,but there's some on the table.
2.cups on the shelf?/in the cupboard
Are there any cups on the shelf?No ,there aren't ,but there are some in the cupboard_ .
3.milk in the refrigerator?/behind the teapot___
Is there any milk in the refrigerator? No,there isn't ,but there are some behind the teapot .
4.magazines behind the television?/on the floor__
_Are there any magazines behind the television?No,there aren't ,but there are some on the floor


Do not do

out after
at behind

Please do not do that.
This book is not for me.
What are you going to do?
Is he shaving now?
I am working hard at school.
He will turn on the radio.

I plan to give her some flowers
How will you deal with that photo?
Do not put the flower on the table
I do not plan to send that letter to Tom
What will he do after class?

保证90以上对 这是初中难度的吧 以后尽量自己做吧


一:1.c 2.d 3.c 4.a 5.c 6.d 7.c 8.b 9.b 10.b (除了b,发音都是k)
二,1. Are you not doing/Do not do (基本上两个说法都可以)
2. Show
3. wait
4, drop
5. do
6. doing
7. Give
8. Be
9. put
10. listening
三。1. on, 2. out/to 3. at/in (或者for/in, 都说得通, 但前者为好)4. with 5.with (或者alongside)

1.Don't do that,please.
2.This book is not for me.
3.Who is going to do my/your homework? (也可以考虑:Am I/(Are you) going to do my/your homework?)
4.Is he is shaving now?
5.They are working hard on it.
6.He is going to turn on the radio/He will turn on the radio.
1. I am going to send her some flowers.
2. What are you going to do with that photo?/How would you deal with that photo?
3. Don't put (the) flower on the table/desk.
4. I don't want to send that letter to Tom/I am not going to send the letter to Tom.
5. What is he going to do after lesson/class? (What will he do after class?)


并能保证全对的我给你50分!对了,七题的(d)是own (D)1.(a一般发什么音,不是简单看字母的,也要看字母组合或者习惯读音等,如果对此



(欢迎光临)어서오십시오发音:e se o seep see o 类似:饿 色 奥 四扑 四 奥 (谢谢光临)또오십시오发音:do o seep see o 类似:到 奥 四扑 四 奥 (你好)안녕하1...

▲Pull over!把车子开到旁边。▲Drop me a line!写封信给我。▲Give me a ring. = Call me!来个电话吧!▲For here or to go?食堂或外卖。▲cool; Thats cool! 等于国内年轻人常用的囗语“酷!”,表示不赖嘛!用于人或事均可。▲Whats up? = Whats happening? = Whats new? 见面时...


感谢朋友帮忙的话 1、感谢你陪我闯过那些风那些雨,感谢在最无助的时候有你鼓励,感谢在孤独的时候至少还有你,亲爱的朋友,想说真得很谢谢你陪我走过人生那么多里地!2、意料外接到你的电话,平凡话语滋润我心田,善意提醒让我受益匪浅,真心真意地谢谢你衷心地关心,我也祝你一切如意,因为大家好才...


13. 陪伴我走过失落的日子;感谢你在我无聊的时候,听我说废话;感谢你在我无助的时候帮了我;感谢你我最好,最知心的朋友! 14. 感谢到这个集体所有的开始...对朋友的帮助表示感谢的话 1. 向所有帮忙过我的朋友和我所爱的朋友说声感激,感激你走进我的生命,让我的生命丰富美丽,我愿我有生韶光,带你无穷欢愉!

1) 向所有帮忙过我的朋友和我所爱的朋友说声感激,感激你走进我的生命,让我的生命丰富美丽,我愿我有生韶光,带你无穷欢愉! 2) 人在困难的时候,一点点...10、只要真心感谢,就是最好的表达,不需要别人来指手画脚。11、用感激的心去赢得微笑,用幸福的微笑去面对人生。12、感谢曾经冷看和嘲笑我的人,虽然不是...

想写一段感谢自己生病这段时间朋友们的关心和支援 感谢有你的日子里 那怕是我生病,你对我无微不至的不离不弃的照顾 感谢谢谢 如果你可以的话我们会成为一生一世的好朋友 这段时间头大了,朋友们帮帮忙! 廖馨柳。故名思义,馨(新)柳,新生的柳树,代表新的希望与生机,因为是女孩名,柳树代表婀娜多姿和顽强的生...

It is very important to learn English.1.用助动词“do(does/did)+动词原形”来表示强调:He does know the place well.他的确很熟悉这个地方。Do write to me when you get there.你到那儿后务必给我来信。2.用形容词 very,only,single,such, last 等修饰名词或形容词来加强语气:Th...


潮安县17059958252: 英语好的朋友来帮帮忙(我是做了的,所以还请回答者保证80%或以上的正确率.)一、选出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词()1.(a)vase (b)garss (c)hat ... -
虿斧元坦:[答案] 一C D C A C D C B B B二Do not doShowwaitdropdo doingGiveBeputlistening三on out afterat behindbetweenbeside四Please do not do that.This book is not for me.What are you going to do?Is he shaving now?I a...

潮安县17059958252: 请英语好的来帮忙(我做了的,所以请回答者保证80%或以上的正确率,)一、为下列单词按所在房间分类排列:a kettle a teapot a refrigerator a wardrobea ... -
虿斧元坦:[答案] 一the kitchen: kettle teapot refrigerator. cups electric cooker dishes taps spoons plates knives forks the living room: television books bookcase armchairs the bedroom: wardrobe clo...

潮安县17059958252: 关于一个外教的作业,英语好的朋友来帮帮忙以下是具体要求,请英语好的朋友帮帮忙,十分急,多谢多谢.鄙人只有25分,全部贡献了.Now that your ... -
虿斧元坦:[答案] 谢谢楼上的翻译 1. Nice to meet you. I am your new manager. I am a new novice to this job and I'd like all of you to help me ... Just do your job to get promotion. Trust me! 2. Our team is a excellent team with many experiences. We work as a whole because...

潮安县17059958252: 请英语很好的朋友来帮帮忙,(答得好加分)Make the bed.(用“I”做主语改为现在进行时)I'm cleaning my teeth.(就"cleaning my teeth"提问)Tom is ... -
虿斧元坦:[答案] I am making the bed.(用“I”做主语改为现在进行时) What are you doing?就"cleaning my teeth"提问) What is Tom doing?.(就“climbing the tree”提问) Where is she?就“in the garden”提问)

潮安县17059958252: 关于一个外教的作业,英语好的朋友来帮帮忙 -
虿斧元坦: 谢谢楼上的翻译1. Nice to meet you. I am your new manager. I am a new novice to this job and I'd like all of you to help me know more about the company from various aspects. I will appreciate those who give me a hand and I also have no intend to ...

潮安县17059958252: 请英语好的朋友帮帮忙造4个句子,拜托各位 -
虿斧元坦: The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if to see whether he was going in the right direction..He left without a word as if never returning.They have torn down that dangerous wall.They were held up by fog.

潮安县17059958252: 我所做的正如你所看到的. 请英文好的朋友帮忙翻译这句话,谢谢我所做的正如你所看到的.what i did as what you saw. 这样翻译对吗?如不对,请指导一下,... -
虿斧元坦:[答案] 不对啊,动词谓语都没有了. What I've done is just what you've seen.

潮安县17059958252: 请问这句话用英语怎么说啊,英语好的朋友请帮帮忙.人们说你白天想什么,晚上做梦就会睡梦到什么.可能这几天我总是看印度的电影的原因吧,昨晚做梦我... -
虿斧元坦:[答案] 人们说你白天想什么,晚上做梦就会睡梦到什么.可能这几天我总是看印度的电影的原因吧,昨晚做梦我都去了印度.People says what we have on our mind in day determines what we will dream at night.Maybe it's because I always watch Indian movies ...

潮安县17059958252: 英语好的朋友帮帮忙 -
虿斧元坦: 翻译:致给你最为真诚的祝福,愿你快乐!

潮安县17059958252: “我是(某某)的朋友”这句话用英语怎么写啊(英语好的朋友帮帮忙哦)大神们帮帮忙 -
虿斧元坦: I am Tang Xin's (例如汤信)good frend 采纳哦

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