找出错误的一项并改正 最好有翻译

作者&投稿:戢满 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

They can help you find the mistake and correct it.

Focus on Audit of Information Security in 2013
How much has the company’s information security been improved in the new year as compared with the last year? How much further can it be improved as compared with the best practices of the industry? How many vulnerable links still exist in the ISMS? Are there any unknown loopholes at high risks which need to be assessed and dealt with?
In the new year, we will startup the audit functions of the Audit Department. On the bases of risk assessment, he implementation of info-security related processes and security risks in business processes will be audited with security measurement. By means of training and propagation of info-security awareness, the operation of ISMS shall be further enhanced to reduce the risk imperiling the company (organization?) and to convoy it for its development!

[1] she said she [was flying ]to New york the next month.她说下个月她要乘飞机去New york 。
[2] Last saturday Marcia [said ]she would take some photos of the piano. 上周六Marcia说她要拍几张钢琴的照片。
[3] Lana said she [could not ] play the violin. Lana说她不会拉小提琴。

[4] Lisa told us her farorite actor [was] jackie chan. Lisa 告诉我们说她最喜欢的演员是jackie chan。
[5] Lana said she wasn't [interested in ] it. Lana说她对那不感兴趣。

[2]A.上个星期六,用said ,take 没错,would后面接动词原形。marcia上个星期六说过,她会拍些钢琴的照片的。
[5]C.词组be interested to sth .对什么事感兴趣。lana说过她对这个没兴趣、


[1] she said she [was flying ]to New york the next month.她说下个月她要乘飞机去New york 。
[2] Last saturday Marcia [said ]she would take some photos of the piano. 上周六Marcia说她要拍几张钢琴的照片。
[3] Lana said she [could not ] play the violin. Lana说她不会拉小提琴。

[4] Lisa told us her farorite actor [was] jackie chan. Lisa 告诉我们说她最喜欢的演员是jackie chan。
[5] Lana said she wasn't [interested in ] it. Lana说她对那不感兴趣。




选出每句中错误的部分 并改正。 ( )How a nice girl ( )
A. How 改为What ,因为这里强调的是名词。即 What a nice girl !分析:1、感叹句表达高兴、愤怒、伤心等情感。感叹句通常用What 或How 来引导。2、感叹句的结构:(主谓可省略)1)、What a\/an +形容词+名词+主语+谓语!如:What an interesting book it is !它是一本多有趣的书啊!2)...

在这个句子中,错误的一项是 "a dress a dress is yellow",因为该句中重复了 "a dress"。为了改正这个错误,可以将其更改为 "I have a yellow dress.",这样句子就更加准确和流畅了。

错误是一把双刃剑,一方面他造成了不好的影响,而另一方面他又使犯错误的人知道自己并不完美,也不可能完美,错误让人戒骄戒躁,反省自己的所作所为,也为他人提供了反面教材,让他人引以为鉴。这里给大家分享一些关于改正错误500字 作文 ,供大家学习。 关于改正错误500字作文1 人生这一条路上,每个人都会犯错,犯了...

划出下列句子中的错误并改正  我来答 1个回答 #热议# 没有文化的年迈农民工退休后干点啥好?成心诚5 高粉答主 2015-11-10 · 说的都是干货,快来关注 知道大有可为答主 回答量:5.7万 采纳率:79% 帮助的人:6427万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 ...

圈出下列句子的错误之处 并在题后横线上改正
read改为reading Mary like reading very much.like改为likes They will doing homework tonight.doing改为do We are go to see a film tomorrow.go改为going Yesterday I play football with my friends.play改为played Let me to tell you the story.删除to I am live in Beijing.删除am 或者...

程序中有以下几处错误:1)int变量的格式输入符和输出格式符都是%d,不能使用%f 2)格式输入时要使用变量的地址,而不能直接单独使用变量名。即修改为:scanf("%d",&a);3)变量a与变量A是两个不同的变量,(A没有事先声明,所以这是写错了,应该改为a)4)以字符形式输出时,应该使用格式符%...

选出句中错误的一项,并改正。1:I (like) banana.(It's) (sweet)_百度...
很高兴能够在这里回答你的问题,这道题的正确答案应该为:1 It's 改为 They're(前面banana应该是复数才对)2 likes 改为like 3 is 改为are 4 he改为his 5 has改为have ^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!

永州市19427741663: 找出错误并改正(英文) -
都枝塞疏: 1.working 改为 work2.are 改为 do3.between 改为 beside

永州市19427741663: 找出错误的一项,并改正 1 let's go to home now. 2 count from one at ten. -
都枝塞疏:[答案] 我认为两个句子都有问题,更正如下: 1 Let's go home now. 2 count from one to ten.

永州市19427741663: 找出句子中的错误并改正.快,最好有解释,1、Must I go there?No,you mustn't.------- - --- - ------ - -------- - 错:( ) 改正:________A B C D2、It's very cold .You'd... -
都枝塞疏:[答案] 1、Must I go there?No,you mustn't. -------- ---- ------- --------- 错:( D ) 改正:___needn't_____ A B C D 2、It's very cold .You'd better not turn off your coat. -------------- ----------------- ----------- ------------ 错:( c ) 订正:__take off _____ A B C D 3、 Your ...

永州市19427741663: 找出句子中的一处错误并订正 英语的 -
都枝塞疏: 1. it,s going to cold in Lhasa.中的没有谓语动词,要在to后加be, 改为:It's going to be cold in Lhasa. 意思是:在Lhasa天气要变冷了. 2. we,e going to go in ten . 句子中to go应该去掉,以为be going to do句型中,当动词do是go的时...

永州市19427741663: 找出错误的一项并改正 修改英语句子 -
都枝塞疏: 1.后面的likes改成like 因为不是动词 翻译成 :像.... 和...相似2.eat前加to3.finish改成finished4.in 改成from

永州市19427741663: 找出错误改正(英语) -
都枝塞疏: 把are改成do

永州市19427741663: 改错,找出句子中带括号部分有错误的一项,并改正.(英语)It (flies) at about eleven (kilometres) (one second). -
都枝塞疏:[答案] It (flies) at about eleven (kilometres) (one second). one second >>>>a second 或者per second 都是每秒的意思

永州市19427741663: 找出错误的一项并改正.1.I want drive a bus.____________2.She want to make dumplings.____________3.This is excited.____________4.Let he come here. - ... -
都枝塞疏:[答案] 1.want to 2.She wants 3.exciting 4.Let him 5.Do they

永州市19427741663: 英语,怎么写?找出每句中错误的一项,并改正.Cowboys wears jackets.We has a costume show. -
都枝塞疏:[答案] wears 改为 wear has 改为 have `(*∩_∩*)′

永州市19427741663: 找出错误的一项并改正 Now i,m puting film in my camere 改为:------------------------------ -
都枝塞疏:[答案] puting-putting

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