
作者&投稿:湛姜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Italian also like taking Latte, which is a classical kind of coffee mixed by espresso and milk, as a drink for breakfast. In the morning, both the coffee and milk would be boiled simutanously over a stove where sunshine covers in an Italian kitchen. As for those Italian who take Latte, it is reasonable to say that they like milk more rather than espresso. However, the unforgettable taste brought by the common milk can only be get when mixing with the espresso.
Latte contains more milk than coffee, which differs a lot from Cappuccino. Making Latte is fairly simple---- you just need to pour nearly-boiling milk into fresh Latte . In fact, there is no standard for how much milk should be added; it depends on individuals' flavousr.
If the hot milk is further added with frothy cold milk, the coffee becomes American Latte. It is the way how the American Latte in Starbucks is made. If the espresso is decorated directly by two spoons of froth but without the hot milk, it becomes Espresso Macchiano, as the Italian named.
Latte is the most familiar kind of Italian coffee to Chinese, which is suited for drinking in the morning as it contains much milk. And Italian like taking it with breakfast to warm stomach too.

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《早上好》 《Good morning》
作曲:牛奶咖啡 music: Coffee with milk
作词:牛奶咖啡 Lyrics: Coffee with milk
早晨 阳光灿烂 照到了我的肩 In the morning ,the bright sun-light shed on my shoulders.
窗外的 小麻雀正在叽叽喳喳叫 The sparrows are chirping outside the window.
关上了 闹钟 我伸一个懒腰 Turned off the clock, then I stretched.
我要对全世界 I will say to the world: “Good morning”.
说一声 早上好 In the morning ,the bright sun-light shed on my shoulders.
早晨 阳光灿烂 照到了我的肩膀 I will give the whole world a big hug.
我要给全世界一个大大的拥抱 I will smile to everyone, and say “good morning” to them.
我对每个人 都露出微笑 When I pass through the busy pedestrian crossings in the city,
我对每个人 都说早上好 I see everyone has been thinking.
我穿过城市里热闹的人行横道 I show my smiling face to them
我看见 地铁里 每个人都在思考 and say to them “good morning.”
我对每个人 都露出微笑 Let us deliver the happiness and sing together.
我对每个人 都说早上好 In every corner, I see everyone is struggle to live,
就让我们传递快乐 which has given the city different colors.
一起大声歌唱 I have seen so many smiling faces,
让歌声充满城市里 for which the world has become a better place.
每个角落 So I smile to each one of them,
我看见每个人都在努力地生活 and say “good morning”
我看见这城市有了不同的颜色 Hey, good morning.
我看见许多 许多的笑脸 Hey, good morning.
这世界因此变得更加的美好 Let us deliver the happiness and sing it loud together.
我对每个人 都露出微笑 Let the city be filled with songs, and in every corner.
我对每个人 都说早上好 I see everyone is struggling to live,
Hey 早上好 which has given the city different colors.
Hey 早上好 I have seen so many smiling faces,
就让我们传递快乐 for which the world has become a better place.
我看见许多 许多的笑脸

Morning sunshine drop down in my shoulder
sparrows sing outside the window
I stretch after turn off my alarm clock
and want to say good morning
to all of the world

Morning sunshine drop down in my shoulder

I want to give a big hug to all of the world
I smiled to everyone
and say good morning to everyone
I crossed the city lively pedestrian crossing
and see everyone in Metro thinking deeply
I smiled to everyone
and say good morning to everyone

Let us exchange happiness and
sing aloud together
Let the song filled every corner
of the city
I see everyone working hard
I see this city has a different colors
I see many smiling faces
This world has become more beautiful
I smiled to everyone
and say good morning to everyone

Hey\ good morning
Hey \good morning

Good morning

Good morning.Composer: milk coffeeLyricist: milk coffeeThe morning sunshine in my shoulderThe sparrow is twitterClosed my alarm clock stretchingI want to worldSay good morningThe morning sunshine in my shoulderI want to give a big hugI smiled to everyoneI said good morning to everyoneI crossed the city lively pedestrian crossingI saw everyone in Metro in thinkingI smiled to everyoneI said good morning to everyoneLet us pass happySing aloud togetherLet the song of the cityIn every cornerI saw everyone in the hard lifeI saw this city has a different colorI saw many smiling faceThis world has become more beautifulI smiled to everyoneI said good morning to everyoneHey good morningHey good morningLet us pass happySing aloud togetherLet the song of the cityIn every cornerI saw everyone in the hard lifeI saw this city has a different colorI saw many smiling faceThis world has become more beautiful

咖啡能加牛奶吗 咖啡能不能加牛奶









结论:咖啡与牛奶是可以安全混合饮用的,两者成分并无冲突,不会产生有害物质。但是,需要注意的是,各自在饮用时有其特定的禁忌。1. 咖啡与牛奶的搭配:咖啡与牛奶的主要成分水和蛋白质、脂肪等相容,不会产生不良反应。适量饮用能提供能量,但过量可能导致神经兴奋和体重增加。避免与茶、酒精、黑木耳、...

丽水市18895498277: 早上好的歌词 -
潘点金克: 早上好 作曲 牛奶咖啡 作词 牛奶咖啡 早晨 阳光灿烂 照到了我的肩膀知 窗外的 小麻雀正在叽叽喳喳叫 关上了 闹钟 我伸一个懒腰 我要对全世界 说一声 早上好 早晨 阳光灿烂 照到了我的肩膀 我要给全世界一个大大的拥抱 我对每个人 都露出微笑 ...

丽水市18895498277: 我对每个人都说早上好,莪对每个人都说早上好 是什么歌 -
潘点金克: 《早上好》 歌手:牛奶咖啡 早晨阳光灿烂照到了我的肩膀窗外的 小麻雀正在叽叽喳喳叫 关上了闹钟我伸一个懒腰 我要对全世界说一声早上好 早晨阳光灿烂照到了我的肩膀 我要给全世界一个大大的拥抱 我对每个人都露出微笑 我对每个人都说早...

丽水市18895498277: 我想知道牛奶咖啡的《早上好》的歌曲链接.放空间用的.谁能帮我找到.谢谢了.
潘点金克: http://music.yysky.com/np66/new18/2010ndxgst9/55.wma?undefined 这个应该就能管用

丽水市18895498277: 有一首歌的一句歌词是“窗外的小花” 什么的~~有人知道这是什么歌吗 -
潘点金克: 牛奶咖啡《早上好》早晨 阳光灿烂 照到了我的肩膀窗外的 小麻雀正在叽叽喳喳叫关上了 闹钟 我伸一个懒腰我要对全世界说一声 早上好早晨 阳光灿烂 照到了我的肩膀我要给全世界一个大大的拥抱我对每个人 都露出微笑我对每个人 都说早上好...

丽水市18895498277: 求歌名 有一句歌词是:我对每一个人说早 我对每一个人微笑 好像还有小鸟什么什么的··· -
潘点金克: 牛奶咖啡-早上好 作曲:牛奶咖啡 作词:牛奶咖啡 早晨阳光灿烂照到了我的肩膀 窗外的小麻雀正在叽叽喳喳叫 关上了闹钟我伸一个懒腰 我要对全世界 说一声早上好 早晨阳光灿烂照到了我的肩膀 我要给全世界一个大大的拥抱 我对每个人都露出...

丽水市18895498277: 牛奶咖啡的《早上好》的声音要怎么模仿 在唱这首歌的时候有什么动作可以做 急求 跪求 拜托.
潘点金克: 这位亲,碰巧我也要拿这首歌参加比赛呢,那我就把我的心得交给你把, 不知道好不好用,呵呵, 一般唱这种轻盈、活泼的歌曲时嘴型要呈微笑型(也就是嘴角上扬式的咧嘴) 尽量大声的唱,会有底气并且气场也足,会给人这首歌一样的愉悦的感觉, 我是根据歌词做的动作,动作不必太多太复杂,主要是表现出一种俏皮可爱的感觉, 唱这首歌,自己的心情一定是快乐的,所以才能感染别人,祝你唱好这首歌,

丽水市18895498277: 谁能把牛奶咖啡唱过的所有歌名告诉我、谢谢啦! -
潘点金克: 习惯了寂寞 - 牛奶@咖啡 越长大越孤单 蝶恋花 习惯了寂寞 没时间 我不想说再见 (最寒冷的季节) 如果明天 穿越珊瑚海 快乐星猫 夜 完美生活 小丑 Lasia(雀巢牛奶广告歌) 我不是Rock N'Roll 只有我们知道的地方 爱的旋律 小王子 咖喱咖啡 一起来 燃烧吧!小宇宙(摩托罗拉L7手机广告歌) 月亮上的花园 两小无猜 感谢 美丽片断 晚安,晚安 CD隐藏轨道-忘记 两小无猜 (伴奏) 太空蛋糕 世界另一面 Kiki的悄悄话 最寒冷的季节 (伴奏) 习惯了寂寞 (伴奏) 早上好 幸运星 早上好 没时间 我就知道这麽多了.不知道是否完整

丽水市18895498277: 这首歌的歌字.
潘点金克: 牛奶咖啡的《早上好》

丽水市18895498277: 有一句歌词是 我看见许多许多笑脸 是什么歌 -
潘点金克: 牛奶咖啡的《早上好》 早上好 作曲 牛奶咖啡 作词 牛奶咖啡 早晨 阳光灿烂 照到了我的肩膀 窗外的 小麻雀正在叽叽喳喳叫 关上了 闹钟 我伸一个懒腰 我要对全世界 说一声 早上好 早晨 阳光灿烂 照到了我的肩膀 我要给全世界一个大大的拥抱 我对...

丽水市18895498277: 求一首女生唱的很欢快的歌.....开头好像是从清晨或者早晨开始唱的... -
潘点金克: 牛奶咖啡的早上好,可能是这个,开头就是什么早晨阳光灿烂

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