
作者&投稿:姬狗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Majority 2.plenty of milk 3.slick;slippy;smooth 4.turn out 5.Clarification 6.Although there is no specific cure, COVID-19 's epidemic situation is completely curable. 7.To overcome the epidemic requires the joint efforts of the people of all ethnic groups throughout the country. 8.Without the hard work of the medical staff over the past month or so, we would only be further from victory。9.He suggested that we continue to be quarantined at home. 10.It is a little harder, but if we work hard, we will surely win the final victory.

1.I was really blind and see your fault.
2.Have you finished?
3.I'll show you.
4.You go first and I still have some things to deal with.
5.Don't try to escape.

1. The rock and roll rhythm feeling is very strong 2. We must promote between both countries mutually to understand 3. His same modern life is not in harmony 4. These years, the robot application is more and more widespread 5. He reluctantly acknowledged in the statement error place

1. rock and roll rhythm very strong
2. we must promote between both countries to understand mutually
3. he the same modern life was not in harmony
4. these years, robot's application more and more widespread
5. he acknowledged in the statement place of reluctantly error

1.我想请他帮忙我复习功课I want to ask him to help with my lessons.2.李华最喜欢英语English is Li Hua's favourite.3.昨天夜里11点他才回来He did not come back until 11 p.m..4.小红和李丽都是团员Both Xiao Hong and Li Li are League Members.5.去年他们花费很多钱买书Last year,...

如果就是数学书,选他的答案)3.These new pens are not hers.4,Is that phone yours? No,it isn't.Is that your phone number? no, it isn't.(hanminwei理解的题目是这个电话号码是你的吗?我的答案是说“这个电话是你的吗?”)5.Do you like these pictures? (毋庸置疑)...

2.We can not just be thought of Teacher's Day think of respect teacher.3.He admired were not singers or actors, but rather dedicated to science and scientists.4.Only when he grew up was a real insight into his father's love for him.5.When somebody talking (speaking) of ...

1. 当时,他继承1000000。2. John decided to continue to live like everyone else a simple life.3. So far, John has been in the poorest countries in the world to help 15 children, 200 U.S. dollars each month.4. When John heard the news, he wanted to help them.5.;我将...

many water in the cup? A little.10.是教室吧?How many people in the classroom? No anybody.11.是刀子吧?What do you take a knife do? I will have to cut my pencil.12.Don't lay your schoolbag on the bed!13.Look!A car speeding past my teacher.这句可能不是很准确!抱歉....

翻译几个句子 汉译英
It being late,I have got to school.3.这个国家经历了太多的战争 go through This country went through too much wars.4.家长和学校对孩子们的学习十分担忧 be concerned about Parents and schools are concerned about the children's studies.5.为了找个好座位,玛丽早早就到场了 in order to ...

2:请你帮我在纽约预定一个四星级宾馆的房间好吗?2: Can you help me book a four-star New York hotel room?:3我们两国之间已有十年的贸易关系。3 years between our two countries have trade relations 4:整套设备在几小时内安装完毕 4: The set of equipment installed in a few hours 5:...

翻译句子 汉译英 高手进!
3.和大家庭相比,小家庭有一个独特的优点 Compared with a kinship family, a nuclear family has its own idiographic strong points.4.现在出国留学的年轻人越来越多 There are more and more young people studying abroad nowadays.5.一个只依靠自己传统的国家将永远不能成为一个强大的国家 A ...

3many people believed that america had the top-grade education in the world,but in the writer's opinion, serious problems existed in the education of america 4many young blacks left Watts in droves . They thought they could make a career only outside the ghetto .5 the stars ...

5,敌人攻占该城后洗劫了每幢楼房。The enemies had looted every single building after occupying the city.6,他曾走遍伦敦那些破烂不堪的地区,亲眼目睹了那里的穷人令人震惊的生活条件。He has been to all the poor neighborhoods in London, witnessing first hand the miserable living conditions ...

长沙县17737115862: 5个句子汉译英!
夔郊舍兰: 1他的衣服和我的相似 His clothes are similar to mine. 2他对我们采取了友好的态度 He is friendly to us. 3市场离这不远,大约在走5分钟的路程 The market is not far from here. It's about 5 minutes' walk 4我想听听你对这个课题的看法 I want to hear your view on the rearch. 5到目前为止,我们学了100个单词 We have learned 100 words so far.

长沙县17737115862: 翻译5个句子(汉译英) -
夔郊舍兰: 1. The rock and roll rhythm feeling is very strong 2. We must promote between both countries mutually to understand 3. His same modern life is not in harmony 4. These years, the robot application is more and more widespread 5. He reluctantly acknowledged in the statement error place

长沙县17737115862: 五个汉译英句子谁会
夔郊舍兰: 1. This road has 10 kilometers long. 2. Last year, he hit a world record. 3. He came to his father's footsteps of the western region. 4. The average age of students is 15 years old. 5. To learn every day upward.

长沙县17737115862: 汉译英!五个句子 -
夔郊舍兰: 1.上周末的音乐会,那位歌唱家的演唱由她的学生担任钢琴伴奏.Last week end the concert, that singer's singer holds the post of the piano accompaniment by hers student2.那些年轻人尽了全力才达到他们的目标. These young people only then ...

长沙县17737115862: 汉译英,5个句子 -
夔郊舍兰: 1这些症状表明她的手腕是二度烧(烫)伤(symptom;wrist)The symptoms suggested that her wrist should be Degree-2 burn.2你可以按压伤口让血流的慢些.(apply pressure;injury)You can apply pressure on the injury to make the blood bleed ...

长沙县17737115862: 汉译英 - 5个句子
夔郊舍兰: 1.Do not doodle or scribble on the historical monuments. 2.Cherish the relics, protect the surrounding environment. 3.Increase your knowledge about cultural relics. 4.Clearly understands and relizes the importance of protecting the cultural relics. 5. ...

长沙县17737115862: 翻译几个句子 中译英~~~~~~帮帮忙,很急.1.当时不必这么匆忙2.今天早晨他不可能把这个沉重的箱子搬到楼上3.琳达已经上班去了,她一定是坐公交车去的4.... -
夔郊舍兰:[答案] I shoulden't have been so hurry.He can't have taken the heavy suitcase this morning.Linda has gone to work,she must have taken the bus.He shoulden't have thrown away the old clothes.I should have read...

长沙县17737115862: 帮忙翻译5个句子~~中译英,翻译机的别来 -
夔郊舍兰: 1.他由一个学生扶着走进了大厅 (support 作伴随状语) He has entered to the hall under the support by a student.2.看完电影他回家了. (分词一般完成时) He went home after watching the movie.3.过马路时,你必须朝四周望望 (分词作状语)...

长沙县17737115862: 急!急!急!汉译英,五个句子1:处理这些问题全凭经验.2:请你帮我在纽约预定一个四星级宾馆的房间好吗?:3我们两国之间已有十年的贸易关系.4:整... -
夔郊舍兰:[答案] 1 Handling these questions is all by the experiences.2 could you please book a room in a four star hotel in New York.3 There have been trade relationship for 10 years between our two countries.4 The w...

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