the warm water round the hot oil pipes under the sea 请问round是什么词性,为什么不用around

作者&投稿:乌纨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Lesson 90 What's for supper? 晚餐吃什么?

Fish and chips has always been a favourite dish in Britain, but as the oceans have been overfished, fish has become more and more expensive. So it comes as a surprise to learn that giant fish are terrifying the divers on North Sea oil rigs. Oil rigs have to be repaired 5 frequently and divers, who often have to work in darkness a hundred feet under water, have been frightened out of their wits by giant fish bumping into them as they work. Now they have had special cages made to protect them from these monsters. The fish are not sharksor killer whales, but favourite eating varieties like cod and skate which grow to unnatural sizes, sometimes as 10 much as twelve feet in length. Three factors have caused these fish to grow so large: the warm water round the hot oil pipes under the sea; the plentiful supply of food thrown overboard by the crews on the rigs; the total absence of fishing boats around the oil rigs. As a result, the fish just eat and eat and grow and grow in the lovely warm water. Who eats who?


【例如】You can see the post office round/around that corner.
【例如】The post office is just round (around) the house (用作介词).
He has round face (用作形容词).
The river rounded the stones(用作动词).
【例如】The earth revolves round(around)the sun.(地球绕太阳运行。)
They sat round(around)the table.(他们围着桌子而坐。)
New things are happening all round(around) us.(新事物在我们周围不断发生。)
There is a small restaurant round(around)the corner.(绕过街角有一家小餐馆。)
【例如】The news that President Clinton was coming spread rapidly around the campus.(克林顿总统就要到来的消息很快地就在校园里传开啦。)
5、around 还可以表示"不止一处","在许多地方","在不同地方".但在美国英语里,一般只用around
【例如】The students are standing around.(学生们在到处站着。)
They are rushing around in New York.(他们在New York到处奔波。)

around and round 都可作介词用,通常可以互换,只不过美语常用around,而英语常用round,例如:You can see the post office round/around that corner. (绕过那个弯你就可以看到邮局。
但round可以用作形容词、副词、介词、动词、名词;而around只能用作副词或介词。例如:The post office is just round (around) the house (用作介词). He has round face (用作形容词). The river rounded the stones. (用作动词)??

在the warm water round the hot oil pipes under the sea 中不能用around替换round, 因为round在此做动词用

round是副词,around 和round可以通用




英 [raʊnd] 美 [raʊnd]
n. 圆;循环;一回合;圆形物
adj. 圆的;完全的;大概的;肥胖的
adv. 在周围;迂回地;朝反方向;挨个
vt. 完成;围捕;绕行;弄圆
vi. 进展;变圆;环行;发胖
prep. 附近;绕过;大约;在…周围

【prep. 附近;绕过;大约;在…周围】round有介词的意思,就相当于around
这里用round只是更生动形象而已,因为 round 有“圆的”的意思,也与后面 oil pipes(油管)的形状呼应。

如果这里是around, 你又会问为什么不用round了。 都对的

岳池县18461446047: The wram water 可不可数 后面加have 还是has -
姜柴苏爽: has

岳池县18461446047: 请教round与around是否可以互换 -
姜柴苏爽: round只是介词的用法,后面必须要有宾语,组成介宾结构;而around还有副词的用法,后面在有些时候是可以没有宾语的.所以,在后面有宾语的时候可以互换,而没有宾语的时候只能用around.

岳池县18461446047: warm water 中间需要加介词吗 -
姜柴苏爽:[答案] 如果表示“温暖的水”,可以是the warm water 如果表示“加热水”,可以用heat the water 、warm up the water

岳池县18461446047: warm water about 50ml 什么意思 -
姜柴苏爽: warm water about 50ml意思是温暖的水约50ml.例句 1 Dissolve the salt in the warm water. 把盐放在温水里溶解. 2 Tropical cyclones like Haiyun typically form over large bodies of relatively warm water. 像海燕这样的热带气旋通常形成于大片相对...

岳池县18461446047: 翻译一句 temperature drop to make . -
姜柴苏爽: 这意味着较少的温水来被冷冻. 并且,温水比冷水冷冻的更快-尽管温水下降的温度要比冷水多.最后一部分直译下来自,是说“尽管it(温水)要下降更多的温度” 提取出主干为 it had XXX to make,有什么什么需要去百做 a greater temperature drop是要做的事,即“一个更大的温度下降(程度)”不知道这样说清不清楚,不过我还真不知道,原来温水比冷水更容易度结冰呀~

岳池县18461446047: - ----of the warm water----already been used up. -
姜柴苏爽: C,Two-thieds,has 不可数名词被分数词+of修饰后仍然不可数.分数词由基数词加序数词构成,序数词可以是复数(如果基数词大于等于2) 中间加“连字符”表示这是一个词,但不加也可以.

岳池县18461446047: 我们如何节约用水 英语作文 -
姜柴苏爽: With the progress of industrialization, the quantity of fresh water on our earth is gradually diminishing. Water is very important to the survival of living things, including plants and human beings. Without water, lives will disappear on earth. Therefore, ...

岳池县18461446047: 英语翻译,温水英语怎么说?warm water?不是开水- - -
姜柴苏爽:[答案] When coughing,you can't cough towards the person next to you,you should turn the head to the other side.

岳池县18461446047: a bit/a bit of; a little/a little of这四个单词有什么区别呢?这句话该怎么选呢?The water is - ___ - cold.Please give me - ____warm water.A;a little;a bit B;a little;... -
姜柴苏爽:[答案] D 1.因为没有a little of,所以BC排除. 2.第二个空由于后面跟名词(warm water),因此要用a bit of(在这题里),所以A排除.

岳池县18461446047: water ro中文是什么意思? -
姜柴苏爽: RO在净水行业里是反渗透的意思,纯水机也叫RO机,就是用反渗透膜(RO膜)来过滤水中杂质,得到纯水.water ro应该是纯水的意思吧.

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