
作者&投稿:荆桑 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Today is a fine day,My friends and I is playing in the Summer Palace,we are really enjoying it.
Betty is buying present for her parents.she want to buy a beatiful present for her parents.Lingling is taking phonts with guide,She really happy.as for Daming, he is talking with miss Wang.I don't know what they talk,maybe they are talking about
the Summer Palace.……
The Summer Palace is really great.
I hope you can visit Summer Palace.


Dear sir / madam,
I have read your advertisement in China Daily. I'm interested in the position. Now allow me to introduce myself to you.
My name is Zhang Lin, female, and I'm 20 years old now. I am in good heath. I have learned English for six years and my spoken and written English are both excellent. Besides, I used to be an office secretary in a small local company. Therefore, I have the experience in bookkeeping, typewriting, public relations and I can operate a PC very fluently. I'm sure I can contribute myself to your firm's development.
I am looking forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely,
Zhang Lin

I really like the sentence"Work hard and play hard".That means we should not only study,but also play,and weekend is for us to play!
I will have a good sleep frist and then,go jogging.Because I know that sports can keep me healthy.
Then I will ask my best friend Jack to go to the park.It is spring now,I want to see the red flowers and green trees.
In the afternoon,we will go boating in the lake,I like the wind bowing my face when I am boating!
The next day, I will stay at home and help my mother with her housework.
At night,I'll watch TV,and go to sleep early for I have to go to school the next day.
What an interesting weekend!

The weekends is coming .What should I do during that time?
First ,as a student I tink the first thing I must do is to study.I will make a vision of all my subjects .I couldn't study all the time ,after that I want to play football .Football is my favorite sprot and it makes my bodys very story.I will watch TV at night,there are many programmes I like to see,such as cartoons .What do you think of my plan?

How will you spend this weekwnds ?
There are many ways to spend your weekends.For example, playing football,volleyball and basketball,do more exercise can help you to keep in good health.Of course,you must to do your homework at first.And if you have a lot of time,you can spend it to help your parents do some housework.They will say: how lovely a boy(or girl) you are!


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