
作者&投稿:赏农 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


high-effective adsorbent 高效吸附剂
residual ammine 残氨

【Activated carbon has been successfully used in numerous gas processing applications for many years. Activated carbon's highly porous nature and large surface area make it an ideal adsorbent for removing trace contaminants from liquid and gaseous streams. For some inorganic contaminants encountered in gas processing operations, removal can be enhanced by impregnation of the activated carbon to promote both physical adsorption and chemisorption.】

【AC is a black, solid substance resembling granular or
powdered charcoal. It is extremely porous with a very large
surface area. One ounce of AC has an estimated 30,000 square
yards of surface area. Certain contaminants accumulate on the
surface of the AC. This is called adsorption. The two main
reasons that chemicals adsorb onto AC is 1) a "dislike" of the
water and 2) attraction to the AC. Adsorption of most
contaminants results from a combination of 1 and 2. Many organic compounds, such as chlorinated and nonchlorinated solvents,gasoline, pesticides and trihalomethanes can be adsorbed by AC.AC is also effective for removal of chlorine and moderately effective for removal of some heavy metals. Metals that are bound to organic molecules will also be removed by AC.Fluoride,chloride, nitrate, hardness (calcium and magnesium) and most metal ions are not removed by AC to any significant degree.
It is important to note that carbon is not necessarily the
same as AC. AC removes vastly more contaminants from water than does ordinary carbon.】

【Activated carbon is remarkable, highly adsorbent material with a large number of applications in the remediation of contaminated groundwater. Its properties and uses have been known for centuries, but modern applications involving water and wastewater treatment have expanded the understanding of its nature and potential.
Activated carbon is an effective absorbent primarily due to its extensive porosity and very large available surface area. The chemical nature of the carbon's adsorptive surface is also important but is usually considered much less significant. The specific properties of an activated carbon are the result of both the raw material used to produce it and the activation process, which boosts its adsorbent qualities.
A variety of raw materials, including wood and coal, are used in activated carbon manufacture, making it plentiful, relatively inexpensive, and versatile. It is generally manufactured as either granular activated carbon (GAC) or powdered activated carbon (PAC). In the most popular granular form, activated carbon is used as a filter medium through which contaminated water or air is passed. The powdered form is mixed into wastewater to react with contaminants and later filtered or settled from the mixture. These two forms may be applied to a variety of treatment systems.
Activated carbon is used in water and wastewater treatment primarily as an adsorbent for the removal of relatively low levels of organic and inorganic contaminants via transfer from the dissolved phase to the solid carbon surface. While its adsorbent nature also makes it useful for the filtration of contaminated air, only its use in water treatment will be considered in this document.
Most forms of activated carbon are non-polar in nature, so they have the greatest affinity for other non-polar substances. As a result, they are most effective in the removal of a variety of organic contaminants, including trihalomethanes, pesticides and herbicides, and polyaromatic hydrocarbons. However, activated carbon may also be used for the removal of trace metals such as cadmium and lead, and it has also been effective in removing some polar organics as well. On the other hand, activated carbons do not effectively remove contaminants of high solubility or inorganic salts like nitrates.
In remediation systems, activated carbon is almost always used as a component in some form of pump-and-treat system. Commonly, it is used as a sorptive filter medium through which contaminated water is passed before it is re-injected or routed to a stream or sewer. In these applications, activated carbon is most commonly used as a tertiary step, in which low concentrations of contaminants are removed from partially treated water.】

【Activated carbon is a carbonaceous adsorbent with a high internal porosity, and hence a large internal surface area. Commercial activated carbon grades have an internal surface area of 500 up to 1500 m2/g. Related to the type of application, two major product groups exist:

Powdered activated carbon; particle size 1-150 micron
Granular activated carbon (granulated or extruded), particle size in the 0.5-4 mm range

A proper activated carbon has a number of unique characteristics: a large internal surface area, dedicated (surface) chemical properties and good accessibility of internal pores. According to IUPAC definitions three groups of pores are distinguished:
Macropores (above 50 nm diameter)
Mesopores (2-50 nm diameter)
Micropores (under 2 nm diameter)

Research efforts are going on (Mohammed et al., 1998;
Wang et al., 2005) for development of such type of wastewater
treatment technologies. Fly ash can be used as a
promising adsorbent for removal of various types of pollutants
from wastewater (Patnaik et al., 1996; Wang and Wu,
2006). Low cost adsorbents of different origins like Industrial
waste material, bagasse fly ash and jute-processing
waste can also be used for removal of organic matter from
wastewater (Manju et al., 1998; Banerje and Dastidar,
2005; Srivastava et al., 2005; Bhatnagar, 2007). Removal
of organic matter from wastewaters with the help of activated
carbons prepared from waste materials has also been
reported in the literature (Pala and Tokat, 2002). Various
low cost adsorbents like chitin, chitosan, corn stalks, peat,
rice husk and wood have been used for removal of organic
matter from industrial effluent (Hall, 1975; Poots et al.,
1976; George, 1982; Mckay et al., 1980; Annadurai and
Krishan, 1996; Sharma and Sharma, 1994).
Adsorption-based innovative technology (Devi et al.,
2002; Devi and Dahiya, 2006) developed with low cost carbonaceous
materials showed good potential, more so for
COD removal from such wastewater. Such adsorption
approach can offer an easy and economic solution to these
environmental challenges. Moreover, activated carbon is
considered very effective in reduction of color, absorbable
organic halides (AOX) and non-biodegradable pollutants
of such wastewater (Mall and Prasad, 1998; Mall and
Upadhyay, 1998) but this process has some additional costs
associated with the production of activated carbon
(Shawwa et al., 2001).
The aim of this study was to assess the potential of Avacado
peel carbon in reduction of COD and BOD concentration
from coffee processing wastewater. For this
purpose, activated carbon prepared from Avacado peel
has been used in the present study to see the feasibility of
adsorbent under batch operation and accordingly, optimum
operating conditions have been worked out for the
treatment of coffee processing wastewater.

椰壳可制成独特的工艺品―“椰雕”和工业原料活性炭。老椰树树干质地坚硬,纹理美观,可制作精美的家具。椰根还能作药,能治痢疾。据不完全统计,椰子的用途有360多种,因而它被誉为“宝树”。 椰子有两个品种:高种和矮种。海南椰子品种以高种为主。矮种种植通常是为了生产嫩果和观赏。由这两个品种杂交培育的品种...

光线比较暗的地方使用的效果就不会太理想。像光触媒木质精油就是不错的去除地板等木质材料的光触媒。3、空气净化器 空气净化器只能净化一定的范围,好一点的空气净化器需要3000元以上。空气净化器去甲醛实际用的是净化器内部活性炭的吸附方法,效果一般,而且时间长了要换活性炭,价格也不低。

根据这一发现,科学家们很快就设 计、制造出了第一批防毒面具。但这种 防毒面具没有直接采用泥土作为吸附 剂,而是使用吸附能力很强的活性炭, 猪嘴的形状能装入较多的活性炭。如今 尽管吸附剂的性能越来越优良,但它酷 似猪嘴的基本样式却一直没有改变。 注:防毒面具可以说是模仿猪嘴的一件 杰作。

目前,活性炭罐蒸发电控装置得到了广泛应用。停车期间,利用活性炭罐吸收汽油蒸气,防止向大气扩散;发动机运行后,ECU控制活性炭罐与进气管之间的导通,利用进气真空度将活性炭罐中吸附的汽油蒸气吸入进气管,这样可有效防止汽油蒸气的外逸,降低 HC的排放污染。5.曲轴箱强制通风电控系统曲轴箱强制通风电控...


在这些活性炭的孔中“灌进”甲醇,就像海绵吸水一样,活性炭可以吸进好多甲醇。 甲醇起什么作用呢?它和电冰箱中的制冷剂氟里昂的作用是一样的。在夜晚没有太阳时,因气温下降,接收器内的活性炭就吸进液态的甲醇。白天,太阳能接收器被太阳一晒,活性炭中的甲醇就变成气体,甲醇气化就会吸收大量周围的热量,起到冷却...

回答:太湖水污染的真正原因——硫醚类物质 今年1月11日,美国《科学》杂志“来信”栏目刊登了一篇文章,作者是中国科学院生态环境研究中心环境水质学国家重点实验室的杨敏等几位研究员。他们将反驳的矛头直指几个月前同样刊登在《科学》杂志“来信”上的一篇关于“太湖水质问题是由于蓝藻暴发所导致”的文章。...

二级反应CODCr去除率为20%~25%,同时气浮也去除了Zn2+和一部分的表面活性剂。2.4 深度处理 深度处理采用砂滤和活性炭过滤。从运行情况看,经砂滤后的出水即能达到排放标准(CODCr≤300mg\/L)。砂滤装置的过滤速度控制在10~12m3\/(m2·h)。反冲洗水由监测水箱中的水加压后提供,反冲洗强度控制在16~18L\/(m2·...


或留下不同程度的智能落后、运动障碍等。成人的衣服放置了樟脑丸后。拿出来穿以前也要晒一阵子,待萘酚的气味消失后再穿,以免接触新生儿后导致新生儿溶血。 如何使衣柜中的衣服无异味 1、活性炭吸附法 活性炭是生活中最常用的吸附物质了,它具有孔隙多的特点,对甲醛等有害物质具有很强的吸附和分解作用,活性炭的...

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蒸若乙肝: 燃煤烟气中汞吸附的研究综述 江贻满;杨祥花;杨立国;段钰锋 概述了燃煤烟气中汞的吸附特性,综述了活性炭、飞灰和其它吸附剂对汞的吸附机理和影响因素,探讨了汞的吸附模型.指出活性炭对汞的脱除效率可达到90%以上,但成本高,...

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