
作者&投稿:滕艺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Water is essential every day is very important, is the source of life, so we have to conserve water. Save water is our duty, water conservation is to protect their own lives. In daily life, we start from the trivial, from the start bit by bit, let us do it. For example, the time off the tap water used for watering vegetables. Let us do it.这个好吗 希望采纳

Earth is our mother.Without earth ,without life.It provides us with enough water,food,sunshine,mineral and so on.I can even say we can only live in the earth .There may isn't any celestial body like earth that our human can live .But there is only one earth in the world,so please protect it ,protect our "mother",we can do it from little things such as saving water,planting trees and so on. So please do it right now,for ourselfs,for our younger generation.

Water is the source of life, life, human health is first from the water. People can the several day does not eat, but can not be without water for several days. And now, 2000000000 of the world population is a serious water shortage! That is to say water is the life of 2000000000 people. And every year around the world due to drink clean water and the death of a child has 50000000 people! The numbers are what a strike the eye and rouse the mind! The water crisis, has sounded an alarm to human beings! Water saving, protection of water resources is now the priority among priorities!



我们如何节约用水 英语作文
水对我们如此重要,但是随着工业化的推进,地球上的淡水越来越少,人类生命的源泉——水就要消亡,所以我们需要节约用水和保护水资源。那么我们该怎么在日常生活中节约用水呢? 首先,当洗衣服时,不要随便把肥皂水倒掉,最好倒在一个桶里,留着拖地时使用。 第二,自行车、家用小轿车清洁时,可以不用水冲,改用湿布擦,...

有关节约用水的作文1 一直以来,我总以为水是取之不尽 用之不竭的。 小时候,不懂事的我总喜欢玩水。折一叶小纸船,拿几颗鹅卵石,再带上一把小水枪,爬到水槽旁,放满水,就会兴高采烈地玩起来,把水弄得满身都是,到处都是。 上一年级以后,我学会了自己洗澡。没次洗澡,我总是把水龙头开到最大,甚至在擦沐浴...

节约水资源学生作文【篇1】 同学们你们知道吗?我国是全球第十三个水资源最贫乏的国家之一。如果你在我国的北方,那里缺水严重,北方的淡水相当于只有南方的四分之一,难道你还要浪费水吗? 水是生命的源泉,更是经济的命脉!我们谁也离不来水的怀抱。请你想象一下,如果地球上没有了水,我们的家园将会变成什么样子?人...

篇一:珍惜水资源,节约用水的作文 晚饭前,我走进洗涮间洗手。扭开水笼头,一股清泉流出来,我搓了搓手,转过身,拿起毛巾擦了擦,坐到餐桌前。爸爸也随后走进洗涮间。我正要吃饭,爸爸说:"晓菡,你怎么不关水笼头呢?你看,这么多清水白白流走了,多么浪费呀!"我知道自己做错了事,感到很...

有关节约用水的作文1 “水是生命之源”万物生长都离不开水,然而随着时代发展,人们对水资源的浪费也在与日俱增,为了节约用水,在市区里建了几家污水处理厂,将污水净化,再次为人们所用。20_年是第26个“城市节水周。”这次我有幸能和清英小记者们一起走进武南污水处理厂,一座花园式,现代化的工厂。 武南污水...

现在,在生活中,如果我看到别人浪费水,第一时间我会去提醒别人,让别人也成为保护水源的人。希望别人都能从我做起节约、珍惜每一滴水! 有关节约用水的作文4 “我们中国水资源被列为世界上十三个最缺水的国家之一!” 当我翻开《美丽中国,美好家园》这本书,读到这一段话时,我目瞪口呆,我的眼前不禁浮现出干涸...

下面是我为你带来的节约用水三年级作文,希望你能喜欢和收藏。 节约用水三年级作文(篇1) 早上,天色转阴了,丁丁正要出去,他怕会下雨,就带了雨伞。路上,真的下雨了,“滴答滴答”,丁丁撑开雨伞,继续向前走。忽然丁丁发现路边贴着一张纸条,上面写着‘节约用水’。丁丁想:雨水也是水,也应该节约。他灵机一动,想...

1、早上洗脸用的水可以冲厕所,浇花; 2、可以喝的水喝不完也可以用那水漱口。 节约用水,从我做起,请大家节约用水。 节约水资源作文4 “当最后一片叶子落下时,生命就都结束了,我也得离开这个世界而去了。”这是《最后一片叶子》书中的句子,它无形中揭示了一个事实:人离不开赖以生存的大自然,更离不开水...

地球上的淡水资源是有限的,再加上环境污染等问题,因此在缺水地区的水资源是十分宝贵的财富,我们应该要学会节约用水。以下是由我为大家整理的“节约用水作文400字左右”,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。节约用水作文400字左右(一) 在一个晴朗的周末,我们一家人和朋友们去春游,我和伙伴们一起打篮球,...

水是我们的生命之源,我们离不开水。在平常的生活中,我们应该节约水资源,不要浪费水资源。 珍惜水资源作文7 周末,我们走进了扬州六圩洁源排水公司的大门。 一进大门,我们便被眼前的机器所吸引了。最先来到的是进水池,那里的味道可真怪啊!闻得我有种想吐的感觉,工作人员介绍称,这个进水池有10米深,我一听,站...

新干县13649528630: 英语作文《节约水资源》60字左右,谁帮我?лл -
桂衬金格:[答案] Water is the source of life, life, human health is first from the water. People can the several day does not eat, but can not be without water for several days. And now, 2000000000 of the world popula...

新干县13649528630: 关于节水的英语作文60字 -
桂衬金格: :(Save Water)As we all know water is very important. We should try to save it. First, when we finish washing the clothes or dishes, we can use the water to clean the floor. Second, If we see the dripping tap, we must fix the tap as soon as possible. ...

新干县13649528630: 关于节约用水的英语作文(60 - 70词) 1.我们的生活离不开水 2地球表面四分之三覆盖着水,但饮用水只占很少3,水污染越来越严重4生活中要处处节约用... -
桂衬金格:[答案] With the growing of the populaiton and the polution of rivers and lakes,it is now becoming more and more difficult for us to have access to drinking water.The shortage of drinking water has becoming a serious problem in many parts of our country.As a ...

新干县13649528630: 写一篇有关《节约用水》的英语作文,60词,不能出现人名地名,三个段落,水的重要性和怎样节约用水.谢... -
桂衬金格: In recent years, water becomes more imporant,so how we protect the water from the pollution.To begin with,All of the creatures made of the water,water is essential things that we live in the earth.so we can't live without water.Moreover,we can use ...

新干县13649528630: 节约用水,从现在起的英语作文 60词左右
桂衬金格: Hello, my name is water. Life, everywhere. Wash and brush, wash hair, cooking, cooking, washing clothes. You see how important life everywhere, I cannot, so everyone should cherish, saving water blessing. Everybody must be hard, vying for saving ...

新干县13649528630: 求一篇六十字的英文作文保护水资源的作文要求1、很多工厂排废水到河里和湖里2、有些人在日常生活中浪费水资源3、我们要保护好水资源不要那麽深,初... -
桂衬金格:[答案] Water Resource Protection We human beings cannot live without water,and water resource is limited,but nowadays,much water is polluted and wasted. Many factories discharge waste water into rivers,lakes and even seas.Water pollution has become a ...

新干县13649528630: 保护水资源、节省资源、环境保护的英语作文60字带翻译 -
桂衬金格: Environmental protection is a heated issue nowadays. Everyone should dedicate to preserving natural resources, especially water resource that is extremely scarce in China, a country with the largest population in the world. If each person can help ...

新干县13649528630: 怎样节约水资源英语作文130字? -
桂衬金格: 如何节约用水英语作文 Water has no colourno shapesno taste and no smell.Water is every where.It's in the oceanin the seain the river and in the late.Water is useful.We use water to cook rice.We use water to take showers.We use water to put out ...

新干县13649528630: 英语作文:Let's save water重点写为什么节约用水、怎样节约用水,不少于六十字 -
桂衬金格:[答案] Nowadays ,water has been little and little.Many people waste the water,they doesn't use it to drink,they don't know how many people on the world need water.So,please save some water,if you don't need ...

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