用|ook out of造句一个过去一个现在

作者&投稿:戊全 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
用out of造句几分之几的意思~

nine out of ten
[英][naɪn aut ɔv ten][美][naɪn aʊt ʌv tɛn]



Nine out of ten compounds cannot penetrate the brain, research shows.



Researchers have found that up to nine out of ten american bank notes bear traces of cocaine.



Nine out of ten crimes go unreported in both territories, which means even accurate data on recorded crime would be of limited value.



Fewer than half of the murders last year have even a provisional official explanation, and nine out of ten go unpunished.


out of breath 上气不接下气; out of balance 失去平衡; out of stock 脱销; out of date 过时; out of patience 不耐烦; out of control 失去控制; out of business破产; out of style过时,不时髦

out of work 失业; out of the ordinary 不寻常的; out of touch 失去联系; out of question 毫无疑问...

I think we're out of the woods at last.我想我们摆脱了危险的处境。

现在 - I look out of the window and see children playing.
过去 - She looked out of the window and saw a bird on the tree.

黄岛区19290306699: 用come out of造句 -
蒙兴头孢: come out of有三种意思,你需要哪种啊? 1. 从...出来,离开... (常用) These children are coming out of the building. 这些孩子正从大楼里出来. 2. 由...引起,从...而来,从...发出,从...得出结果 Her ideas seem to come out of nowhere. 她的想法好像空穴来风. 3. 从...脱落;脱离,摆脱 Would you please come out of the sun? 你能避开太阳到晒不到的地方吗?

黄岛区19290306699: took out of造句. 不用太长 -
蒙兴头孢: took out of: 领出/取出/拿出 The dentist took out two of my teeth. 牙医生取掉了我两颗牙

黄岛区19290306699: 用look out of造句 -
蒙兴头孢: She looked out of the window and saw the postman coming up the path.她向窗外望去,看见邮递员正从小道上过来.His arty clothes look out of place in the office.他的奇装异服,在办公室里很不顺眼.Look out of the window,I see a lot of children play and yell.我从窗口往外张望时,看到许多小孩一面玩耍一面叫嚷.

黄岛区19290306699: take out of造句并翻译,简单些,翻译一下短语,英语造句 -
蒙兴头孢: take out of: 短语动词指摆脱,脱离:eg. I want to take out of the home work; 还有take out of 而言,从···里取;出···所要取出的东西;也可以理解为 take sth out of ;eg. He took a book out of his bag.

黄岛区19290306699: 用takeoutof造句 -
蒙兴头孢: Now, I'm gonna set that backpack on fire. What do you want to take out of it

黄岛区19290306699: 用get out of造句 -
蒙兴头孢: He said he would one day get out of jail. 他说总有一天他会走出监狱,重新做人.如果答案对您有帮助,请点采纳或右上角好评哦!!谢谢 O(∩_∩)O

黄岛区19290306699: 用look out of造句
蒙兴头孢: Look out of the window,please!

黄岛区19290306699: 假期旅游越来越流行,因为人们能从中获得乐趣.用get a kick out of 造句 -
蒙兴头孢: Travelling during vocations become more and more popular, because people get a kick out of it.Get a kick out of sth,从…中得到乐趣

黄岛区19290306699: 用“take out of”造两个英语句子 -
蒙兴头孢: What did jim take out of his pocket? 杰姆从口袋里拿出了什么? So what I would take out of that is that the lesson would be that you spenttoo much money. 我的理解是,这个计划来看,你们吸取的经验教训就是,公司之前开支过度了.

黄岛区19290306699: kick out of 的用法 -
蒙兴头孢: 原文:I get a great kick out of watching him skating. 译文:我看他滑冰,被狠狠踢了出来.辨误:原译者看到kickout就想当然地译成了"被踢出来",谁都知道He was kicked out of his...

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