
作者&投稿:逯使 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Marry is my classmate as well as my good friend.We have knew each other for ten years,liveing in same XX,so we always go to school together.Marry is a nice girl with long hair,big eyes and sweet smile.....
In the teachers' eyes,Marry is a person who is hard-working and hard-studying.
What's more,Marry is very cute and kind-hearted.If there's somenoe need her help,she always do what she can to help the person.I am proud to have such a good friend.

Blairismy classmate as well as my best friend. We have already known each other for ten years. We live in the same block so that we always go to school together. She has long hair, big eyes and sweet smile, which makes her popular in my class. Blair works hard and she is a good student in the eyes of teachers. Besides, she is clever and kindhearted. When others turn to her for help, she always tries her best to help. I feel proud to have such a good friend.Blairismy同学以及我最好的朋友。

Marry is not only my classmate but my good friend.We've been friends for 10 years.We live in the same city--XX,so we always go to school together.Marry has long hair,big eyes,and she smiles lovely.
Marry is a girl working and learning hard for her teachers.
Marry is a lovely,kind person.If others need her help,she will try to help them.I'm proud that I have such a good friend.

Marry is my classmate and also my friend.We've knew each other for ten years.We've live at the same XX,so we could go to school together.Marry's hair is very long,she's eye is big and bright,she's smile is so sweet too.In the eye of the teacher,Marry is a girl whoes job and study done well.Marry is a cute、kind girl.If someone need her help,she alway gives her hand to him/her.I'm so proud of her,my best friend.

关于pascal中数组的内存申请问题——跪求 回答得好,分不是问题!!采纳...
longint 占4字节 integer 占2字节 另外,自己看对照表 方法:一唯数组 array[1..n] of longint;s:=n*4\/1024\/1024 s 就是MB下的内存大小 一唯数组 array[1..n,1..n] of longint;s:=n*n*4\/1024\/1024 同理 三唯 ,四维类似 ...

C语言里面 数组都要事先定义长度吗 ?
C语言数组的长度是预先定义好的,在整个程序中固定不变。操作方法如下:1、首先,点击进人visual studio,然后新建一个c项目。2、接着,在源代码中添加c项目所使用的头文件,输入即可,如下图所示。3、首先定义一个整型数组array,将其长度设置为4。4、然后定义一个整型数据length,该参数用来储存数组...


VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, [range_lookup])VLOOKUP 函数语法具有下列参数 (参数:为操作、事件、方法、属性、函数或过程提供信息的值。):lookup_value 必需。要在表格或区域的第一列中搜索的值。lookup_value 参数可以是值或引用。如果为 lookup_value 参数提供的值小于 ...

同学们,眼睛是心灵的窗户,我们应该爱护它。 30.这孩子黑虎头似的脸上,长着一对铜铃一般的大眼睛,十分精神。Array这小子两只狡猾的小眼睛三眨两转悠,一个新的“鬼点”马上出来了。 描写眼睛的句子唯美女生 描写眼睛的句子唯美女生【篇一】 1.多美丽的一双小眼睛!我望着他,不禁心里赞美。如果说世界有神圣美丽的...


function searchKeys(needle, haystack){ var result = []; for (i in haystack){if (haystack[i] == needle){ result.push(i);}} return result;}var array = [1,2,1,3,1,4,1,5,1,1];var val = 1;var result = searchKeys(val, array);alert(result);这里写了一...

在进行制作的过程中,可以首先进行一个数组变量。例如:numbers[100]来代替直接声明100个独立变量number0,number1,...,number99。如何声明数组变量 制作的时候,必须声明数组的变量,这样才能在程序中很好的使用数组。在进行使用的过程中,可以采用dataType[]arrayRefVar的声明风格声明数组变量。在使用的时...

vb 多维数组是什么意思? 通俗的说是 数组的数组, Dim arr As Variant arr = Array(Array(1.2, 3.4), Array(5.6, 7.8)) Debug.Print arr(1)(1)VB程序中控件数组是什么意思 例如你编程中所用到的按钮,文本框等等,这类东西是控件,用他们所组成的数组就是控件数组,控件数组的...

同学,给你个例子,你可以照着自己写一下,没有多难的 在例子B2中输入 =VLOOKUP(A2,E$2:F$6,2,)这个例子是通过名称找出对应单价,你的问题可以根据类型来查找。

滨州市15079569848: Mary是我的同学,我叫Lily,我要写给她一封信(英语).怎么办?30字左右就行鸟~要运用小学英语知识!最好有译文~ -
纪路乳酸:[答案] Dear mary, long time no seeing .how is everything going with you ?I heard you get a new dog ,what about it ,tell me ,ok? best regards! lily 亲爱的玛利 好久没见了,你过的怎么样,我听说你得到了一条新狗,它怎么样啊?告诉我,好不? 最好的问候 丽丽

滨州市15079569848: 英语翻译1.JIM不仅是我的同学也是我的好朋友 翻译成英语,最好用NOT ONLY,BUT ALSO2.当JIM在走廊上行走时遇到我们的老师时,她总会有礼貌的向老师... -
纪路乳酸:[答案] 1. Jim is not only my classmate but also my best friend. 2. Jim always gently say hello to our teacher when she meets them in the hallway. 3. Jim is always willing to help us when we in difficulty

滨州市15079569848: 英语作文,1,介绍自己,2我的好朋友Marry,五句至八句, -
纪路乳酸:[答案] My name is Lucy,I come from China.I am 12 years old.I like ice cream and I would like to help my grandma to make coffee at home.I have a good friend named Marry.She is very pretty and adorable.A lot o...

滨州市15079569848: 英语作文(100字) 你去Marry 家,请她参加你的生日聚会,但是她不在家,你给她留了便条,内容包括:*明天是我的生日,你会参加我的生日聚会吗?聚会晚上6:30开始*你的家人,朋友及同学都会来,你会见到他们*如果你能来,就打电话给我,我很希望你能来 -
纪路乳酸: Tomorrow is my birthday, you will come to my birthday party? The party will begin at 6:30 in the evening, your family, friends and classmates will come, you see them. If you can come, you call me, I really hope you can come

滨州市15079569848: 我有道英语题目不懂,求英语翻译啊~~~~~~~~~约翰既是我的同学,又是我的好朋友.John is ( ) my classmate ( ) my good friend. -
纪路乳酸:[答案] neither or 这个不是既是 也是的意思嘛

滨州市15079569848: 假如你的朋友Marry跟她的一个好友吵架了,而刚好她又在上周的英语测试中没考好,所以她现在心情非常沮丧. -
纪路乳酸: Mary was ill yesterday so she didn't go to school. After school her classmates came to see her with flowers and fruit. They told her not to worry about her lessons because they could help her with her lessons. Marry was very moved and thanked them very much.

滨州市15079569848: 英语翻译我叫Mary,我认为朋友是相同且不同于自己的,我最好的朋友Tina,她有与我的相似之处也有与我的不同之处,她比我高,我喜欢看电视,但是她... -
纪路乳酸:[答案] Hello everyone. My name is Mary. I think that friends are similar but are also different from each other. My best friend is Tina. We have many similarities, but also many differences. She is taller than me. I like watching TV but she likes going to music ...

滨州市15079569848: 介绍一个人的英语短文,可以介绍朋友,给你们一个范本,帮我翻成英文版的.我的好朋友我的好朋友陈国蔚,是我的同班同学,今年11岁.(11用英文)她... -
纪路乳酸:[答案] My good friendMy good friend Chen Guowei is my classmate.She is eleven years old.She's a very beautiful girl .She likes dancing and playing the piano and has two clever little hamsters.可以咯~

滨州市15079569848: 英语翻译上周日是我的好朋友Mary的生日,我和一些同学们买了一些礼物.我买了一件漂亮的T恤衫送她.她很喜欢.我们一起唱生日歌、一起吃生日蛋糕.我们玩... -
纪路乳酸:[答案] It was my good friend,Mary's birthday last Sunday.Some classmates and i bought some presents.I bought a nice T-shirt for her.She was happy.We sang birthday song and ate birthday cake together. 不好意思啊,现在网络好卡啊~~~提交速度慢了……

滨州市15079569848: Marry和她的同学相处的很好(用英语怎么说)
纪路乳酸:Marry gets on well with her classmate. 就是这个答案哦

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