紧急!英语句子翻译 在线坐等!各位朋友们帮帮忙吧,时间紧急啊!非常感谢了~

作者&投稿:郝玉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1: Tonight, I went to a friend's birthday party, and everyone singing, dancing and playing very happy. 2:when I leave my friend's house it began to rain, it was late so I had to walk home

where there is way,there is a will.有志者,事竟成。

1.Our school will have a large-scale activity,it is for riching classmates' extracurricular knowledge.2.It will be held on April 16th 2011 ,7:00pm to 9:00pm.3.We will watch movies in the playground.4.Please pay attention to the rules when we watch movies.5.Please reach the playground early 10 minutes,don't late.6.Don't talk loudly ,don't throw away rubbish freely.7.After watching the movie you shoneed to write a piece of paper about the movie

In 1, our school will hold a large-scale activities, in order to increase students ' knowledge. In 2, time is April 16, 2011(Saturday) to the late7:009:30. 3, place of activity in the playground, watch movies. 4, watch a movie and pay attention to matters. 5, please arrive ten minutes ahead of the playground, don't be late. In 6, when viewing not noisy, not littering, confetti. In 7, after the movie to use English to write a review.

1.my school will hold a large-scale activity to improve the classmates‘ knowledge beyond classes。
2.the time is from 7:00pm to 9:00pm on April 16,2011(Saturday)。
3.the activity is watching movies on the playground。
4.please pay attention to related items when watching movies。
5.please arrive at the playground 10 minutes ahead and be on time。
6.neither make noise nor throw away fruit peel and paper scrap when watching。
7.write an review afer watching the movie。

1. our school will hold a large-scale event to enrich students' extracurricular knowledge.
2. The time is from 7:00pm to 9:30pm of April 16th 2011(Saturday).
3. Venue is playground, watching movie.
4. Matters needing attention during the movie.
5. do not be late, better be five minuts earlier to get to the venue.
6. no loud-talking, littering during the movie.
7. handing in a movie review after the movie.


青浦区19583674608: 紧急!!英语句子翻译 在线坐等!!各位朋友们帮帮忙吧,时间紧急啊!非常感谢了~
芒贩拓赛: There are 66% citizens who agreed the establishment of metro It was because they believe that taking metro is very convenient, fast, safe, and also safe of energy, that is not polluting the environment. Metro can also reduce the traffic jam and car ...

青浦区19583674608: 紧急:英语句子翻译!
芒贩拓赛: 1.Discard the rubbish in the morning 2.Feed the bird at the noon 3.Return the CD back to Lisa in the afternoon 4.Change water for gold-fish

青浦区19583674608: 紧急英语句子翻译问题
芒贩拓赛: calling himI stopped doing my homework to have dinner.

青浦区19583674608: 英语在线翻译,紧急····
芒贩拓赛: 当女孩吃了苹果之后,感觉身体轻飘飘的, after the girl ate the apple, she felt her body flying 画里的漂亮妇女拉着她的手,把她带到画里,和女孩一起在草原上奔跑着,十分开心, a beautifull lady in the fairyworld took the girl's hand and bring in ...

青浦区19583674608: 翻译英语句子…紧急!!!
芒贩拓赛: Sorry,I cant be with you any more.I strongly believe that you will find your own happiness one day... For your happiness,and also my future , let's break.

青浦区19583674608: 英语紧急翻译 在线等 帮忙啊~~~!!! -
芒贩拓赛: 我晕,怎么凌晨提问啊哥们儿...Sep.2000--Feb. 2004 vice manager in the 3rd(word里自动就变成上标了) constituent company/branch of *** Co.(写总公司名)Responsibilities in brief:1.Making and carrying out the future development plans of...

青浦区19583674608: 英语句子翻译紧急
芒贩拓赛: 1. Take some ice cream to the party 2. In the water to find some cookies 3. Like to go ice-breaking 4. To her mother to buy some gifts 5. To his grandmother issued an e-mail 6. Yongli Zhao teacher wrote to the supermarket 7. Go to the store to buy ...

青浦区19583674608: 英语:翻译句子(紧急) -
芒贩拓赛: I know the news from the newspaper that B&B company want to employ an English secretary .I write a letter to introduce my situation.

青浦区19583674608: 大家帮忙翻译几个句子!紧急啊!帮下啦 英语问题…谢谢 ,紧急 -
芒贩拓赛: “1、I intend to have a basketball. 2. I plan to play basketball today. 3.I wish to have a football. 4.I decide to play basketball. 5.I don' hope to rain today." 谢谢!

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